[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#492078: octave3.0: cannot change axes location in pcolor

John W. Eaton jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu
Fri Aug 22 18:02:41 UTC 2008

On 27-Jul-2008, David Bateman wrote:

| Francesco Potorti` wrote:
| > package octave3.0
| > tags 492078 upstream
| > stop
| > 
| > Dear Octave maintainers,
| > 
| > The bug report reproduced below has been filed against the Debian 
| > package and regards the upstream sources.  The report is recorded at
| > http://bugs.debian.org/492078
| > 
| > Thanks,
| > 
| > Package: octave3.0
| > Version: 1:3.0.1-4
| > Severity: normal
| > 
| > octave> pcolor(1:2,3:4,[5 6;7 8])
| > octave> set(gca, "xaxislocation", "top")	# X axis disappears
| > octave> set(gca, "xaxislocation", "bottom")     # X axis reappears
| > octave> set(gca, "xaxislocation", "top")	# X axis disappears
| > octave> set(gca, "xaxislocation", "bottom")     # X axis reappears
| > octave> set(gca, "yaxislocation", "right")      # Y axis disappears
| > octave> set(gca, "yaxislocation", "left"))      # Y axis reappears
| > 
| >
| Ok this is a real bug and is present in both 3.0.1+ and 3.1.51+. The fix
| is not immediately obvious to me, but if no one else looks at this, I'll
| try to fix it in the next couple of days.

Did you have a chance to look at this?  I don't see how to make the x2
tic labels appear in a plot like this.  The pcolor plot uses splot,
and the following

  set view map
  set x2tics
  splot x+y

does not display the x2 tic labels.  I am able to control the x and y
tics, but not the x2 and y2 tics.  That looks like it might be a bug
in gnuplot.  I'm using 4.2.2.  Can someone check with the current
gnuplot development sources?



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