[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#495489: ga function tests not passed

Luca Favatella slackydeb at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 21:39:41 UTC 2008

Package: octave-ga
Version: 0.1.1-1
Severity: serious

The svn version in Debian repository (0.1.1) doesn't work.
In fact the tests of the ga function are not passed because of bad
array indices.

Here is how to reproduce this bug.

$ echo test ga | octave -q
 ***** assert (ga (@test_4_variabili, 4, gaoptimset ('FitnessLimit',
0.001, 'PopInitRange', [-1; 1])), [0, 0, 0, 0], sqrt(0.001))
!!!!! test failed
error: A(IDX-LIST) = X: X must be a scalar or size of X must equal
number of elements indexed by IDX-LIST

Please upgrade to the latest svn version of the package
It fixes this bug and is in general better shape.

I'm using Debian GNU/Linux "Lenny" x86 32 bit.

Luca Favatella

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