[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: Patch for using system's FTGL in OctPlot

Shai Ayal shaiay at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 18:23:53 UTC 2006

Let me recount the story of "how I decided to include FTGL with
octplot" so that maybe you guys can use it to aid you in your
packaging decisions:

My only patch to FTGL is a one line change which is relevant only to windows.

The reason I use "my own" version of FTGL is that the FTGL configure
script can't deal with a target which is cygwin but with native win32
opengl. It automatically assumes X with cygwin. I do not have enough
knowledge in automake & cygwin to change it so that it will build
shared cygwin libraries which don't need X.

So -- in respect to non-cygwin builds, there should be no problem in
using an "original" FLTK, especially, as noted by Thomas, since FLTK 
is stable, and now octplot uses the last, stable release of FLTK.


p.s. As a lesson form all of this I will do what I should have done
from the beginning and add the above info to the octplot distribution,
including a patch against the original FLTK

On 1/28/06, Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag, den 28.01.2006, 10:16 +0100 schrieb Rafael Laboissiere:
> > As regards FTGL becoming a shared library in Debian, see the bug report
> > below, in which the package maintainer argues why he would not do so:
> >
> >     http://bugs.debian.org/315330
> Well, I guess the situation has changed since then. FTGL's maintainer
> has stated that he probably won't do any further work[1], so FTGL is
> stable in the sense of "doesn't change anymore".
> However, Shai has patched FTGL, so I don't know wether a shared library
> would help us at all.
> [1] http://opengl.geek.nz/weblog/archives/000092.html
>        Thomas

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