[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#383097: function freqz(<column-vector>) doesn't work

Jordan Mantha mantha at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 15 00:39:06 UTC 2006

Package: octave-forge
Version:  2006.03.17-2

I'm forwarding this bug from Ubuntu (see http://launchpad.net/bugs/46089 ):

To show spectrum of FIR filter, i test the follow:

b = remez(37, [0 0.12 0.16 1], [0 0 1 0]);

this show error message:
error: quotient: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x512, op2 is 512x1)
error: evaluating binary operator `./' near line 141, column 10
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 141, column 5
error: called from `freqz' in file `/usr/share/octave/2.1.72/m/signal/freqz.m'

Looking on the Internet I found that octave version 2.1.72 has this
problem,  and a fix is in cvs, according to:

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