[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1463 - in trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian: . utils xml-man

Sylvain LE GALL gildor-guest at costa.debian.org
Wed Jul 20 21:06:16 UTC 2005

Author: gildor-guest
Date: 2005-07-20 21:06:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jul 2005)
New Revision: 1463

Add options required to extract users section from downloads.ini -- SLG

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/TODO
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/TODO	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/TODO	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -29,4 +29,3 @@
   * Split downloads.ini in users.ini
   * Handle the fasttrack split in postinst

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/common_options.ml
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/common_options.ml	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/common_options.ml	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -31,18 +31,17 @@
   print_value vl
-let save_option filename fl =
-  let file = open_out filename
-  in
+let output_option chn fl =
   let rec save_one_option f =
     match f with
     Comment(s,tl_f) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "%s\n\n" s;
+      Printf.fprintf chn "%s\n\n" s;
       save_one_option tl_f
     | Options(v,tl_f) ->
       save_var v;
-      Printf.fprintf file "\n";
+      Printf.fprintf chn "\n";
       save_one_option tl_f
     | Eof ->
@@ -50,34 +49,34 @@
   save_var v =
     match v with
     StringId(s,o) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "\"%s\" = " s;
+      Printf.fprintf chn "\"%s\" = " s;
       save_value o;
-      Printf.fprintf file "\n"
+      Printf.fprintf chn "\n"
     | Id(s,o) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "%s = " s;
+      Printf.fprintf chn "%s = " s;
       save_value o;
-      Printf.fprintf file "\n"
+      Printf.fprintf chn "\n"
   save_value v =
     match v with
     ValModule(f) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "{\n";
+      Printf.fprintf chn "{\n";
       save_one_option f;
-      Printf.fprintf file "}"
+      Printf.fprintf chn "}"
     | ValInt(i) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "%s" (Int64.to_string i);
+      Printf.fprintf chn "%s" (Int64.to_string i);
     | ValFloat(f) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "%f" f;
+      Printf.fprintf chn "%f" f;
     | ValList(lst) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "[\n";
+      Printf.fprintf chn "[\n";
       save_list lst;
-      Printf.fprintf file "]"
+      Printf.fprintf chn "]"
     | ValString(s) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "\"%s\"" s
+      Printf.fprintf chn "\"%s\"" s
     | ValChar(s) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "'%s'" s
+      Printf.fprintf chn "'%s'" s
     | ValIdent(s) ->
-      Printf.fprintf file "%s" s
+      Printf.fprintf chn "%s" s
   save_list l =
     match l with
@@ -85,50 +84,55 @@
       save_value itm
     | itm :: tl_lst ->
       save_value itm;
-      Printf.fprintf file ";\n";
+      Printf.fprintf chn ";\n";
       save_list tl_lst
     | [] ->
-  save_one_option fl;
-  close_out file
+  save_one_option fl
+let save_option filename fl =
+  let chn = open_out filename
+  in
+  output_option chn fl;
+  close_out chn
 let load_option filename =
   let file = open_in filename
   let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel file
-          lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with
-            pos_fname = filename;
-            pos_lnum  = 1;
-            pos_bol   = 0;
-          };
-          let res = Parse_options.main Lexer_options.token lexbuf
-          in
-          close_in file;
-          res
+    lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with
+    pos_fname = filename;
+    pos_lnum  = 1;
+    pos_bol   = 0;
+    };
+    let res = Parse_options.main Lexer_options.token lexbuf
+    in
+    close_in file;
+    res
-          Parsing.Parse_error 
-        | Failure "int_of_string" ->
-            let start_position =
-              Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf
-            in
-            let end_position =
-              Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
-            in
-            Printf.fprintf stderr
-            ( "Unable to parse file: %s\n"
-            ^^"Last word seen : %S\n"
-            ^^"Position : line %d, char. %d-%d\n" )
-            (start_position.pos_fname)
-            (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
-            (start_position.pos_lnum)
-            (start_position.pos_cnum - start_position.pos_bol)
-            (end_position.pos_cnum - start_position.pos_bol);
-            raise Parsing.Parse_error
+    Parsing.Parse_error 
+  | Failure "int_of_string" ->
+      let start_position =
+        Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf
+      in
+      let end_position =
+        Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
+      in
+      Printf.fprintf stderr
+      ( "Unable to parse file: %s\n"
+      ^^"Last word seen : %S\n"
+      ^^"Position : line %d, char. %d-%d\n" )
+      (start_position.pos_fname)
+      (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+      (start_position.pos_lnum)
+      (start_position.pos_cnum - start_position.pos_bol)
+      (end_position.pos_cnum - start_position.pos_bol);
+      raise Parsing.Parse_error
 let parse_option str =
@@ -145,8 +149,8 @@
       "-" ^ (string_of_int (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf)));
     print_newline ();
     raise Parsing.Parse_error
 let rec find_option id fl =
   match fl with
   Comment(_,f) ->
@@ -160,39 +164,43 @@
   | Eof ->
     raise Not_found
-let replace_option (op:options) fl =
+let replace_option op fl =
   let rec replace_one_option id vl is_replaced f =
     match f with
-    Comment(s,f) ->
-      Comment(s,(replace_one_option id vl is_replaced f))
-    | Options(StringId(x,opv),f) ->
-      let (nvl,replaced) = 
-        if x = id then
-          (vl,true)
-        else
-          (opv,is_replaced)
-      in
-      Options(StringId(x,nvl), replace_one_option id vl replaced f)
-    | Options(Id(x,opv), f) ->
-      let (nvl,replaced) =
-        if x = id then
-          (vl,true)
-        else
-          (opv,is_replaced)
-      in
-      Options(Id(x,nvl), replace_one_option id vl replaced f)
+      Comment(s,f) ->
+        Comment(s,(replace_one_option id vl is_replaced f))
+    | Options(StringId(x,opv),f) when x = id ->
+        Options(StringId(x,vl), replace_one_option id vl true f)
+    | Options(Id(x,opv),f) when x = id ->
+        Options(Id(x,vl), replace_one_option id vl true f)
+    | Options(x,f) ->
+        Options(x, replace_one_option id vl is_replaced f)
+    | Eof when not is_replaced ->
+        Options(op, Eof)
     | Eof ->
-      if not is_replaced then
-        Options(op, Eof)
-      else
   let (nid,nvl) =
     match op with
     | Id(x,opv) ->
-      (x,opv)
+        (x,opv)
   replace_one_option nid nvl false fl
+let remove_option id fl =
+  let rec remove_one_option id fl =
+    match fl with
+      Comment(s,nfl) ->
+        Comment(s,(remove_one_option id nfl))
+    | Options(StringId(x,_),nfl) 
+    | Options(Id(x,_), nfl) when x = id ->
+        remove_one_option id nfl
+    | Options(x, nfl) ->
+        Options(x, remove_one_option id nfl)
+    | Eof ->
+        Eof
+  in
+  remove_one_option id fl

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_users.ml
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_users.ml	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_users.ml	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
   | Add of string * (string option) 
   | Del of string 
   | List
+  | TestUsersSection
+  | DumpUsersSection
+  | StripUsersSection
 exception No_downloads_ini
 exception Invalid_format
 let encrypt x = Md4.Md4.to_string (Md4.Md4.string x)
 let empty_password = ""
-module MapString = Map.Make 
-( struct 
-  type t = string 
-  let compare = compare 
-end )
 let _ = 
   let action = ref List
@@ -30,51 +29,61 @@
   let quiet = ref false
   let _ = Arg.parse [
-    ("--add", Arg.String ( fun x -> action := Add (x,None) ),
-       "Add the specified user, prompt or use password set with -p");
-    ("--del", Arg.String ( fun x -> action := Del (x) ),
-      "Delete the specified user");
-    ("--check", Arg.String ( fun x -> action := Check (x,None) ),
-      "Check if specified user has an empty password, a password specified with -p or exist");
-    ("--list", Arg.Unit ( fun () -> action := List ),
-      "List all user");
+    ("--add", Arg.String (fun x -> action := Add (x,None)),
+       "Add the specified user, prompt or use password set with -p.");
+    ("--del", Arg.String (fun x -> action := Del (x) ),
+      "Delete the specified user.");
+    ("--check", Arg.String (fun x -> action := Check (x,None)),
+      "Check if specified user has an empty password, a password specified with"
+      ^" -p or exist.");
+    ("--list", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := List),
+      "List all users.");
+    ("--test-users-section", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := TestUsersSection),
+      "Check the presence of a users section.");
+    ("--dump-users-section", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := DumpUsersSection),
+      "Print the users section.");
+    ("--strip-users-section", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := StripUsersSection),
+      "Print the specified file without the users section.");
     ("-f", Arg.String ( fun x -> filename := Some x ),
-      "Which downloads.ini to use");
+      "Which downloads.ini to use.");
     ("-p", Arg.String ( fun x -> password := Some x ),
-      "Set the password");
+      "Set the password.");
     ("-q", Arg.Set quiet,
-      "Run quietly");
+      "Run quietly.");
     ( fun _ -> () )
     "Usage mldonkey_users [options] where options are :"
   let real_action = 
     match (!action,!password) with
-    ( List, _ ) -> List
-    | ( Del x, _ ) -> Del x
-    | ( Add( x, _ ), y ) -> Add ( x, y )
-    | ( Check( x, _ ), y ) -> Check ( x, y )
+      (List, _) -> List
+    | (Del x, _) -> Del x
+    | (Add(x, _), y) -> Add ( x, y )
+    | (Check(x, _), y) -> Check ( x, y )
+    | (TestUsersSection, _) -> TestUsersSection
+    | (DumpUsersSection, _) -> DumpUsersSection
+    | (StripUsersSection, _) -> StripUsersSection
   let file =   
     match !filename with
-    Some(x) ->
+      Some(x) ->
     | None ->
       raise No_downloads_ini
-  let users = 
-    let add_one_user map users_option_entry =
+  let load_users file = 
+    let add_one_user lst users_option_entry =
       match users_option_entry with
-       ValList([ValString(user);ValString(password)])
-      |ValList([ValString(user);  ValChar(password)])
-      |ValList([ValString(user); ValIdent(password)])
-      |ValList([  ValChar(user);ValString(password)])
-      |ValList([  ValChar(user);  ValChar(password)])
-      |ValList([  ValChar(user); ValIdent(password)])
-      |ValList([ ValIdent(user);ValString(password)])
-      |ValList([ ValIdent(user);  ValChar(password)])
-      |ValList([ ValIdent(user); ValIdent(password)]) ->
-        MapString.add user password map
+        ValList([ValString(user);ValString(password)])
+      | ValList([ValString(user);  ValChar(password)])
+      | ValList([ValString(user); ValIdent(password)])
+      | ValList([  ValChar(user);ValString(password)])
+      | ValList([  ValChar(user);  ValChar(password)])
+      | ValList([  ValChar(user); ValIdent(password)])
+      | ValList([ ValIdent(user);ValString(password)])
+      | ValList([ ValIdent(user);  ValChar(password)])
+      | ValList([ ValIdent(user); ValIdent(password)]) ->
+          (user,password)::lst
       | _ ->
         raise Invalid_format
@@ -86,15 +95,15 @@
     match users_option with
     ValList lst ->
-      List.fold_left add_one_user MapString.empty lst
+      List.fold_left add_one_user [] lst
     | _ ->
       raise Invalid_format
-  let save_users new_users = 
-    let save_one_user user password other_users =
+  let save_users file new_users = 
+    let save_one_user other_users (user,password) =
       ValList([ ValIdent(user);ValString(password)]) :: other_users
-    let all_users = MapString.fold save_one_user new_users []
+    let all_users = List.fold_left save_one_user [] new_users
     let new_option = 
       Id ("users", ValList(all_users))
@@ -105,58 +114,48 @@
     if !quiet then
-    begin
-      print_string x;
-      print_newline ()
-    end
+      (
+        print_string x;
+        print_newline ()
+      )
+  let fatal x =
+    debug x;
+    exit 1
+  in
   match real_action with
-  List ->
-    begin
-      MapString.iter ( fun x y -> print_string x; print_newline () ) users;
-      exit 0
-    end
+    List ->
+      List.iter (fun (x,y) -> print_string x; print_newline ()) 
+      (load_users file)
   | Check(user,Some(password)) ->
-        let real_password = MapString.find user users
+        let real_password = List.assoc user (load_users file)
         if real_password = ( encrypt password ) then
-        begin
-          debug "Found matching user"; exit 0
-        end
+          debug "Found matching user"
-        begin
-          debug "User exists but bad password"; exit 1
-        end
+          fatal "User exists but bad password"
       with Not_found ->
-      begin 
-        debug "User not found"; exit 1
-      end
+        fatal "User not found"
   | Check(user,None) ->
-        let real_password = MapString.find user users
+        let real_password = List.assoc user (load_users file)
         if real_password = ( encrypt empty_password ) then
-        begin
-          debug "This user has an empty password"; exit 1
-        end
+            fatal "This user has an empty password"
-        begin
-          debug "This user has a good password"; exit 0
-        end
+            debug "This user has a good password"
       with Not_found ->
-      begin
-        debug "User not found"; exit 1
-      end
+        fatal "User not found"
   | Add(user,Some(password)) ->
-    begin
-      save_users (MapString.add user ( encrypt password ) users);
-      exit 0
-    end
+      save_users file (
+        (user,encrypt password)
+        ::(List.remove_assoc user (load_users file))
+        )
   | Add(user,None) ->
       let password =
@@ -168,22 +167,44 @@
         read_line ()
       if password = confirm_password then
-      begin
-        save_users ( MapString.add user ( encrypt password ) users);
-        debug "New user/password saved"; exit 0
-      end
+        (
+          save_users file (
+            (user,encrypt password)
+            ::(List.remove_assoc user (load_users file))
+            );
+          debug "New user/password saved"
+        )
-      begin
-        debug "Password and confirmation do not match"; exit 1
-      end
+        fatal "Password and confirmation do not match"
   | Del(user) ->
-        save_users ( MapString.remove user users );
-        exit 0
+        save_users file (List.remove_assoc user (load_users file));
       with Not_found ->
+        fatal "User not found"
+    end
+  | TestUsersSection ->
-        debug "User not found"; exit 1
+        try
+          let _ = find_option "users" (load_option file)
+          in
+          ()
+        with Not_found ->
+          fatal "Cannot find users section"
-    end
+  | DumpUsersSection ->
+      begin
+        try
+          let users_section = find_option "users" (load_option file)
+          in
+          output_option stdout (Options(Id("users",users_section), Eof))
+        with Not_found ->
+          fatal "Cannot find users section"
+      end
+  | StripUsersSection ->
+      begin
+        let stripped_options = remove_option "users" (load_option file)
+        in
+        output_option stdout stripped_options
+      end

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/Makefile
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/Makefile	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/Makefile	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 all: mlgui.1 mlguistarter.1 mlnet.1 mldonkey_options.1 mldonkey_server.1 mldonkey_command.1 mldonkey_submit.1 mldonkey_users.1 mldonkey_files.1 mldonkey_create_chroot.1
-	rm -rf *.1
+	rm -rf *.1 *.8

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_files.xml
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_files.xml	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_files.xml	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+	<option>--test<arg>network_name</arg></option>
@@ -95,10 +96,12 @@
 		<term><option>--test <arg>network_name</arg></option></term>
-			<para>This command will search file source entry 
-			concerning the network <arg>network_name</arg> in the
-                        <option>-f0</option> file. If one file comes from the 
-                        given network, the exit code will be 0 else 1.
+                  <para>
+                    This command will search file source entry 
+                    concerning the network <arg>network_name</arg> in the
+                    <option>-f0</option> file. If one file comes from the 
+                    given network, the exit code will be 0 else 1.
+                    </para>

Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_users.xml
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_users.xml	2005-07-18 23:19:31 UTC (rev 1462)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/xml-man/mldonkey_users.xml	2005-07-20 21:06:16 UTC (rev 1463)
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 	<option>--del <arg>name</arg></option>
 	<option>--check <arg>name</arg></option>
+	<option>--test-users-section</option>
+	<option>--dump-users-section</option>
+	<option>--strip-users-section</option>
 	<option>-p <arg>password</arg></option>
 	<option>-f <arg>file</arg></option>
@@ -99,10 +102,41 @@
 			<para>List all user managed by the file used.</para>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term><option>--test-users-section</option></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              Check for the presence of a users section. If a users section is found
+              in the given file, exit with an error code of 0 else exit with an error 
+              code of 1.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term><option>--dump-users-section</option></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              Print on the standard output the users section.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term><option>--strip-users-section</option></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              Print on the standard output all the given file, without the users 
+              section.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
-	<para>The action <option>--add</option>, <option>--del</option>, <option>--check</option> and
-	<option>--list</option> are exclusive. You can only perform one at the same time.</para>
+        <para>
+          The action <option>--add</option>, <option>--del</option>, <option>--check</option>,
+          <option>--list</option>, <option>--test-users-section</option>, 
+          <option>--dump-users-section</option> and <option>--strip-users-section</option>
+          are exclusive. You can only perform one at the same time.
+        </para>
@@ -123,6 +157,11 @@
 	empty string, an error code of 1 is returned. Otherwise, it returns an error code of 0 ( no 
 	error )</para>
+      <para>
+        During <option>--test-users-section</option>, if a section if found an error code of 0 is returned.
+        Otherwise an error code of 1 is returned.
+      </para>

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