Bug#727528: connection reset on https://login.capitalone.com

Terry Watt bugreporter at bchemnet.com
Wed Jun 25 04:03:35 UTC 2014

I can also confirm that Capital One is blocking based on the "iceweasel" 
string.  I have attempted to communicate this issue to them, and have received 
back nothing but stock answers about using a "supported" browser or contacting a 
different support division.  I haven't been able to get the message through to 
anyone in their IT department who could do something about this.  But it's clear 
that this is no longer strictly a bug in Iceweasel (at least in 29.0.1) and is 
instead an issue with Capital One's server configuration.

In the meantime, I will just set my general.useragent.override to a random 
string when I need to log in to their website, and reset it when I'm done.  At 
least that's simpler than my previous solution, which was a virtual machine with 
an old firefox version.

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