Help offer: bug triage

Lior Kaplan kaplan at
Mon Aug 20 20:15:15 UTC 2007

Eric Dorland wrote:
> [+pkg-mozilla-maintainers]
> * Lior Kaplan (kaplan at wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> This mail is sent to several people / mainlists. Please don't reply to
>> all, but only to the relevant ones.
>> I've recently finished the bug triage [1], and I'm
>> looking for another candidate for similar triages.
>> I've notices that your packages (a) has a (relatively) large number of
>> bugs, or (b) a diversity of versions available without confirmation that
>> the bug do exist in the latest one.
>> If you're interested with getting help regarding this issue, please
>> reply. I'd be happy to hear suggestions about the goals of the triage of
>> your package.
> I think we would be very interested in any help you could offer. Some
> of our current problems are that there are still a number of bugs that
> are assigned to the firefox package even though it's named
> iceweasel. There are lots of unconfirmed bugs, and quite a lot of old
> bugs that can probably be fixed.

So I suggest the following triage goals:

1. Reassigning all the old mozilla bugs to the new names
2. Ping submitters and confirm bugs still exists in recent versions.
3. Close open bugs which are not confirmed and the submitter isn't
responsive (3 ping in 6 weeks time).

Other suggestions? Is this OK with you?

Some issues to consider:
Iceape - I would prefer to wait for version 1.1.4 to enter testing. I
don't see any reason to ping people while the stable version is higher
than the testing one.

Icedove - As version 2.0.0 is only available in unstable, and not in
testing, I'll try anyway to confirm the bugs with the submitters, but I
guess it will lead to limited results.

Iceweasel - probably the best candidate to start with due to the issues

Lior Kaplan
kaplan at

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