[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: Patch for using system's FTGL in OctPlot

Thomas Weber thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 12:15:14 UTC 2006


Am Samstag, den 28.01.2006, 10:16 +0100 schrieb Rafael Laboissiere:
> As regards FTGL becoming a shared library in Debian, see the bug report
> below, in which the package maintainer argues why he would not do so:
>     http://bugs.debian.org/315330

Well, I guess the situation has changed since then. FTGL's maintainer
has stated that he probably won't do any further work[1], so FTGL is
stable in the sense of "doesn't change anymore".

However, Shai has patched FTGL, so I don't know wether a shared library
would help us at all.

[1] http://opengl.geek.nz/weblog/archives/000092.html


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