[Pkg-octave-devel] [lenny octave-ga package] please upgrade to svn >= 20080816

Luca Favatella slackydeb at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 13:02:44 UTC 2008

2008/8/21 Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com>:
> Am Donnerstag, den 21.08.2008, 13:25 +0200 schrieb Luca Favatella:
>> 2008/8/21 Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com>:
>> Can you please tell me how did you test all a package?
>> Do you select manually the functions to test?
> No, we have a script that does that (it's part of a Makefile):
> ==================================================================
> check-pkg:
>        -[ -e PKG_ADD ] && mv PKG_ADD PKG_ADD.bak
>        @echo Checking package...
>        @tmp=$$(tempfile) ;                                     \
>        echo "addpath (genpath ([pwd(),'/debian']));" > $$tmp ; \
>        find debian/ -name \*.m                                 \
>                | xargs grep -l '^%!\(assert\|test\)'           \
>                | perl -pe 's:.*/(.*)\.m::;                     \
>                         print "disp (\"[$$1]\")\ntest $$1"'    \
>                >> $$tmp ;                                      \
>        @OCTAVE@ $(octave_options) $$tmp ;                      \
>        rm -f $$tmp
>        @if [ -f debian/check.m ] ; then                        \
>                @OCTAVE@ $(octave_options) --eval               \
>                        "addpath (genpath ([pwd(),'/debian'])); \
>                         source ('debian/check.m');" ;          \
>        fi
>        -[ -e PKG_ADD.bak ] && mv PKG_ADD.bak PKG_ADD
> else
> check-pkg:
> endif
> ==================================================================
> It moves PKG_ADD files aside and searches all .m files for assert and
> test lines. These lines are then added to a temporary file ($$tmp) and
> that file is sourced by Octave.
> The debian/check.m file is for adding specific tests, like demos that
> can be run non-interactively (not all demos seem to work
> non-interactively). But I haven't touched one of these check.m files
> myself yet.

Interesting, especially if there are a lot of files.
Thanks for the explanation.

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