[Pkg-mysql-commits] r857 - in branches/sid-5.0/debian: . po

Sean Finney seanius at alioth.debian.org
Tue May 8 18:35:06 UTC 2007

Author: seanius
Date: 2007-05-08 18:35:05 +0000 (Tue, 08 May 2007)
New Revision: 857

merge changes from bubulle

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/changelog
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/changelog	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/changelog	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
 mysql-dfsg-5.0 (5.0.38-4~0) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * various debconf translation updates:
-    - Portuguese, from Miguel Figueiredo (closes: #422428).
-    - French, from Christian Perrier (closes: #422187).
-    - Galician, Jacobo Tarrio (closes: #420118).
-    - Italian, from Luca Monducci (closes: #421349).
-    - Brazillian Portuguese, from André Luís Lopes (closes: #421516).
-    - Czech, from Miroslav Kure (closes: #421766).
+  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
+    english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #419974
+  * Debconf translation updates:
+    - French. Closes: #422187
+    - Galician. Closes: #420118
+    - Italian. Closes: #421349
+    - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #421516
+    - Arabic. Closes: #421751
+    - Czech. Closes: #421766
+    - Portuguese. Closes: #422428
- -- sean finney <seanius at debian.org>  Sun, 06 May 2007 01:48:12 +0200
+ -- sean finney <seanius at debian.org>  Tue, 08 May 2007 20:34:48 +0200
 mysql-dfsg-5.0 (5.0.38-3) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/control
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/control	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/control	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Depends: mysql-common (>= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
 Conflicts: libmysqlclient15
 Replaces: libmysqlclient15
-Description: mysql database client library
+Description: MySQL database client library
  MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
  server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
  language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 Depends: libmysqlclient15off (>= ${Source-Version}), zlib1g-dev, ${shlibs:Depends}
 Conflicts: libmysqlclient14-dev, libmysqlclient12-dev, libmysqlclient10-dev
 Provides: libmysqlclient-dev
-Description: mysql database development files
+Description: MySQL database development files
  MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
  server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
  language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
  ease of use.
- This package includes development libraries and header files. 
+ This package includes development libraries and header files.
 Package: mysql-common
 Section: misc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)
+Conflicts: mysql-common-4.1
+Provides: mysql-common-4.1
+Replaces: mysql-common-4.1
+Description: MySQL database common files
  MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
  server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
  language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
  ease of use.
- This package includes files needed by all versions of the client library.
+ This package includes files needed by all versions of the client library
+ (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf).
 Package: mysql-client-5.0
 Architecture: any
 Depends: debianutils (>=1.6), libdbi-perl, libdbd-mysql-perl (>= 1.2202), mysql-common (>= ${Source-Version}), libmysqlclient15off (>= ${Source-Version}), ${perl:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Provides: virtual-mysql-client, mysql-client
-Conflicts: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version})
-Replaces: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version}), mysql-server
-Description: mysql database client binaries
+Provides: virtual-mysql-client, mysql-client, mysql-client-4.1
+Conflicts: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version}), mysql-client-4.1
+Replaces: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version}), mysql-server, mysql-client-4.1
+Description: MySQL database client binaries
  MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
  server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
  language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
  ease of use.
- This package includes the client binaries and the additional tools
- innotop and mysqlreport.
+ This package includes the client binaries.
 Package: mysql-server-5.0
-Architecture: any                                                               
-Suggests: tinyca
-Recommends: mailx
-Pre-Depends: mysql-common (>= ${Source-Version}), adduser (>= 3.40)
-Depends: mysql-client-5.0 (>= ${Source-Version}), libdbi-perl, perl (>= 5.6), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, psmisc, passwd, lsb-base (>= 3.0-10)
-Conflicts: mysql-server (<< ${Source-Version})
-Provides: mysql-server, virtual-mysql-server
-Replaces: mysql-server (<< ${Source-Version})
-Description: mysql database server binaries
+Architecture: any
+Depends: debianutils (>=1.6), libdbi-perl, libdbd-mysql-perl (>= 1.2202), mysql-common (>= ${Source-Version}), libmysqlclient15off (>= ${Source-Version}), ${perl:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: virtual-mysql-client, mysql-client, mysql-client-4.1
+Conflicts: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version}), mysql-client-4.1
+Replaces: mysql-client (<< ${Source-Version}), mysql-server, mysql-client-4.1
+Description: MySQL database server binaries
  MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
  server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
  language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
@@ -78,20 +78,45 @@
  This package includes the server and ndb-cluster binaries.
+Package: mysql-server-4.1
+Architecture: any
+Section: oldlibs
+Priority: extra
+Depends: mysql-server-5.0
+Description: MySQL database server (transitional package)
+ MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This is an empty transitional package and can safely be removed.
 Package: mysql-server
 Architecture: all
 Depends: mysql-server-5.0
-Description: mysql database server (meta package depending on the latest version)
- This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of
- mysql-server (currently mysql-server-5.0), as determined by the MySQL
- maintainers.  Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL version
- you want, as this is the one we consider to be in the best shape.
+Description: MySQL database server (meta package depending on the latest version)
+ This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version
+ of mysql-server (currently mysql-server-5.0), as determined by the
+ MySQL maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL
+ version you need. That will install the version recommended by the
+ package maintainers.
+ .
+ MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
 Package: mysql-client
 Architecture: all
 Depends: mysql-client-5.0
-Description: mysql database client (meta package depending on the latest version)
+Description: MySQL database client (meta package depending on the latest version)
  This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of
  mysql-client (currently mysql-client-5.0), as determined by the MySQL
- maintainers.  Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL version
- you want, as this is the one we consider to be in the best shape.
+ maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL
+ version you need. That will install the version recommended by the
+ package maintainers.
+ .
+ MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/mysql-server-5.0.templates
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/mysql-server-5.0.templates	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/mysql-server-5.0.templates	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -1,67 +1,89 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# for an advice to debian-l10n-english at lists.debian.org
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/really_downgrade
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you really want to downgrade?
- WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a
- mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before.
- It can not be guaranteed that this version can use its data.
+_Description: Really proceed with downgrade?
+ A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system.
+ .
+ Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher
+ version has been installed earlier.
+ .
+ There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing
+ will be able to use the current databases.
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/nis_warning
 Type: note
-_Description: Important note for NIS/YP users!
- To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the
- following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right
- permissions (the uid/gid may be different).
+_Description: Important note for NIS/YP users
+ To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added
+ to the system:
- /etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
+  /etc/passwd   : mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
+  /etc/group    : mysql:x:101:
- /etc/group:       mysql:x:101:
+ You should also check the permissions and the owner of the
+ /var/lib/mysql directory:
- /var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql
+  /var/lib/mysql: drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/postrm_remove_databases
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?
- The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql.
- If it is planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different
- mysql-server package is already using it, the data should be kept.
+_Description: Remove all MySQL databases?
+ The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about
+ to be removed.
+ .
+ If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more
+ recent version or if a different mysql-server package is already
+ using it, the data should be kept.
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/start_on_boot
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Should MySQL start on boot?
- The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually
- type '/etc/init.d/mysql start'.
+_Description: Start the MySQL server on boot?
+ The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually
+ with the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command.
 Template: mysql-server/root_password
 Type: password
-_Description: New password for MySQL "root" user:
- It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL administrative
- "root" user.
+_Description: New password for the MySQL "root" user:
+ While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password
+ for the MySQL administrative "root" user.
- If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account.
+ If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed.
 Template: mysql-server/error_setting_password
 Type: error
-_Description: Unable to set password for MySQL "root" user
- It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL
- administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already
- has a password, or because there was a problem communicating with the
- MySQL server.
+_Description: Unable to set password for the MySQL "root" user
+ An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL
+ administrative user. This may have happened because the account
+ already has a password, or because of a communication problem with
+ the MySQL server.
- When installation finishes, you should verify that the account
- is properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more
- information).
+ You should check the account's password after the package installation.
+ .
+ Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file
+ for more information.
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/need_sarge_compat
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian "sarge" or older?
- The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved
- with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge
- will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password have
- been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian.
+ In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored
+ securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP)
+ from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to
+ recent accounts or accounts whose password have been changed.
+ .
+ Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file
+ for more information.
 Template: mysql-server-5.0/need_sarge_compat_done
 Type: boolean

Added: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ar.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ar.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ar.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# translation of templates.po to Arabic
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Ossama M. Khayat <okhayat at yahoo.com>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: templates\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-01 13:04+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ossama M. Khayat <okhayat at yahoo.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Arabic <support at arabeyes.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==0 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2: n%100>=3 && "
+"n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+msgstr "هل فعلاً تريد التثبيط؟"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "هناك ملف مسمى /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag موجود على هذا النظام."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
+"هذا الملف دلالة على أن نسخة أحدث من حزمة mysql-server تم تثبيتها مسبقاً."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
+"ليست هناك أية ضمانة أن النسخة التي تقوم بتثبيتها ستكون قادرة على استخدام "
+"قواعد البيانات الحالية."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "ملاحظة هامة لمستخدمي NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
+"كي تستخدم MySQL، يجب إضافة المُدخلات التالية الخاصة بالمستخدمين والمجموعات "
+"إلى النظام:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr "عليك أيضاً أن تقوم بالتأكد من صلاحيات مالك الملف /var/lib/mysql: "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "إزالة جميع قواعد بيانات MySQL؟"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr "الدليل /var/lib/mysql الذي يحتوي قواعد بيانات MySQL ستتم إزالته."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"إن كنت تقوم بإزالة حزمة MySQL كي تقوم لاحقاً بتثبيت نسخة أحدث أو إن كانت حزمة "
+"mysql-server مختلفة تستخدمها، فيجب إبقاء البيانات."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
+msgstr "تشغيل خادم MySQL عند الإقلاع؟"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
+msgstr ""
+"يمكن تشغيل خادم MySQL آلياً وقت الإقلاع أو يدوياً باستخدام الأمر '/etc/init.d/"
+"mysql start'."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
+msgstr "كلمة المرور الجديدة لمستخد \"root\" الخاص بـMySQL:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid ""
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
+msgstr ""
+"مع أنه ليس إجبارياً، ولكن من المستحسن أن تقوم بتعيين كلمة مرور خاصة بمستخدم "
+"MySQL الإداري \"root\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "إن ترك الحقل فارغاً، فلن يتم تغيير كلمة المرور."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
+msgstr "تعذر تعيين كلمة مرور للمستخدم \"root\" الخاص بـMySQL."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
+msgstr ""
+"حدث خطأ أثناء تعيين كلمة المرور لمستخدم MySQL الإداري. قد يكون هذا حدث بسبب "
+"أن حساب المستخدم له كلمة مرور معيّنة مسبقاً، أو بسبب مشكلة في الاتصال مع خادم "
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr "يجب عليك التحقق من كلمة مرور الحساب عقب تثبيت الحزمة."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+msgid ""
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
+msgstr ""
+"الرجاء قراءة الملف /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian للمزيد من "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
+msgstr ""
+"هل تريد دعم اتصالات MySQL من الأجهزة التي تعمل على ديبيان \"sarge\" أو أقدم؟"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+msgid ""
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
+msgstr ""
+"في إصدارات عملاء MySQL القديمة من ديبيان، لم تكن كلمات المرور تحفظ بشكل آمن. "
+"ولقد حل هذه المشكلة بعدها، غير أن العملاء (مثل PHP) المتصلين من أجهزة تعمل "
+"على ديبيان Sarge 3.1 لن يكونوا قادرين على الاتصال باستخدام الحسابات الحديثة "
+"أو الحسابات التي تم تغيير كلمة مرورها."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ca.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ca.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ca.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-4.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-31 19:20GMT\n"
 "Last-Translator: Aleix Badia i Bosch <abadia at ica.es>\n"
 "Language-Team: Debian L10n Catalan <debian-l10n-catalan at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -16,86 +16,92 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
 msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Nota important pels usuaris de NIS/YP"
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Per utilitzar la base de dades de MySQL heu d'afegir un usuari i grup "
-"equivalent al següent i assegurar-vos que el directori /var/lib/mysql tingui "
-"els permisos correctes."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota important pels usuaris de NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Voleu que el MySQL s'iniciï a l'arrencada ?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "El MySQL es pot executar a l'arrencada o només si executeu manualment '/etc/"
 "init.d/mysql start'. Seleccioneu 'sí' si voleu que s'inicialitzi "
@@ -103,65 +109,93 @@
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 #, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Per utilitzar la base de dades de MySQL heu d'afegir un usuari i grup "
+#~ "equivalent al següent i assegurar-vos que el directori /var/lib/mysql "
+#~ "tingui els permisos correctes."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Please also read http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Feu una ullada al document: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/cs.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/cs.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/cs.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-01 13:01+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>\n"
 "Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -25,136 +25,137 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Opravdu pokračovat v degradaci?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
-msgstr "To znamená, že již byl nainstalován balík mysql-server s vyšší verzí."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "V systému existuje soubor /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Důležitá poznámka pro uživatele NIS/YP"
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr "To znamená, že již byl nainstalován balík mysql-server s vyšší verzí."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Abyste mohli mysql používat, musíte do následujících souborů přidat "
-"ekvivalentního uživatele a skupinu a zajistit, že /var/lib/mysql má správná "
-"práva (uid/gid se mohou lišit)."
+"Neexistuje žádná záruka, že momentálně instalovaná verze bude umět pracovat "
+"se stávajícími databázemi."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Důležitá poznámka pro uživatele NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
+"Abyste mohli MySQL používat, musíte v systému založit následující uživatele "
+"a skupiny:"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
+"Také byste měli zkontrolovat vlastníka a oprávnění adresáře /var/lib/mysql:"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Odstranit databáze používané všemi verzemi MySQL?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "Odstranit všechny MySQL databáze?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+"Adresář /var/lib/mysql, ve kterém se nachází MySQL databáze, bude odstraněn."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
 "Jestliže odstraňujete balík MySQL za účelem instalace novější verze MySQL, "
 "nebo pokud tato data souběžně využívá jiný balík mysql-server, měli byste "
 "data ponechat."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Spustit MySQL server při startu systému?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL se může spouštět automaticky při startu systému, nebo ručně příkazem '/"
 "etc/init.d/mysql start'."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nové heslo MySQL uživatele \"root\":"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Přestože to není nezbytné, je silně doporučeno nastavit heslo u "
 "správcovského MySQL účtu \"root\"."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Nezadáte-li heslo, žádné změny se s účtem neprovedou."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "Ponecháte-li pole prázdné, heslo se nezmění."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Nelze nastavit heslo MySQL uživatele \"root\""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Během nastavování hesla pro správcovského uživatele MySQL se vyskytla chyba. "
 "To se mohlo stát třeba proto, protože uživatel již měl heslo nastaveno, nebo "
@@ -162,82 +163,66 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr "Po instalaci balíku byste měli heslo ověřit."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Po skončení instalace byste měli ověřit, že je účet chráněn heslem (více "
-"informací naleznete v souboru README.Debian)."
+"Více informací naleznete v /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Podporovat MySQL připojení z počítačů používajících Debian Sarge nebo starší?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Způsob, jakým se dříve ukládala hesla, nebyl příliš bezpečný. To se nyní "
 "zlepšilo, ale nevýhodou je, že se klienti z Debianu 3.1 Sarge (např. PHP) "
 "nebudou moci připojit na nové účty, nebo na účty, u nichž se heslo změnilo."
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr "V systému existuje soubor /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Neexistuje žádná záruka, že momentálně instalovaná verze bude umět "
-#~ "pracovat se stávajícími databázemi."
+#~ "Abyste mohli mysql používat, musíte do následujících souborů přidat "
+#~ "ekvivalentního uživatele a skupinu a zajistit, že /var/lib/mysql má "
+#~ "správná práva (uid/gid se mohou lišit)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Abyste mohli MySQL používat, musíte v systému založit následující "
-#~ "uživatele a skupiny:"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Odstranit databáze používané všemi verzemi MySQL?"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Také byste měli zkontrolovat vlastníka a oprávnění adresáře /var/lib/"
-#~ "mysql:"
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr "Nezadáte-li heslo, žádné změny se s účtem neprovedou."
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "Odstranit všechny MySQL databáze?"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Adresář /var/lib/mysql, ve kterém se nachází MySQL databáze, bude "
-#~ "odstraněn."
+#~ "Po skončení instalace byste měli ověřit, že je účet chráněn heslem (více "
+#~ "informací naleznete v souboru README.Debian)."
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr "Ponecháte-li pole prázdné, heslo se nezmění."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
-#~ msgstr "Po instalaci balíku byste měli heslo ověřit."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Více informací naleznete v /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "Aktualizace nelze provést pokud jsou přítomny tabulky ISAM!"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/da.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/da.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/da.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-4.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 10:42+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Claus Hindsgaul <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Danish\n"
@@ -26,128 +26,145 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig at nedgradere?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Advarsel: Filen /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag eksisterer. Det tyder på at der "
 "tidligere har været installeret en højere version af mysql-server-pakken. "
 "Det kan ikke garanteres at denne version kan benytte data fra den højere "
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Vigtig bemærkning for NIS/YP-brugere!"
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"For at kunne bruge mysql skal du installere en bruger og en gruppe, der "
-"svarer til nedenstående, og sikre dig at /var/lib/mysql har de rigtige "
-"adgangsrettigheder (uid/gid kan afvige)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Vigtig bemærkning for NIS/YP-brugere!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Fjern de databaser, der benyttes af samtlige MySQL-versioner?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
 "Scriptet skal til at fjerne datamappen /var/lib/mysql. Hvis du regner "
 "medblot at installere en højere MySQL-version, eller hvis der allerede kører "
 "en anden MySQL-serverpakke, bør dataene bevares."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Skal MySQL startes under systemopstart?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL kan enten startes op under systemopstarten eller kun hvis du manuelt "
 "skriver '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Ny adgangskode for MySQL's \"root\"-bruger:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Det anbefales kraftigt, at du sætter en adgangskode for MySQL's "
 "administrationsbruger \"root\"."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Hvis du ikke angiver en adgangskode, vil kontoen ikke blive ændret."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Kunne ikke sætte adgangskoden for MySQL's \"root\"-bruger"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Det lader til, at der opstod en fejl, da adgangskoden for MySQL's "
 "administrationsbruger skulle ændres. Dette kan være sket, fordi brugeren "
@@ -156,28 +173,39 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Når installationen afsluttes, bør du tjekke at kontoen er ordentligt "
-"beskyttet med en adgangskode (se README.Debian for yderligere oplysninger)."
+"Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for yderligere oplysninger."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "Understøt MySQL-forbindelser fra maskiner, der kører Debian \"Sarge\" eller ældre?"
+msgstr ""
+"Understøt MySQL-forbindelser fra maskiner, der kører Debian \"Sarge\" eller "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Den måde, adgangskoder blev gemt på tidligere, var ikke ret sikker. Dette er "
 "blevet forbedret med den bivirkning, at klienter (f.eks. PHP) fra maskiner, "
@@ -185,6 +213,42 @@
 "eller hvis adgangskode er blevet ændret. Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "For at kunne bruge mysql skal du installere en bruger og en gruppe, der "
+#~ "svarer til nedenstående, og sikre dig at /var/lib/mysql har de rigtige "
+#~ "adgangsrettigheder (uid/gid kan afvige)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Fjern de databaser, der benyttes af samtlige MySQL-versioner?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr "Hvis du ikke angiver en adgangskode, vil kontoen ikke blive ændret."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Når installationen afsluttes, bør du tjekke at kontoen er ordentligt "
+#~ "beskyttet med en adgangskode (se README.Debian for yderligere "
+#~ "oplysninger)."
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "Kan ikke opgradere hvis der er ISAM-tabeller!"
@@ -258,12 +322,6 @@
 #~ "ikke kun adgangskoden!"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for yderligere "
-#~ "oplysninger."
-#~ msgid ""
 #~ "Should I remove the complete /var/lib/mysql directory tree which is used "
 #~ "by all MySQL versions, not necessarily only the one you are about to "
 #~ "purge?"
@@ -280,4 +338,3 @@
 #~ "rettighedssystemet forbedres. For at gøre brug af dette, skal "
 #~ "mysql_fix_privilege_tables køres manuelt. Scriptet vil ikke give nogen "
 #~ "bruger flere rettigheder, end vedkommende havde tidligere,"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/de.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/de.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/de.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0_5.0.32-6_de\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-19 12:23+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alwin Meschede <ameschede at gmx.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: german <debian-l10n-german at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -27,74 +27,84 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich eine ältere Version einspielen?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "WARNUNG: Die Datei /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existiert. Dies zeigt an, "
 "dass früher ein MySQL-Server-Paket mit einer höheren Version installiert "
 "worden war. Es kann nicht garantiert werden, dass diese Version dessen Daten "
 "benutzen kann."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Wichtige Anmerkung für NIS/YP-Benutzer!"
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Um MySQL benutzen zu können, müssen Sie einen zum folgenden Eintrag "
-"äquivalenten Benutzer und Gruppe einrichten, und sich vergewissern, dass /"
-"var/lib/mysql die richtigen Rechte hat (die UID/GID dürfen sich "
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Wichtige Anmerkung für NIS/YP-Benutzer!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Die von allen MySQL-Versionen benutzten Datenbanken entfernen?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
 "Dieses Skript wird das Daten-Verzeichnis /var/lib/mysql entfernen. Falls "
 "geplant ist, nur eine höhere Version von MySQL zu installieren oder ein "
 "anderes mysql-server-Paket dieses bereits benutzt, sollten die Daten "
@@ -102,57 +112,61 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Soll MySQL automatisch beim Booten starten?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "Der MySQL-Dienst kann entweder beim Systemstart oder nur nach der Eingabe "
 "von /etc/init.d/mysql start gestartet werden."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Neues Passwort für den MySQL »root«-Benutzer:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
-"Es wird nachdrücklich empfohlen für den administrativen MySQL »root«-Benutzer "
-"ein Passwort zu setzen."
+"Es wird nachdrücklich empfohlen für den administrativen MySQL »root«-"
+"Benutzer ein Passwort zu setzen."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
-"Falls Sie kein Passwort angeben, werden keine Änderungen am Konto "
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Konnte für den MySQL-»root«-Benutzer kein Passwort setzen"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Es scheint, dass beim Passwort setzen für den administrativen MySQL-Benutzer "
 "ein Fehler aufgetreten ist. Dies könnte daran liegen, dass der Benutzer "
@@ -161,18 +175,23 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Nach Ende der Installation sollten Sie überprüfen, ob das Konto angemessen "
-"mit einem Passwort geschützt ist (lesen Sie README.Debian für weitere "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Sollen MySQL-Verbindungen von Rechnern mit Debian »Sarge« oder älter "
@@ -180,12 +199,13 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Die Art, wie Passwörter bislang gespeichert wurden, war nicht sehr sicher. "
 "Dies wurde verbessert, allerdings werden Clients (z. B. PHP) von Hosts mit "
@@ -193,3 +213,41 @@
 "angelegt werden oder deren Passwort geändert wird. Siehe auch /usr/share/doc/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Um MySQL benutzen zu können, müssen Sie einen zum folgenden Eintrag "
+#~ "äquivalenten Benutzer und Gruppe einrichten, und sich vergewissern, dass /"
+#~ "var/lib/mysql die richtigen Rechte hat (die UID/GID dürfen sich "
+#~ "unterscheiden)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Die von allen MySQL-Versionen benutzten Datenbanken entfernen?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls Sie kein Passwort angeben, werden keine Änderungen am Konto "
+#~ "vorgenommen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nach Ende der Installation sollten Sie überprüfen, ob das Konto "
+#~ "angemessen mit einem Passwort geschützt ist (lesen Sie README.Debian für "
+#~ "weitere Informationen)."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/es.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/es.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/es.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0_5.0.24-3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 12:20+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Javier Fernández-Sanguino <jfs at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Debian l10 Spanish <debian-l10n-spanish at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -51,74 +51,82 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "¿Desea realmente instalar una versión anterior?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "ATENCIÓN: El archivo /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existe. Esto indica que ya "
 "se instaló una versión superior del paquete mysql-server. No se puede "
 "garantizar que esta versión pueda usar sus datos."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "¡Nota importante para los usuarios de NIS/YP!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"Para utilizar mysql debe instalar un usuario y grupo equivalente al "
-"siguiente y asegurarse de que /var/lib/mysql tiene los permisos correctos "
-"(los valores del «uid» y del «gid» pueden ser diferentes)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
-"¿Eliminar las bases de datos utilizadas por todas las versiones de MySQL?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Este guión va a eliminar el directorio de datos «/var/lib/mysql». Debería "
 "mantener los datos si tiene planificado instalar una versión de MySQL "
@@ -126,56 +134,61 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "¿Debería ejecutarse MySQL al iniciarse el sistema?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL puede iniciarse en el momento de arranque del sistema o solamente si "
 "se escribe «/etc/init.d/mysql start»."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nueva cContraseña para el usuario «root» de MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Se recomienda que configure una contraseña para el usuario "
 "«root» (administrador) de MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "No se hará ningún cambio en la cuenta si no introduce una contraseña."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "No se pudo fijar la contraseña para el usuario «root» de MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Parece que se produjo un error mientras intentaba fijar la contraseña para "
 "el usuario administrador de MySQL. Esto puede haber sucedido porque el "
@@ -184,29 +197,39 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Debería confirmar que la contraseña está correctamente protegida con una "
-"contraseña cuando termine la instalación (consulte el fichero README.Debian "
-"si desea más información)."
+"Revise /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian para más información."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "¿Soportar las conexiones MySQL establecidadas desde sistemas que ejecutan Debian Sarge o versiones anteriores?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Soportar las conexiones MySQL establecidadas desde sistemas que ejecutan "
+"Debian Sarge o versiones anteriores?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "No era muy segura la forma en la que se almacenaban las contraseñas antes. "
 "Este problema se ha mejorado con el inconveniente, sin embargo, de que "
@@ -215,6 +238,44 @@
 "contraseña. Para más información consulte «/usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para utilizar mysql debe instalar un usuario y grupo equivalente al "
+#~ "siguiente y asegurarse de que /var/lib/mysql tiene los permisos correctos "
+#~ "(los valores del «uid» y del «gid» pueden ser diferentes)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "¿Eliminar las bases de datos utilizadas por todas las versiones de MySQL?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No se hará ningún cambio en la cuenta si no introduce una contraseña."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Debería confirmar que la contraseña está correctamente protegida con una "
+#~ "contraseña cuando termine la instalación (consulte el fichero README."
+#~ "Debian si desea más información)."
 #~ msgid "Install Hints"
 #~ msgstr "Sugerencias para la instalación"
@@ -256,11 +317,6 @@
 #~ "«password» en dicho archivo, no incluya sólo la contraseña!"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revise /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian para más información."
-#~ msgid ""
 #~ "Should I remove the complete /var/lib/mysql directory tree which is used "
 #~ "by all MySQL versions, not necessarily only the one you are about to "
 #~ "purge?"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/eu.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/eu.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/eu.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0_5.0.26-3-debconf_eu\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-19 09:33+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <pi at beobide.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Euskara <Librezale at librezale.org>\n"
@@ -18,146 +18,219 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Benetan bertsio zaharragora itzuli nahi duzu?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
-msgstr "Oharra: /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag dago.. Honek aurretik bertsio berriagoko mysql-zerbitzari bat instalatu dela adierazten du. Ezin da ziurtatu bertsio honek datu horiek erabili ahal izango dituenik."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "NIS/YP erabiltzaileentzat ohar garrantzitsua!"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
+"Oharra: /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag dago.. Honek aurretik bertsio "
+"berriagoko mysql-zerbitzari bat instalatu dela adierazten du. Ezin da "
+"ziurtatu bertsio honek datu horiek erabili ahal izango dituenik."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Mysql erabili ahal izateko beharrezko erabiltzaile eta taldea sortu eta /var/"
-"lib/mysql-ek beharrezko baimenak dituela ziurtatu behar duzu (uid/gid-a "
-"ezberdina izan daiteke)"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "NIS/YP erabiltzaileentzat ohar garrantzitsua!"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "MySQL bertsio guztiek erabilitako databaseak ezabatu?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
-msgstr "Script-a /var/lib/mysql data direktorioa ezabatzera doa. MySQL bertsio berriago bat instalatu behar bada edo beste mysql-server pakete bat berau erabiltzen ari bada, datuak mantendu egingo dira."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Script-a /var/lib/mysql data direktorioa ezabatzera doa. MySQL bertsio "
+"berriago bat instalatu behar bada edo beste mysql-server pakete bat berau "
+"erabiltzen ari bada, datuak mantendu egingo dira."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Sistema abiaraztean MySQL abiarazi behar al da?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
-msgstr "MySQL abiaraztean automatikoki abiarazi daiteke edo eskuz /etc/init.d/mysql start' eginaz."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
+msgstr ""
+"MySQL abiaraztean automatikoki abiarazi daiteke edo eskuz /etc/init.d/mysql "
+"start' eginaz."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "MySQL \"root\" erabiltzailearen pasahitz berria:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Oso gomendagarria da MySQL administratzaile \"root\" erabiltzaileari "
 "pasahitz bat ezartzea."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Ez baduzu pasahitzik ezartzen ez da aldaketarik egingo kontuan."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Ezinda MySQL \"root\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza ezarri"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
-msgstr "Dirudienez errore bat gertatu da MySQL administratzaile kontuaren pasahitza ezartzean.  Hau erabiltzaileak dagoeneko pasahitz bat duelako edo MySQL zerbitzariarekiko konexioan erroreak daudelako gertatu daiteke."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
+msgstr ""
+"Dirudienez errore bat gertatu da MySQL administratzaile kontuaren pasahitza "
+"ezartzean.  Hau erabiltzaileak dagoeneko pasahitz bat duelako edo MySQL "
+"zerbitzariarekiko konexioan erroreak daudelako gertatu daiteke."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Instalazio amaitzean, kontua pasahitzez babesturik dagoela ziurtatu beharko "
-"zenuke (README.Debian irakurri xehetasun gehiagotarako)"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "Debian \"sarge\" edo zaharragoak erabiltzen duten ostalarietatik MySQL konexioak onartu?"
+msgstr ""
+"Debian \"sarge\" edo zaharragoak erabiltzen duten ostalarietatik MySQL "
+"konexioak onartu?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
-msgstr "Pasahitzak biltegiratzeko modua ez da oso ziurra. Hau hobetua izan da baina Debian 3.1 Sarge erabiltzaileak ezingo dira kontu berri edo pasahitza aldatu duten kontuetara konektatu. Begiratu /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian argibide gehiagorako."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Pasahitzak biltegiratzeko modua ez da oso ziurra. Hau hobetua izan da baina "
+"Debian 3.1 Sarge erabiltzaileak ezingo dira kontu berri edo pasahitza aldatu "
+"duten kontuetara konektatu. Begiratu /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README."
+"Debian argibide gehiagorako."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mysql erabili ahal izateko beharrezko erabiltzaile eta taldea sortu eta /"
+#~ "var/lib/mysql-ek beharrezko baimenak dituela ziurtatu behar duzu (uid/gid-"
+#~ "a ezberdina izan daiteke)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "MySQL bertsio guztiek erabilitako databaseak ezabatu?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr "Ez baduzu pasahitzik ezartzen ez da aldaketarik egingo kontuan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Instalazio amaitzean, kontua pasahitzez babesturik dagoela ziurtatu "
+#~ "beharko zenuke (README.Debian irakurri xehetasun gehiagotarako)"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/fr.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/fr.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/fr.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-19 22:43+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -29,135 +29,139 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Faut-il vraiment revenir à la version précédente ?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "Un fichier /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag est présent sur ce système."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Cela indique qu'une version plus récente du paquet mysql-server a été "
 "précédemment installée."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Note importante pour les utilisateurs NIS/YP"
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr "Il n'est pas garanti que cette version puisse en utiliser les données."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Note importante pour les utilisateurs NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
+"Pour pouvoir utiliser MySQL, les utilisateurs et les groupes suivants "
+"doivent être ajoutés au système :"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
+"Vous devez également vérifier le propriétaire et les permissions du "
+"répertoire /var/lib/mysql :"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "Faut-il supprimer toutes les bases de données MySQL ?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+"Le répertoire /var/lib/mysql qui contient les bases de données de MySQL va "
+"être supprimé."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Si vous prévoyez d'installer une version plus récente de MySQL ou si un "
 "autre paquet mysql-server les utilise déjà, vous devriez les conserver."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Faut-il lancer MySQL au démarrage ?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL peut être lancé soit au démarrage, soit en entrant la commande « /etc/"
 "init.d/mysql start »."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe du superutilisateur de MySQL :"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Il est très fortement recommandé d'établir un mot de passe pour le compte "
 "d'administration de MySQL (« root »)."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "Si ce champ est laissé vide, le mot de passe ne sera pas changé."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossible de changer le mot de passe de l'utilisateur « root » de MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Une erreur s'est produite lors du changement de mot de passe du compte "
 "d'administration. Un mot de passe existait peut-être déjà ou il n'a pas été "
@@ -165,15 +169,28 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devriez vérifier le mot de passe de ce compte après l'installation du "
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
+"Veuillez consulter le fichier /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian "
+"pour plus d'informations."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Gérer les connexions d'hôtes qui utilisent les versions Debian « sarge » ou "
@@ -181,65 +198,15 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "La méthode de stockage des mots de passe n'était pas très sûre dans les "
 "version précédentes de ce paquet. Cette méthode a été améliorée mais les "
 "modifications empêchent la connexion avec de nouveaux comptes ou des comptes "
 "dont le mot de passe a été modifié, pour les clients (p. ex. PHP) depuis des "
 "hôtes qui utilisent Debian 3.1 « sarge »."
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr "Un fichier /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag est présent sur ce système."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Il n'est pas garanti que cette version puisse en utiliser les données."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pour pouvoir utiliser MySQL, les utilisateurs et les groupes suivants "
-#~ "doivent être ajoutés au système :"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous devez également vérifier le propriétaire et les permissions du "
-#~ "répertoire /var/lib/mysql :"
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "Faut-il supprimer toutes les bases de données MySQL ?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le répertoire /var/lib/mysql qui contient les bases de données de MySQL "
-#~ "va être supprimé."
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr "Si ce champ est laissé vide, le mot de passe ne sera pas changé."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vous devriez vérifier le mot de passe de ce compte après l'installation "
-#~ "du paquet."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Veuillez consulter le fichier /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README."
-#~ "Debian pour plus d'informations."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/gl.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/gl.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/gl.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-20 09:44+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Galician <proxecto at trasno.net>\n"
@@ -16,72 +16,85 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "¿Quere pasar a unha versión anterior?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "Neste sistema hai un ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Este ficheiro indica que antes se instalou un paquete mysql-server cunha "
 "versión superior."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Nota importante para os usuarios de NIS/YP"
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
+"Non se pode garantir que a versión que está a instalar poida empregar as "
+"bases de datos actuais."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante para os usuarios de NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
+"Para empregar MySQL deberían engadirse ao sistema as seguintes entradas de "
+"usuarios e grupos:"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
+"Tamén debería comprobar os permisos e o propietario do directorio /var/lib/"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "¿Eliminar tódalas bases de datos de MySQL?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+"Hase eliminar o directorio /var/lib/mysql, que contén as bases de datos de "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Se está a eliminar o paquete MySQL para instalar despois unha versión máis "
 "recente ou se xa hai un paquete mysql-server diferente a empregalo, debería "
@@ -89,62 +102,55 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "¿Iniciar o servidor MySQL co ordenador?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "Pódese iniciar automaticamente o servidor MySQL ao iniciar o ordenador, ou "
 "manualmente coa orde \"/etc/init.d/mysql start\"."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Novo contrasinal para o usuario \"root\" de MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Aínda que non é obrigatorio, recoméndase encarecidamente que estableza un "
 "contrasinal para o usuario administrativo \"root\" de MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "Se deixa o campo en branco, non se ha cambiar o contrasinal."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Non se puido establecer o contrasinal do usuario \"root\" de MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Houbo un erro ao establecer o contrasinal do usuario administrativo de "
 "MySQL. Puido ocorrer porque o usuario xa teña un contrasinal ou debido a un "
@@ -152,15 +158,26 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr "Debería comprobar o contrasinal da conta trala instalación do paquete."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
+"Consulte o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian para máis "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "¿Soportar as conexións a MySQL de máquinas que empreguen Debian \"sarge\" ou "
@@ -168,65 +185,15 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Nas versións antigas dos clientes MySQL de Debian, os contrasinais non se "
 "armacenaban de xeito seguro. Isto mellorouse desde aquela; nembargantes, os "
 "clientes (tales coma PHP) das máquinas que executen Debian 3.1 Sarge non se "
 "han poder conectar a contas recentes ou a contas nas que se cambiara o "
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr "Neste sistema hai un ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Non se pode garantir que a versión que está a instalar poida empregar as "
-#~ "bases de datos actuais."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para empregar MySQL deberían engadirse ao sistema as seguintes entradas "
-#~ "de usuarios e grupos:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tamén debería comprobar os permisos e o propietario do directorio /var/"
-#~ "lib/mysql:"
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Eliminar tódalas bases de datos de MySQL?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Hase eliminar o directorio /var/lib/mysql, que contén as bases de datos "
-#~ "de MySQL."
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr "Se deixa o campo en branco, non se ha cambiar o contrasinal."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Debería comprobar o contrasinal da conta trala instalación do paquete."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Consulte o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian para "
-#~ "máis información."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/it.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/it.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/it.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.38 italian debconf templates\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-22 15:43+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <debian-l10n-italian at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -17,72 +17,85 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Procedere realmente con l'abbassamento di versione?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+"Su questo sistema esiste un file con nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Quel file indica che in precedenza è stata installata una versione superiore "
 "del pacchetto mysql-server."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Nota importante per gli utenti NIS/YP"
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
+"Non è garantito che la versione che si sta installando sia in grado di usare "
+"i database presenti."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante per gli utenti NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
+"Per usare MySQL i seguenti utenti e gruppi devono essere aggiunti al sistema:"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
+"Inoltre si devono verificare i permessi e il proprietario della directory /"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "Eliminare tutti i database MySQL?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
+"La directory /var/lib/mysql contenente i database di MySQL sta per essere "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Se si rimuove il pacchetto MySQL per poi installare una versione più recente "
 "oppure se sono già in uso da un altro pacchetto mysql-server, i dati non "
@@ -90,62 +103,55 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Lanciare il server MySQL all'avvio?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "Il server MySQL può essere lanciato automaticamente all'avvio del sistema "
 "oppure manualmente con il comando «/etc/init.d/mysql start»."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nuova password per l'utente «root» di MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Sebbene non sia obbligatoria, si raccomanda d'impostare una password per "
 "l'utente d'amministrazione «root» di MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "Se questo campo è lasciato vuoto, la password non viene cambiata."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Impossibile impostare la password per l'utente «root» di MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione della password per l'utente "
 "d'amministrazione di MySQL. Questo può essere accaduto perché l'utente ha "
@@ -154,81 +160,42 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Al termine dell'installazione si deve verificare la password dell'account."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
+"Per maggiori informazioni si consulti il file /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Supporto a connessioni MySQL da macchine con Debian «sarge» o antecedente"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Nelle precedenti versioni dei client MySQL su Debian le password non erano "
 "memorizzate in modo sicuro. Questo è stato migliorato ma i client (per "
 "esempio PHP) presenti su una macchina con Debian 3.1 Sarge non sono più in "
 "grado di connettersi a un nuovo account né ad account le cui password siano "
 "state cambiate."
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Su questo sistema esiste un file con nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Non è garantito che la versione che si sta installando sia in grado di "
-#~ "usare i database presenti."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Per usare MySQL i seguenti utenti e gruppi devono essere aggiunti al "
-#~ "sistema:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Inoltre si devono verificare i permessi e il proprietario della "
-#~ "directory /var/lib/mysql:"
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "Eliminare tutti i database MySQL?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La directory /var/lib/mysql contenente i database di MySQL sta per essere "
-#~ "eliminata."
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr "Se questo campo è lasciato vuoto, la password non viene cambiata."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Al termine dell'installazione si deve verificare la password dell'account."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Per maggiori informazioni si consulti il file /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-"
-#~ "5.0/README.Debian."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ja.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ja.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ja.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.32-6\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 22:25+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <henrich at debian.or.jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <debian-japanese at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -26,73 +26,82 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "本当にダウングレードしますか?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "警告: /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag ファイルが存在しています。これは、以前によ"
 "り新しいバージョンの mysql-server パッケージがインストールされていたことを示"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "NIS/YP ユーザへ重要な注意!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"mysql を利用するには 以下のユーザとグループを作成し、/var/lib/mysql が正しい"
-"権限になっているかどうかを確認する必要があります (おそらく uid/gid が違いま"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "全バージョンの MySQL で利用されているデータベースを削除しますか?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "このスクリプトはデータのディレクトリ /var/lib/mysql を削除するためのもので"
 "す。単に新しいバージョンの MySQL をインストールしようとしている、あるいは別"
@@ -101,56 +110,61 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "MySQL をシステム起動時に開始しますか?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL の起動方法について、システム起動時に自動的に開始するか、あるいは '/etc/"
 "init.d/mysql start' と手で入力した時のみ起動するかを選べます。"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "MySQL の \"root\" ユーザに対する新しいパスワード:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL を管理する \"root\" ユーザのパスワードを設定することを強くお勧めしま"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "パスワードを入力しない場合、アカウントに対して変更は加えられません。"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "MySQL の \"root\" ユーザのパスワードを設定できません"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL の管理者ユーザに対してパスワードを設定しようとした際、エラーが発生した"
 "ようです。これは既に管理者ユーザにパスワードが設定されていたか、MySQL サーバ"
@@ -158,17 +172,25 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"うかを確認してください (詳細については README.Debian を参照してください)。"
+"詳細は /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian を参照してください。"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Debian \"Sarge\" あるいはそれよりも古いバージョンが稼働しているホストからの "
@@ -176,12 +198,13 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "されましたが、Debian 3.1 Sarge が稼働しているホストからクライアント (PHP な"
@@ -189,6 +212,43 @@
 "という欠点もでています。詳細については /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/"
 "README.Debian を参照してください。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "mysql を利用するには 以下のユーザとグループを作成し、/var/lib/mysql が正し"
+#~ "い権限になっているかどうかを確認する必要があります (おそらく uid/gid が違"
+#~ "います)。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "全バージョンの MySQL で利用されているデータベースを削除しますか?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パスワードを入力しない場合、アカウントに対して変更は加えられません。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "インストールが終了した際、アカウントがパスワードできちんと保護されているか"
+#~ "どうかを確認してください (詳細については README.Debian を参照してくださ"
+#~ "い)。"
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "ISAM テーブルがある場合はアップグレードできません!"
@@ -248,11 +308,6 @@
 #~ "\" 行を記述してください。決してパスワードだけではいけません!"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "詳細は /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian を参照してください。"
-#~ msgid ""
 #~ "Should I remove the complete /var/lib/mysql directory tree which is used "
 #~ "by all MySQL versions, not necessarily only the one you are about to "
 #~ "purge?"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nb.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nb.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nb.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql_nb\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 12:13+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bjørn Steensrud <bjornst at powertech.no>\n"
 "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <i18n-nb at lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
@@ -18,146 +18,168 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil nedgradere?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
 msgstr ""
-"ADVARSEL: Fila /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag finnes. Dette viser at en "
-"mysql-server-pakke med et høyere versjonsnummer har vært installert før. "
-"Det kan ikke garanteres at denne versjonen kan bruke data fra den høyere versjonen."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Viktig merknad for NIS/YP-brukere!"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
+"ADVARSEL: Fila /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag finnes. Dette viser at en mysql-"
+"server-pakke med et høyere versjonsnummer har vært installert før. Det kan "
+"ikke garanteres at denne versjonen kan bruke data fra den høyere versjonen."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"For å bruke MySQL må du installere en bruker og gruppe tilsvarende den "
-"nedenfor og se til at /var/lib/mysql har riktige rettigheter (uid/gid kan "
-"være forskjellig)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Viktig merknad for NIS/YP-brukere!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Skal databasene brukt av alle MySQL-versjoner fjernes?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
-"Dette skriptet skal til å fjerne data-mappa /var/lib/mysql. Denne mappa "
-"bør beholdes hvis det bare skal installeres en høyere MySQL-versjon, "
-"eller hvis en annen mysql-server-pakke allerede bruker den."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Dette skriptet skal til å fjerne data-mappa /var/lib/mysql. Denne mappa bør "
+"beholdes hvis det bare skal installeres en høyere MySQL-versjon, eller hvis "
+"en annen mysql-server-pakke allerede bruker den."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Skal MySQL startes ved maskinoppstart?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL kan startes automatisk når maskinen starter, eller bare hvis du "
 "skriver «/etc/init.d/mysql start»."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nytt passord for MySQLs «root»-bruker:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
-"Det anbefales sterkt at du oppgir et passord for den administrative "
-"«root»-brukeren i MySQl."
+"Det anbefales sterkt at du oppgir et passord for den administrative «root»-"
+"brukeren i MySQl."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Hvis du ikke oppgir et passord blir det ikke gjort noen endringer med kontoen."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Klarer ikke angi passord for MySQLs «root»-bruker"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
-"Det ser ut til at det oppsto en feil mens det ble satt et passord for "
-"MySQLs administrative bruker. Dette kan være fordi brukeren allerede "
-"har et passord, eller fordi det var et kommunikasjonsproblem med "
+"Det ser ut til at det oppsto en feil mens det ble satt et passord for MySQLs "
+"administrative bruker. Dette kan være fordi brukeren allerede har et "
+"passord, eller fordi det var et kommunikasjonsproblem med MySQL-tjeneren."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Når installasjonen er ferdig bør det sjekkes at kontoen er ordentlig "
-"beskyttet med et passord (mer informasjon finnes i README.Debian)."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Skal MySQL-tilkoblinger støttes fra vertsmaskiner som kjører Debian «sarge» "
@@ -165,15 +187,52 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Passord ble tidligere lagret på en lite sikker måte. Dette er nå forbedret, "
-"med den ulempen at klienter (f.eks. PHP) fra verter som kjører Debian 3.1 Sarge "
-"ikke vil kunne koble til en konto som er ny eller har fått endret passordet. "
-"Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"med den ulempen at klienter (f.eks. PHP) fra verter som kjører Debian 3.1 "
+"Sarge ikke vil kunne koble til en konto som er ny eller har fått endret "
+"passordet. Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "For å bruke MySQL må du installere en bruker og gruppe tilsvarende den "
+#~ "nedenfor og se til at /var/lib/mysql har riktige rettigheter (uid/gid kan "
+#~ "være forskjellig)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Skal databasene brukt av alle MySQL-versjoner fjernes?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hvis du ikke oppgir et passord blir det ikke gjort noen endringer med "
+#~ "kontoen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Når installasjonen er ferdig bør det sjekkes at kontoen er ordentlig "
+#~ "beskyttet med et passord (mer informasjon finnes i README.Debian)."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nl.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nl.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/nl.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.30-1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-19 10:20+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Debian-Dutch <debian-l10n-dutch at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -17,17 +17,24 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Wilt u echt een oude versie herstellen?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Waarschuwing: waarschijnlijk is een hogere versie van het mysql-server "
 "pakket geïnstalleerd geweest (het bestand /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag "
@@ -35,58 +42,59 @@
 "hogere versie, kunnen worden gebruikt met de versie van mysql die u nu "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "Belangrijke opmerking voor gebruikers van NIS/YP!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"Om mysql te gebruiken dient u een gebruiker en groep aan te maken, "
-"gelijkwaardig aan onderstaand voorbeeld, en u dient ervoor te zorgen dat /"
-"var/lib/mysql de bijbehorende toegangsrechten heeft (uid en gid mogen anders "
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Databases verwijderen die door alle MySQL versies worden gebruikt?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Het script staat op het punt de datamap /var/lib/mysql te verwijderen. Als "
 "het plan alleen maar is om een hogere MySQL versie te installeren, of als "
@@ -95,57 +103,61 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Moet MySQL starten als de computer start?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL kan automatisch starten bij het starten van de computer, of slechts "
 "wanneer u '/etc/init.d/mysql start' handmatig uitvoert."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord voor de MySQL \"root\"-gebruiker:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Het wordt sterk aangeraden een wachtwoord in te stellen voor de "
 "administratieve MySQL \"root\"-gebruiker."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
-"Indien u geen wachtwoord opgeeft zal het account niet worden gewijzigd."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Kan het wachtwoord voor de MySQL \"root\"-gebruiker niet instellen"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Er lijkt een fout te zijn opgetreden bij het instellen van het wachtwoord "
 "van de MySQL administratieve gebruiker. Dat kan komen doordat de gebruiker "
@@ -154,34 +166,78 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Wanneer de installatie klaar is, dient u te verifiëren dat het account "
-"netjes beschermd is met een wachtwoord (zie README.Debian voor meer "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
-"Moet u MySQL-verbindingen accepteren van computers die Debian \"sarge\" "
-"of ouder draaien?"
+"Moet u MySQL-verbindingen accepteren van computers die Debian \"sarge\" of "
+"ouder draaien?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "De wijze waarop wachtwoorden werden bewaard was niet erg veilig. Dit is "
 "verbeterd, maar helaas zullen programma's van computers die Debian 3.1 Sarge "
 "draaien, geen verbinding meer kunnen maken met accounts die nieuw zijn, of "
 "waarvan het wachtwoord is gewijzigd. Zie /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om mysql te gebruiken dient u een gebruiker en groep aan te maken, "
+#~ "gelijkwaardig aan onderstaand voorbeeld, en u dient ervoor te zorgen dat /"
+#~ "var/lib/mysql de bijbehorende toegangsrechten heeft (uid en gid mogen "
+#~ "anders zijn)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Databases verwijderen die door alle MySQL versies worden gebruikt?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Indien u geen wachtwoord opgeeft zal het account niet worden gewijzigd."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Wanneer de installatie klaar is, dient u te verifiëren dat het account "
+#~ "netjes beschermd is met een wachtwoord (zie README.Debian voor meer "
+#~ "informatie)."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-05 21:01+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miguel Figueiredo <elmig at debianpt.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Portuguese <traduz at debianpt.org>\n"
@@ -17,76 +17,84 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Deseja mesmo fazer downgrade?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "Existe um ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag neste sistema."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "Tal ficheiro significa que anteriormente foi instalado um pacote mysql-"
 "server com um número de versão superior."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
+"Não existe nenhuma garantia que a versão que está actualmente a instalar "
+"seja capaz de utilizar as bases de dados actuais."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "Nota importante para utilizadores de NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"Para utilizar mysql e instalar um utilizador e grupo equivalentes para o "
-"seguinte e assegurar-se que /var/lib/mysql têm as permissões correctas (o "
-"uid/gid podem ser diferentes)."
+"Para utilizar o MySQL, têm de ser acrescentadas as seguintes entradas para "
+"os utilizadores e grupos:"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"Deve também verificar as permissões e o dono do directório /var/lib/mysql :"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados MySQL?"
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Remover as bases de dados utilizadas por todas as versões de MySQL?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"O directório /var/lib/mysql que contém as bases de dados MySQL está prestes "
+"a ser removido."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Se está a remover o pacote MySQL de modo a posteriormente instalar uma "
 "versão mais recente ou se um pacote mysq-server já está os está a utilizar, "
@@ -94,64 +102,57 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Iniciar o servidor MySQL no arranque?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "O MySQL pode ser automaticamente lançado no arranque ou manualmente através "
 "do comando '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nova palavra-passe para o utilizador \"root\" do MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Embora não seja mandatório, É fortemente recomendado que defina uma palavra-"
 "passe para o utilizador administrativo \"root\" do MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
-"Se não disponibilizar uma password não serão feitas alterações nesta conta."
+"Se esse campo for deixado em branco, a palavra-passe não irá ser alterada."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr ""
 "Não foi possível definir a palavra-passe para o utilizador \"root\" do MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Ocorreu um erro enquanto era definida a palavra-passe para o utilizador "
 "administrativo do MySQL. Isto pode ter acontecido porque a cona já tem uma "
@@ -160,17 +161,27 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Você deve verificar a palavra-passe da conta após a instalação do pacote."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Quando terminar a instalação, deve verificar se a conta está devidamente "
-"protegida com uma password (para mais informações veja README.Debian)."
+"Para mais informação por favor leia o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Suportar ligações MySQL de máquinas que corram Debian \"sarge\" ou mais "
@@ -178,69 +189,54 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Nas versões antigas de clientes de MySQL em Debian, as palavras-passe não "
 "eram guardadas de forma segura. Isto foi melhorado desde aí, no entanto os "
 "clientes (como o PHP) de máquinas que corram Debian 3.1 Sarge não irão "
 "conseguir ligar-se a contas novas ou cuja palavra-passe foi alterada."
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Existe um ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag neste sistema."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não existe nenhuma garantia que a versão que está actualmente a instalar "
-#~ "seja capaz de utilizar as bases de dados actuais."
+#~ "Para utilizar mysql e instalar um utilizador e grupo equivalentes para o "
+#~ "seguinte e assegurar-se que /var/lib/mysql têm as permissões correctas (o "
+#~ "uid/gid podem ser diferentes)."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para utilizar o MySQL, têm de ser acrescentadas as seguintes entradas "
-#~ "para os utilizadores e grupos:"
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Deve também verificar as permissões e o dono do directório /var/lib/"
-#~ "mysql :"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados MySQL?"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O directório /var/lib/mysql que contém as bases de dados MySQL está "
-#~ "prestes a ser removido."
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Remover as bases de dados utilizadas por todas as versões de MySQL?"
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Se esse campo for deixado em branco, a palavra-passe não irá ser alterada."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você deve verificar a palavra-passe da conta após a instalação do pacote."
+#~ "Se não disponibilizar uma password não serão feitas alterações nesta "
+#~ "conta."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para mais informação por favor leia o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mysql-"
-#~ "server-5.0/README.Debian."
+#~ "Quando terminar a instalação, deve verificar se a conta está devidamente "
+#~ "protegida com uma password (para mais informações veja README.Debian)."
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "Não é possível actualizar se estiverem presentes tabelas ISAM!"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt_BR.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt_BR.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/pt_BR.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-21 15:59-0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: André Luís Lopes <andrelop at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Debian-BR Project <debian-l10n-portuguese at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -20,76 +20,84 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Realmente proceder com o rebaixamento de versão?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr "Um arquivo de nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existe no sistema."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "A presença de um arquivo como este é uma indicação de que um pacote mysql-"
 "server com um número de versão mais alto já foi instalado anteriormente."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
+"Não há garantias de que a versão que você está instalando no momento "
+"conseguirá utilizar as bases de dados existentes."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "Aviso importante para usuários NIS/YP"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"Para utilizar o MySQL, você deve instalar um usuário e um grupo equivalentes "
-"ao usuário e grupo a seguir para se certificar de que o diretório /var/lib/"
-"mysql possua as permissões correctas (o uid/gid podem ser diferentes)."
+"Para utilizar o MySQL, as seguintes entradas para usuários e grupos devem "
+"ser adicionadas ao sistema:"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"Você deverá também checar as permissões e o dono do diretório /var/lib/mysql:"
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados do MySQL?"
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Remover as bases de dados utilizadas por todas as versões do MySQL?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"O diretório /var/lib/mysql, o qual contém as bases de dados do MySQL, está "
+"prestes a ser removido."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Caso você esteja removendo o pacote MySQL para posteriormente instalar uma "
 "versão mais recente ou, caso uma versão diferente do pacote mysql-server "
@@ -97,62 +105,55 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Iniciar o servidor MySQL junto a inicialização da máquina?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "O servidor MySQL pode ser iniciado automaticamente junto a inicialização da "
 "máquina ou manualmente com o comando '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nova senha para o usuário \"root\" do MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 "Apesar de não ser mandatório, é altamente recomendado que você defina uma "
 "senha para o usuário administrativo \"root\" do MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Caso você não forneça uma senha, nenhuma mudança será feita na conta."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr "Caso este campo seja deixado em branco, a senha não sera mudada."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Impossível definir senha para o usuário \"root\" do MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 "Um erro ocorreu durante a definição da senha para o usuário administrativo "
 "do MySQL. Isso pode ter acontecido devido a esse usuário já possuir uma "
@@ -161,18 +162,26 @@
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr "Você deverá checar a senha dessa conta após a instalação deste pacote."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
-"Quando a instalação finalizar, você deverá verificar se a conta está "
-"apropriadamente protegida com uma senha (consulte o arquivo README.Debian "
-"para maiores informações)."
+"Por favor, leia o arquivo /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian para "
+"maiores informações."
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 "Suportar conexões MySQL originadas de hosts executando o Debian \"sarge\" ou "
@@ -180,13 +189,12 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
 "Em versões antigas dos clientes MySQL no Debian, as senhas não eram "
 "armazenadas de forma segura. Isto foi corrigido desde então, porém, clientes "
@@ -194,55 +202,43 @@
 "conectar em contas recentes ou contas as quais as senhas tenham sido "
-#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
-#~ msgstr "Um arquivo de nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existe no sistema."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
-#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não há garantias de que a versão que você está instalando no momento "
-#~ "conseguirá utilizar as bases de dados existentes."
+#~ "Para utilizar o MySQL, você deve instalar um usuário e um grupo "
+#~ "equivalentes ao usuário e grupo a seguir para se certificar de que o "
+#~ "diretório /var/lib/mysql possua as permissões correctas (o uid/gid podem "
+#~ "ser diferentes)."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added "
-#~ "to the system:"
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para utilizar o MySQL, as seguintes entradas para usuários e grupos devem "
-#~ "ser adicionadas ao sistema:"
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
-#~ "directory:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você deverá também checar as permissões e o dono do diretório /var/lib/"
-#~ "mysql:"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-#~| msgid "Remove all databases?"
-#~ msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
-#~ msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados do MySQL?"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about "
-#~ "to be removed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "O diretório /var/lib/mysql, o qual contém as bases de dados do MySQL, "
-#~ "está prestes a ser removido."
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Remover as bases de dados utilizadas por todas as versões do MySQL?"
-#~ msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
-#~ msgstr "Caso este campo seja deixado em branco, a senha não sera mudada."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você deverá checar a senha dessa conta após a instalação deste pacote."
+#~ "Caso você não forneça uma senha, nenhuma mudança será feita na conta."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for "
-#~ "more information."
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por favor, leia o arquivo /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian "
-#~ "para maiores informações."
+#~ "Quando a instalação finalizar, você deverá verificar se a conta está "
+#~ "apropriadamente protegida com uma senha (consulte o arquivo README.Debian "
+#~ "para maiores informações)."
 #~ msgid "internal"
 #~ msgstr "interno"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ro.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ro.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ro.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: po-debconf://mysql-dfsg\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-20 21:27+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: stan ioan-eugen <stan.ieugen at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: romanian <debian-l10n-romanian at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -18,73 +18,83 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să instalaţi o versiune mai veche?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "AVERTISMENT: Fişierul /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag există. Acest lucru "
 "indică faptul că anterior a fost instalată o versiune nouă a pachetului "
 "mysql-server. Nu se poate garanta că versiunea instalată acum poate folosi "
 "datele versiunii instalate anterior."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr "Notă importantă pentru utilizatorii NIS/YP!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"Pentru a folosi mysql trebuie să adăugaţi un utilizator şi grup echivalent "
-"şi să vă asiguraţi că /var/lib/mysql are permisiunile stabilite corect (uid/"
-"gid pot aveavalori diferite)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "/etc/passwd:\tmysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:\tmysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:\tdrwxr-xr-x\tmysql\tmysql"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Doriţi să ştergeţi bazele de date folosite de toate versiune MySQL?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 "Scriptul urmează să şteargă directorul de date /var/lib/mysql. Dacă plănuiţi "
 "doar să instalaţi o versiune nouă MySQL sau datele sunt folosite de către un "
@@ -92,87 +102,144 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Doriţi ca MySQL să pornească la initializarea sistemului?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL poate porni automat la iniţializarea sistemului sau doar dacă rulaţi "
 "comanda „/etc/init.d/mysql start”."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Noua parolă pentru utilizatorul „root” al MySQL:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
-msgstr "Este recomandat să stabiliţi o parolă pentru utilizatorul administrativ „root” al MySQL."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
+msgstr ""
+"Este recomandat să stabiliţi o parolă pentru utilizatorul administrativ "
+"„root” al MySQL."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Dacă nu introduceţi nici o parolă, nici o schimbare nu va fi luată în considerare."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Nu s-a putut stabili parola pentru utilizatorul „root” al MySQL"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
-msgstr "Se pare că a intervenit o eroare în stabilirea parolei pentru utilizatorul administrativ "
-"al MySQL. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla dacă utilizatorul are deja o parolă, sau a existat o "
-"problemă în comunicarea cu serverul MySQL."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
+msgstr ""
+"Se pare că a intervenit o eroare în stabilirea parolei pentru utilizatorul "
+"administrativ al MySQL. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla dacă utilizatorul are "
+"deja o parolă, sau a existat o problemă în comunicarea cu serverul MySQL."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
-msgstr "După finalizarea instalării, ar trebui să verificaţi dacă contul este protejat"
-" cu o parolă (citiţi fişierul README.Debian pentru informaţii suplimentare)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "Suportaţi conexiuni MySQL de la staţii ce rulează sistemul Debian „sarge” sau mai vechi?"
+msgstr ""
+"Suportaţi conexiuni MySQL de la staţii ce rulează sistemul Debian „sarge” "
+"sau mai vechi?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
-msgstr "Modul în care erau păstrate parolele nu era foarte sigur. Acest lucru a fost îmbunătăţit"
-"cu dezajantajul că clienţii (de ex. PHP) de pe staţii ce rulează sistemul Debian 3.1 Sarge"
-"nu se vor putea conecta la conturi noi sau ale căror parole au fost schimbate. Citiţi "
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Modul în care erau păstrate parolele nu era foarte sigur. Acest lucru a fost "
+"îmbunătăţitcu dezajantajul că clienţii (de ex. PHP) de pe staţii ce rulează "
+"sistemul Debian 3.1 Sargenu se vor putea conecta la conturi noi sau ale "
+"căror parole au fost schimbate. Citiţi /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pentru a folosi mysql trebuie să adăugaţi un utilizator şi grup "
+#~ "echivalent şi să vă asiguraţi că /var/lib/mysql are permisiunile "
+#~ "stabilite corect (uid/gid pot aveavalori diferite)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:\tmysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:\tmysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:\tdrwxr-xr-x\tmysql\tmysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Doriţi să ştergeţi bazele de date folosite de toate versiune MySQL?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dacă nu introduceţi nici o parolă, nici o schimbare nu va fi luată în "
+#~ "considerare."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "După finalizarea instalării, ar trebui să verificaţi dacă contul este "
+#~ "protejat cu o parolă (citiţi fişierul README.Debian pentru informaţii "
+#~ "suplimentare)."
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "Nu se poate face actualizarea dacă sunt prezente tabele ISAM!"

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ru.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ru.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/ru.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0_5.0.32-6_ru\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-19 11:28+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yuriy Talakan' <yt at drsk.ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <debian-l10n-russian at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -28,145 +28,219 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Вы действительно желаете понизить версию?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
 "ВНИМАНИЕ: Найден файл /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag. Это означает, что ранее "
 "был установлен пакет mysql-server более высокой версии. Невозможно "
 "гарантировать, что текущая версия сможет использовать его данные."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Важное замечание для пользователей NIS/YP!"
-#. Type: note
-#. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Чтобы использовать mysql, Вы должны установить эквивалентные пользователя и "
-"группу, как указано ниже и убедиться, что /var/lib/mysql имеет правильные "
-"права (uid/gid могут отличаться)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Важное замечание для пользователей NIS/YP!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Удалить базы данных, используемые всеми версиями MySQL?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
-msgstr "Сценарий собирается удалить директорию данных /var/lib/mysql. Если планируется установить новую версию MySQL или есть другие пакеты mysql-server, использующие эту директорию, то данные надо сохранить."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Сценарий собирается удалить директорию данных /var/lib/mysql. Если "
+"планируется установить новую версию MySQL или есть другие пакеты mysql-"
+"server, использующие эту директорию, то данные надо сохранить."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Запускать MySQL при загрузке системы?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL может запускаться при загрузке системы, либо только если вы вручную "
 "введете команду '/etc/init.d/mysql start'. "
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Новый пароль для MySQL пользователя \"root\":"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
-msgstr "Крайне рекомендуется установить пароль для административного MySQL пользователя \"root\"."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
+msgstr ""
+"Крайне рекомендуется установить пароль для административного MySQL "
+"пользователя \"root\"."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Если вы не зададите пароль, то учетная запись не будет изменена."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Невозможно задать пароль MySQL пользователю \"root\""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
-msgstr "В процессе задания пароля административного MySQL пользователя произошла ошибка.  Это могло произойти если у пользователя уже был задан пароль, или из-за проблем соединения с сервером MySQL."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
+msgstr ""
+"В процессе задания пароля административного MySQL пользователя произошла "
+"ошибка.  Это могло произойти если у пользователя уже был задан пароль, или "
+"из-за проблем соединения с сервером MySQL."
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
-msgstr "Когда установка завершится, вы должны убедиться, что учетная запись защищена паролем (подробную информацию см. в README.Debian)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "Нужна поддержка подключений к MySQL с машин, работающих под Debian \"sarge\" или старше?"
+msgstr ""
+"Нужна поддержка подключений к MySQL с машин, работающих под Debian \"sarge\" "
+"или старше?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
-msgstr "Метод хранения пароля был не очень безопасен. Это было сделано из-за того, клиенты (например, PHP) с машин, работающих под Debian 3.1 Sarge не смогут подключиться к учетной записи если она новая, или пароль был изменен. См. /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Метод хранения пароля был не очень безопасен. Это было сделано из-за того, "
+"клиенты (например, PHP) с машин, работающих под Debian 3.1 Sarge не смогут "
+"подключиться к учетной записи если она новая, или пароль был изменен. См. /"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Чтобы использовать mysql, Вы должны установить эквивалентные пользователя "
+#~ "и группу, как указано ниже и убедиться, что /var/lib/mysql имеет "
+#~ "правильные права (uid/gid могут отличаться)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Удалить базы данных, используемые всеми версиями MySQL?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr "Если вы не зададите пароль, то учетная запись не будет изменена."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Когда установка завершится, вы должны убедиться, что учетная запись "
+#~ "защищена паролем (подробную информацию см. в README.Debian)."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/sv.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/sv.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/sv.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.21-3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 14:48+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andreas Henriksson <andreas at fatal.se>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se>\n"
@@ -26,120 +26,229 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr "Vill du verkligen nedgradera?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
-msgstr "VARNING: Filen /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existerar. Detta betyder att paketet mysql-server med högre versionsnummer har installerats tidigare. Det kan inte garanteras att denna version kan använda dess data."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "Viktig notering för NIS/YP-användare!"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
+"VARNING: Filen /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existerar. Detta betyder att "
+"paketet mysql-server med högre versionsnummer har installerats tidigare. Det "
+"kan inte garanteras att denna version kan använda dess data."
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
-msgstr "För att använda MySQL måste du installera en motsvarande användare och grupp till följande och se till att /var/lib/mysql har korrekta rättigheter satta (uid/gid kan vara olika)."
+msgid ""
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
-msgstr "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Viktig notering för NIS/YP-användare!"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
-msgstr "Ta bort databaserna som används av alla MySQL-versioner?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
-msgstr "Scriptet kommer strax ta bort data-katalogen /var/lib/mysql. Om det planerade var att bara installera en högre MySQL-version eller om ett annan mysql-server paket redan använde det, skall datan sparas."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Scriptet kommer strax ta bort data-katalogen /var/lib/mysql. Om det "
+"planerade var att bara installera en högre MySQL-version eller om ett annan "
+"mysql-server paket redan använde det, skall datan sparas."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "Ska MySQL startas när systemet startar upp?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
-msgstr "MySQL kan startas när systemet startas upp eller endast om du manuellt skriver '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
+msgstr ""
+"MySQL kan startas när systemet startas upp eller endast om du manuellt "
+"skriver '/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr "Nytt lösenord för MySQLs \"root\"-användare:"
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
-msgstr "Det är starkt rekommenderat att du sätter ett lösenord för MySQLs administrativa \"root\"-användare."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
+msgstr ""
+"Det är starkt rekommenderat att du sätter ett lösenord för MySQLs "
+"administrativa \"root\"-användare."
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
-msgstr "Om du inte anger ett lösenord kommer inga ändringar att göras för kontot."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr "Lyckades inte sätta lösenord för MySQLs \"root\"-användare"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
-msgstr "Det verkar som ett fel uppstod när det skulle sättas ett lösenord för MySQLs administrativa användare. Detta kan ha skett för att användaren redan har ett lösenord satt, eller på grund av problem med att kommunicera med MySQL-servern."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
+msgstr ""
+"Det verkar som ett fel uppstod när det skulle sättas ett lösenord för MySQLs "
+"administrativa användare. Detta kan ha skett för att användaren redan har "
+"ett lösenord satt, eller på grund av problem med att kommunicera med MySQL-"
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
-msgstr "När installationen är klar, bör du kontrollera så att kontot är riktigt skyddat av ett lösenord (läs README.Debian för mer information)."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
+msgstr "Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian för mer information."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
-msgstr "Behöver du MySQL-anslutningar från system som kör Debian \"Sarge\" eller äldre?"
+msgstr ""
+"Behöver du MySQL-anslutningar från system som kör Debian \"Sarge\" eller "
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
-msgid "The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
-msgstr "Sättet som lösenorden lagrades på var inte särskilt säkert. Detta har förbättrats på bekostnad av att klienter (t.ex. PHP) från system som kör Debian 3.1 Sarge inte kan ansluta till konton som är nya eller vars lösenord har ändrats. Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sättet som lösenorden lagrades på var inte särskilt säkert. Detta har "
+"förbättrats på bekostnad av att klienter (t.ex. PHP) från system som kör "
+"Debian 3.1 Sarge inte kan ansluta till konton som är nya eller vars lösenord "
+"har ändrats. Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "För att använda MySQL måste du installera en motsvarande användare och "
+#~ "grupp till följande och se till att /var/lib/mysql har korrekta "
+#~ "rättigheter satta (uid/gid kan vara olika)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#~ msgstr "Ta bort databaserna som används av alla MySQL-versioner?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om du inte anger ett lösenord kommer inga ändringar att göras för kontot."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is "
+#~ "properly protected with a password (see README.Debian for more "
+#~ "information)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "När installationen är klar, bör du kontrollera så att kontot är riktigt "
+#~ "skyddat av ett lösenord (läs README.Debian för mer information)."
 #~ msgid "Cannot upgrade if ISAM tables are present!"
 #~ msgstr "Kan inte uppgradera om ISAM-tabeller finns!"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Recent versions of MySQL can no longer use the old ISAM table format and "
 #~ "it is necessary to convert your tables to e.g. MyISAM before upgrading by "
@@ -154,8 +263,10 @@
 #~ "eller \"ALTER TABLE x ENGINE=MyISAM\". Installationen av mysql-server-5.0 "
 #~ "kommer nu att avbrytas. Om ditt gamla mysql-server-4.1-paket tas bort är "
 #~ "det bara att installera om det för att konvertera de tabellerna."
 #~ msgid "Update Hints"
 #~ msgstr "Uppdateringstips"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "You have to run \"mysql_upgrade\" after the upgrade, else tables can be  "
 #~ "corrupted! This script also enhances the privilege tables but is not  "
@@ -165,10 +276,13 @@
 #~ "tabellerna vara skadade! Detta skript utökar även privilegietabellerna "
 #~ "men är inte tänkte att ge någon användare mer befogenhet än vad han hade "
 #~ "tidigare,"
 #~ msgid "Please also read http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html"
 #~ msgstr "Läs även http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html"
 #~ msgid "Install Hints"
 #~ msgstr "Installationstips"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "On upgrades from MySQL 3.23, as shipped with Debian Woody, symlinks in "
 #~ "place of /var/lib/mysql or /var/log/mysql gets accidently removed and "
@@ -177,6 +291,7 @@
 #~ "Vid uppgraderingar från MySQL 3.23 som skickades med Debian Woody har "
 #~ "symboliska länkar i /var/lib/mysql eller /var/log/mysql av misstag tagits "
 #~ "bort och måste manuellt återskapas."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "MySQL will only install if you have a non-numeric hostname that is "
 #~ "resolvable via the /etc/hosts file. E.g. if the \"hostname\" command "
@@ -187,6 +302,7 @@
 #~ "kan slås upp via filen /etc/hosts. Exempelvis om kommandot \"hostname\" "
 #~ "returnerar \"mittnamn\" så bör det finnas en rad som liknar \" "
 #~ "mittnamn\"."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "A new mysql user \"debian-sys-maint\" will be created. This mysql account "
 #~ "is used in the start/stop and cron scripts. Don't delete."
@@ -194,6 +310,7 @@
 #~ "En ny MySQL-användare kallad \"debian-sys-maint\" kommer att skapas. "
 #~ "Detta MySQL-konto används för start/stopp och cron-skript. Ta inte bort "
 #~ "det."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Please remember to set a PASSWORD for the MySQL root user! If you use a /"
 #~ "root/.my.cnf, always write the \"user\" and the \"password\" lines in "
@@ -202,17 +319,15 @@
 #~ "Tänk på att sätta ett LÖSENORD för MySQL:s root-användare! Om du "
 #~ "använder /root/.my.cnf, skriv då alltid en \"user\"-rad och en \"password"
 #~ "\"-rad i den, aldrig med endast lösenordet!"
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian for more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Se /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian för mer information."
-#~ msgid ""
 #~ "Should I remove the complete /var/lib/mysql directory tree which is used "
 #~ "by all MySQL versions, not necessarily only the one you are about to "
 #~ "purge?"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Ska jag ta bort hela katalogträdet i /var/lib/mysql som används av alla "
 #~ "MySQL-versioner och inte bara för den som du nu kommer att rensa ut?"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Rarely, e.g. on new major versions, the privilege system is improved. To "
 #~ "make use of it mysql_fix_privilege_tables must be executed manually. The "
@@ -222,4 +337,3 @@
 #~ "förbättrats. För att använda det måste skriptet "
 #~ "mysql_fix_privilege_tables köras manuellt. Skriptet är inte tänkt att ge "
 #~ "någon användare högre behörighet än han hade tidigare."

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/templates.pot
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/templates.pot	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/templates.pot	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -18,138 +18,154 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
 msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
 msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/tr.po
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/tr.po	2007-05-07 17:17:51 UTC (rev 856)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/po/tr.po	2007-05-08 18:35:05 UTC (rev 857)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-4.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ch at debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-16 22:27+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-mysql-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-08 20:33+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-05 08:53+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gürkan Aslan <gurkan at iaslan.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -17,85 +17,92 @@
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates that a "
-"mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed before. It can "
-"not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
 msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
-msgstr "NIS/YP kullanıcıları için önemli not!"
+msgid ""
+"Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher version "
+"has been installed earlier."
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
 #: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
 msgid ""
-"To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the following "
-"and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right permissions (the uid/"
-"gid may be different)."
+"There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will be "
+"able to use the current databases."
 msgstr ""
-"Mysql'i kullanmak için aşağıdakiyle eşdeğer bir kullanıcı ve grup "
-"tanımlamalı, ve /var/lib/mysql izinlerinin uygun şekilde ayarlandığından "
-"emin olmalısınız (uid/gid farklı olabilir)."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "NIS/YP kullanıcıları için önemli not!"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
 msgid ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+"To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added to "
+"the system:"
 msgstr ""
-"/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
-msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
-#. Type: note
+#. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:2001
-msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
-msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MySQL databases?"
+msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
-msgid "Remove the databases used by all MySQL versions?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MySQL databases is about to "
+"be removed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:3001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
 msgid ""
-"The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
-"planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
-"server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+"If you're removing the MySQL package in order to later install a more recent "
+"version or if a different mysql-server package is already using it, the data "
+"should be kept."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
-msgid "Should MySQL start on boot?"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start the MySQL server on boot?"
 msgstr "MySQL açılış sırasında başlatılsın mı?"
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:4001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The MySQL can start automatically on boot time or only if you manually type "
-"'/etc/init.d/mysql start'."
+"The MySQL server can be launched automatically at boot time or manually with "
+"the '/etc/init.d/mysql start' command."
 msgstr ""
 "MySQL açılış sırasında veya '/etc/init.d/mysql start' komutunu vermeniz "
 "halinde elle başlatılabilir. Eğer açılışta otomatik olarak başlatılmasını "
@@ -103,64 +110,91 @@
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
 msgid ""
-"It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
-"administrative \"root\" user."
+"While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+"the MySQL administrative \"root\" user."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: password
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:5001
-msgid ""
-"If you do not provide a password no changes will be made to the account."
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
-msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "Unable to set password for the MySQL \"root\" user"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
 msgid ""
-"It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
-"administrative user.  This may have happened because the user already has a "
-"password, or because there was a problem communicating with the MySQL server."
+"An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative "
+"user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or "
+"because of a communication problem with the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: error
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:6001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+msgid "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001 ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"When installation finishes, you should verify that the account is properly "
-"protected with a password (see README.Debian for more information)."
+"Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file for more "
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid "Support MySQL connections from hosts running Debian \"sarge\" or older?"
 msgstr ""
 #. Type: boolean
 #. Description
-#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:7001
+#: ../mysql-server-5.0.templates:8001
 msgid ""
-"The way passwords were stored was not very secure. This has been improved "
-"with the drawback that clients (e.g. PHP) from hosts running Debian 3.1 "
-"Sarge will not be able to connect to account which are new or whose password "
-"have been changed. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian."
+"In old versions of MySQL clients on Debian, passwords were not stored "
+"securely. This has been improved since then, however clients (such as PHP) "
+"from hosts running Debian 3.1 Sarge will not be able to connect to recent "
+"accounts or accounts whose password have been changed."
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use mysql you must install an equivalent user and group to the "
+#~ "following and ensure yourself that /var/lib/mysql has the right "
+#~ "permissions (the uid/gid may be different)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mysql'i kullanmak için aşağıdakiyle eşdeğer bir kullanıcı ve grup "
+#~ "tanımlamalı, ve /var/lib/mysql izinlerinin uygun şekilde ayarlandığından "
+#~ "emin olmalısınız (uid/gid farklı olabilir)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "/etc/passwd:      mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false"
+#~ msgid "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgstr "/etc/group:       mysql:x:101:"
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/mysql:   drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Please also read http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html"
 #~ msgstr "Lütfen http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html belgesini okuyun"

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