[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#492078: octave3.0: cannot change axes location in pcolor

Dmitri A. Sergatskov dasergatskov at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 21:50:45 UTC 2008

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 1:02 PM, John W. Eaton <jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu> wrote:


>  set view map
>  set x2tics
>  splot x+y
> does not display the x2 tic labels.  I am able to control the x and y
> tics, but not the x2 and y2 tics.  That looks like it might be a bug
> in gnuplot.  I'm using 4.2.2.  Can someone check with the current
> gnuplot development sources?

I do not see any difference between 4.2.2 and current cvs versions.
But I also think this is a "feature" -- x2tics (and y2tics) are applicable to
2-d plotting (note there is no z2tics) and splot is a 3-d plot.

> Thanks,
> jwe


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