[SCM] mediagoblin packaging annotated tag, v0.0.2, created. v0.0.2

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 20 22:08:02 UTC 2017

The annotated tag, v0.0.2 has been created
        at  e88ee4bdee6218440ebc569f3e72563d54bc2b78 (tag)
   tagging  4d4b49a84e2791da6b12ef580565251c379264b6 (commit)
  replaces  v0.0.1
 tagged by  Will Kahn-Greene
        on  Tue Jun 21 14:23:57 2011 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging v0.0.2.

Aaron Williamson (3):
      On image submission, do not require title. If none entered, default to filename.
      Generate unique slugs for newly submitted images.
      Minor fomatting fix.

Aleksandar Micovic (3):
      Added a temporary verification page informing the user they need
      Fixed bug where someone who wasn't logged in was asked to verify
      Added the ability to regenerate a verification key.

Bernhard Keller (5):
      added Pagination class, usage description in Pagination,__call__
      changed some coding styles and changed the interface for pagination from __call__ to the
      removed request arg from Pagination class
      moved check for correct page values into decorator for view function
      modified atomfeed feature, corrected spacing, url generation, routing id

Christopher Allan Webber (98):
      Add the base.css and reference it so other people can start working on it :)
      Add a rudimentary media processing function.
      Require PIL
      Force imports of stuff like mediagoblin.process_media which has tasks we need
      send_email tool and email sending tests
      A simple, maybe obvious, docstring for util.send_email()
      Moving wiping to a clean slate beneath running server/ test suite
      Made a link to the script wiping tool feature request ticket
      Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      It doesn't necessarily have to be bash.
      A completely evil environment destroying script.
      Process media!  Successfully!
      Erk, we didn't save the state right before
      Actually display submitted stuff on the mainpage.  Crappy, but working!
      Instructions on running celeryd
      Be sure to read the install instructions!
      Reversing buildout and virtualenv instructions because I think
      Merge remote branch 'refs/remotes/jwandborg/master'
      [to_email] rather than list(to_email) which makes a nasty series like ['e','m','a','i','l']
      Added an email debug mode which, by default, is enabled
      Removing unused sys import from setup.py
      mgoblin_section.get, not app_config.get (doh)
      Merge remote branch 'refs/remotes/spaetz/master'
      Only convert db port if it's there and use asint to do it (better errors if failing)
      Asbool the email debug mode option
      Merge remote branch 'spaetz/fix_description'
      Indenting these templates because I'm pedantic about tag sections
      404 appropriately here
      Removing this horrifying submission test stuff from way back when
      URLs should end in trailing slashes, or slash redirection doesn't work
      I don't believe we need READMEish.org anymore.
      Right, we don't need the exported HTML either.
      Fixing tyop in README... thanks Daniel Neel!
      Add the jinja2 extension to the jinja loader
      Added extraction stuff that's not used but appears to work :)
      Translate the welcome message (extracts successfully!)
      buildout instructions come first since it's easier if it does work
      adding master.po translations file
      Moving translations to mediagoblin/translations
      I probably shouldn't break the main page since we don't have the
      Fix the email debug inbox
      Added some locale determination tools
      Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Separation between setting up the template env and the template loader
      moving mediagoblin.po to a filename that makes sense
      Load gettext, and load it into the template environment
      locale rather than target_lang in the get parameters
      Merge remote branch 'refs/remotes/dneelyeps/master'
      min=0 makes more sense than min=-1
      Removing the raw string-ness
      ./bin/gmg shell!  Should make a lot of peoples' hacking lives easier I suspect :)
      Properly linking to the background image
      ./bin/gmg shell documented in the hackinghowto
      Adding the is_admin field now per Elrond's sane request / advice. ;)
      Require that the slug field have only unique values.
      My name's Chris Webber and I'm pedantic about lines not going over 80 characters.
      Actually we only need unique slugs per uploader.
      Adding copyright headers and explaining why these unused imports are here
      Need to import asint for users who specify ports via config file
      Renaming connect_database to connect_database_from_config and using in from_celery
      Merge remote branch 'remotes/hanaku/pagination'
      Reorganizing the uses_pagination decorator a little and having it pass
      Adjusting docstrings a bit to my taste.
      We don't really need to use a \ here so let's not do so.
      One more mild styling tweak
      Another minor formatting change.
      I think 30 is a good default number of items per page.
      pass in page number in uses_pagination view via keyword argument so ordering doesn't matter.
      Adjusting spacing a little bit
      MediaEntry slugs usable in URLs, & decorator that grabs media from the request
      Cosmetic changes: removed an unused import, stripped some trailing whitespace.
      Added a url_for_self method for generating mediaentry links
      Now you can set CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER environment variable so that you
      Make sure that a MediaEntry does belong to this appropriate user in
      This check is redundant now that it's handled by the decorator.
      Added some stuff on how to run CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER
      Clarified: don't do this in production!
      Move the ./bin/gmg shell command into its own module.
      Move the general applicaiton setup commands to a utility module
      User migration works (but the rest of the system isn't updated for new user setup yet)
      Update all the views so that they use the uploader reference instead
      Forgot switch to media.uploader() in the same way on two lines :P
      Slightly better spacing in media.html
      Merge remote branch 'refs/remotes/elrond/idea/new_get_page_url'
      A more explicit version of get_page_url that doesn't use the request
      Encourage users to run migrations every time they buildout.
      Expanded page width to 960px
      *GNU* MediaGoblin home ;)
      Added a new form rendering system, render_divs, and using it for registration
      This <ul /> not used (second inside), removing
      Use the object gallery file on the front page also
      Add an index on MediaEntries making sure slugs + uploader combos are unique
      Merge remote branch 'remotes/aleks/aleks'
      Give a "proper" view for resending verification email
      Just adjusting some spacing so we don't go over 80 chars
      Moving import to outside of this function
      If a user doesn't provide a userid and a token to the verify_email function, might as well 404
      0.0.2 of GNU MediaGoblin!

Daniel Neel (8):
      Fixed a typo in docs/mediagoblin.rst
      Fixed another typo in docs/mediagoblin.rst
      Fixed a typo in docs/contributinghowto.rst
      Changed "Foreward" to "Foreword"
      Fixed previous broken commit
      Updated table of contents
      Edits to "What's where" diagram in docs/codebase.rst
      Update to previous commit

Elrond (7):
      Move models into new db/ directory
      Move "connect to database" into db/util.py
      Move ObjectId, DESCENDING to db.util
      Clean unused imports (found by pyflakes).
      Factor out most of the database connection into db/open.py
      Give Pagination.get_page_url() a request instead of path and GET
      Fix doc string of get_page_url()

Jakob Kramer (3):
      this should fix #354
      don't import 're'
      remove all 'username_repr' stuff

Jef van Schendel (33):
      Fixing changes
      Changed base.html back to old version
      Styled input buttons
      Styled buttons for real this time
      Changed all headers to <h1>
      Added header to base.html
      Added @font-face to css
      labels changed to font-weight normal instead of bold, css structure improved
      Removing backup files and preventing them from showing up via .gitignore
      Removed background images and logo, won't need those for a while
      Changed background colors to plain colors
      Changed link color and underline
      Removed clever subtitle
      Added header icon link
      Added actual image
      Changed mediagoblin_content name to mediagoblin_container
      Put log in / log out in its place!
      We now have only one button style
      Changed header size
      Changed logout/account text
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitorious/master'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitorious/master'
      Styled forms
      Fixed form header
      Styled error messages
      Changed login forms to use divs instead of tables
      Forgot a bottom-margin for the error div
      Fixed submit button style, added create-account notice to log in page
      Changed submit form to divs
      Modified logo to change on :hover
      Centered image on media page
      Slightly modified text on media page
      First changes to media gallery view

Joar Wandborg (21):
      Added functionality to support user email verification, email = TBD, verification = done.
      Added server-log.txt to .gitignore
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Fixed bug in models.py:User that caused all users created by the same python process to have the same verification_key value
      mediagoblin.util.send_email now supports both list() and string() in the 'to_addrs' parameter
      Changed the method used to generate uuids for verification_key, this one works, thanks paroneayea
      Added functionality to send out verification email upon successful registration
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Merge branch 'master' of http://git.gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
      Made changes according to http://bugs.foocorp.net/issues/271#note-7
      Removed unused variable
      Added verification email template
      Updated default sender address
      *GNU* MediaGoblin on <title>
      Merge branch 'master' of git://gitorious.org/~schendje/mediagoblin/schendjes-mediagoblin
      Changed <body> font from 'sans' to 'sans-serif'
      Changed <p> font from 'sans' to 'sans-serif'

Sebastian Spaeth (7):
      app.py: Need to pass in port number as 'int'
      Don't escape the verification URL
      Fix description submission in form handling
      Implement simple media detail page
      Enforce using local dateutil with buildout
      Improve user homepage
      Show images in reverse submit order

Will Kahn-Greene (10):
      Lots of documentation changes
      Adds design decision for the name
      Fixes a link in the docs
      First pass at adding virtualenv instructions.
      Overhauls hacking howto
      Fixes headers in hacking howto docs
      Tweaks the "if mongodb isn't working" troubleshooting section
      Wraps the virtualenv wrapper line
      Removes the git requirement--that's redundant
      Moves virtualenv instructions to a place far far away


mediagoblin packaging

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