[SCM] mediagoblin packaging annotated tag, v0.0.1, created. v0.0.1

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 20 22:08:02 UTC 2017

The annotated tag, v0.0.1 has been created
        at  9e37d614f7d471e6224e3b2e7727083f386d7456 (tag)
   tagging  3dca2776a63886adcaac4bde188fb9ec8e74cfe2 (commit)
 tagged by  Will Kahn-Greene
        on  Mon May 2 14:22:23 2011 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging 0.0.1 milestone.  Yay!

Christopher Allan Webber (124):
      Initial mediagoblin structure
      Basic but useless connection to the database
      A few adustments to the routing and etc
      Starting with the test submit view  using wtforms
      Still totally useless but at least it writes to the database
      Added session support w/ beaker
      beakered_app removed from the paste_app_factory.  Deployers should
      Adding requirements :)
      Commenting out beaker till we start using it :)
      Requiring mongokit
      Adding a skeletal models.py
      A simple register_modules helper function.
      required_values, default_values!  For the only two models we have.
      date_creation should be created
      Properly load in the database and register the connection with the models
      Ignore mediagoblin egg-info
      erp, connection[database_path] not connection['database_path'] obviously :P
      __collection__ should be auto-defined as media_entries
      A testing submit view that doesn't work but is getting closer to working.
      A semi-verbose braindump of what I think GNU MediaGoblin will use / look like / be.
      HTML export of the READMEish braindump.
      Basic authentication tools using py-bcrypt
      Unit tests for our bcrypt auth stuff.  Our first tests!
      Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Where did this o come from.
      Also make sure the auth system successfully returns False when login
      Put the User object officially in the 'users' document collection
      We should return a unicode object in bcrypt_gen_password_hash
      Base mediagoblin template, and register templates
      Registering almost works right :)
      Return an HTTPFound, not HTTPTemporaryRedirect
      Use the passwordfield for password fields, obviously ;o
      Added a fake_login_attempt utility.
      starting to write login code
      Clarified documentation on fake_login_attempt and restored bcrypt import
      Use beaker from middleware, it's official.
      Added a check_login command to User
      Logins seem to work.
      Working logout function
      Also handle when there is no such user
      We should use one instead of find_one to really make sure there's only
      Added setup_user_in_request
      We should always have a request.user object, even if None.
      This should allow for request.user and show users logged in
      Functioning request.user, and a functioning greeting for users :)
      Since we're searching by id, that try: except: was superfluous.
      Herp derp GPL notice blocks should even be on routing.
      Adding staticdirect infrastructure from cc.engine
      Include werkzeug.  We'll need it for werkzeug.util.secure_filename at least.
      file storage filelist cleaning
      Raise a specific error if a filename component can't be resolved into anything.
      Most of the StorageInterface stubs in place and documented.
      Actually, we can implement get_unique_filename, which should be the
      u'string', but of course ;)
      More documentation on all the core storage API methods
      Put down structure of BasicFileStorage, and the ._resolve_filepath() method
      I don't think we need _create_dirs_for_filepath.
      Added the url_for_file stub to the interface
      Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Started BasicFileStorage tests.  test_basic_storage__resolve_filepath() done.
      Unit tests for BasicFileStorage.file_exists()
      get_unique_filepath not get_unique_filename!
      We should import uuid, because we use it!
      Test BasicFileStorage.get_unique_filepath()
      get_file() implementation for BasicFileStorage
      Started the workflow document.  Currently just mockups.  Soon: more techy info.
      Ignore the docs/_build directory.
      Added delete_file, url_for_file methods to BasicFileStorage
      when running get_unique_filepath, clean_listy_filepath from the get-go
      "if not os.path.exists(directory)", not "if not os.path.exists('directory')"
      Tests for BasicFileStorage.get_file()
      Tests for BasicFileStorage.delete_file()
      Import urlparse!  Duh.  I should remember to turn flymake-mode on.
      Test for BasicFileStorage.file_url()
      Encourage storage systems to passively accept extraneous keyword
      documentation for get_jinja_env
      Moved app.load_controller -> util.import_component and added tests.
      storage.storage_system_from_paste_config() utility, w/ tests
      Reorganization of storage.py.
      Actually set up the storage systems
      Buildout'ifying things.
      Base MediaGoblin paste deploy config file.
      Merge branch 'master' into buildout
      Buildout script which creates user_dev directory and necessary
      Updated hackinghowto.rst with info on how to use the new buildout
      How to run the server
      Add the staticdirector stuff to the mediagoblin wsgi app.
      Move the request.app stuff to the same area
      Makes most sense for [server:main] to be at bottom
      New requires_active_login decorator!
      Start of the submit view, but not much there quite yet.
      Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Use request.app.db, not request.db
      util.setup_user_in_request must be called last
      Provide a next= url when we require logging in
      Give User a status, also add uploader user field to MediaEntry
      Adding a space for custom validators, though we haven't used it yet :)
      making state for MediaEntry objects, also adding attributes:
      we should check for request.user['status'] not request.user['session'], clearly.
      Probably better to request.POST.get?
      submit_start written in a way that, by golly, you'd think maybe it'd work
      Adding the hidden next field to the login page so we actually do redirect
      A stupid success view.
      Enclose queue_file writing in with statement so that it's closed correctly.
      Submission of image works :)
      Properly require files when users submit
      Time to require celery!
      Make certain bits of info accessable as global variables from anywhere
      setup_celery_from_config tool.  Haven't tried if it works, but looks right...
      Commit dummy_settings_module, of course.
      Actually call setup_celery_from_config when launching from paste.
      HTTPFound more accurate than HTTPMovedPermanently.
      Merge branch 'master' into celerysubmit
      Clarified that copyright assignment is encouraged, but not mandatory.
      Changing the wording around the django-like components statement
      Import based on the DEFAULT_SETTINGS_MODULE in setup_celery_from_config
      A few more corrections to make setup_celery_from_config() work right
      tests for setup_celery_from_config()
      Second round of tests for setup_celery_from_config(), with some database information
      Now we have something useful: mediagoblin.celery_setup.from_celery
      Include dependent scripts... maybe we'll change this later
      Require sphinx & jinja2 for good measure :)
      Merge branch 'master' into celerysubmit
      Register the models when using from_celery

Matt Lee (5):
      Added copyright notices
      Added copying and authors files
      Added catalogue number
      Adding a file for testing of CIA bot
      Updated copyright

Will Kahn-Greene (29):
      Adds Sphinx docs infrastructure.
      Fleshes out documentation.
      Fixes docs.
      Adds license/copyright header.
      Adds documentation.
      Changes Mediagoblin -> MediaGoblin.
      Clarifies licensing for the project.
      Adds license/copyright headers to jinja2 templates.
      Overhauls TOC of manual
      Hackinghowto tweaks
      License/copyright changes
      Updates contributing howto
      Fixes CC0 language
      Updates to hacking howto
      Minor tweaks to design decisions text
      Heavy documentation updates
      Adds Matt to docs contributors list
      Changes version to 0.0.1.
      Fixes mdashes and other minor things.
      Fixes traceback on registration
      Reworked contributing docs based on Asheesh's thoughts
      Moves "run your own instance" to the future section
      Adds "Send encouragement" section
      Adds placeholder file so _static exists.
      Adds a README
      Adds initial root page
      Adds section on git
      Changes beardomatic things to codebase things
      Fixes dead references in docs.


mediagoblin packaging

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