X resources leak with images

Loïc Minier lool@dooz.org
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 10:53:27 +0100


 I've been told in a recent bug report that Mozilla leaks X resources
 when displaying images.  First, I'm not really sure it's a real leak or
 whether Mozilla caches the rendered images to re-display them faster.

 My main problem is that it makes troubleshooting reported memory leaks
 harder, how do you distinguish these leaks from other memory leaks?


 Anyway, I noticed Debian Firefox has #238528, #280586, #286508; Epi
 seems quite clean on the topic; Galeon has #285761; and Debian Mozilla
 has #193248, #259432, #279891, #285884...

    Reproducing / tools

 You might be interested in the xrestop tool which is about displaying
 how much X resources a process allocates.  Launching xrestop in a
 terminal and watching the Galeon process shows it will grow fast up
 when loading the screenshots page of the Gimp homepage
 <http://www.gimp.org/screenshots/> for example.  Loading another URL or
 closing the tab won't help getting back the resources, you've got to
 stop the process first.

 Any thoughts?


Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."