[Pkg-octave-devel] Future of Dynare package

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Wed Jun 24 22:12:51 UTC 2009

Hi everyone,

With Rafael retiring, I was wondering how I could continue my work on
the Dynare package. A new upstream release of Dynare is just out and I
have almost finished packaging work (still need to git push).

Currently the maintainer of the package is the DOG, uploaders are Rafael
and myself, and the DMUA field is set to yes. Note that I am neither a
DD nor a DM.

Given that, is anybody in the DOG able and willing to upload the package
for me? Or should I rather look for a sponsor on Debian mentors site,
outside the DOG?

All the best,

Sébastien Villemot

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