[Pkg-octave-devel] Problem in building packages with libhdf5-openmpi-7 installed

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Thu Aug 30 20:41:07 UTC 2012

Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at laboissiere.net> writes:

> When building packages with liboctave-dev >= 3.6.2-5 and when the
> parallel version of HDF5 (libhdf5-openmpi-7) is installed, the loading of
> the .oct files fails.

Some more information: if I use libhdf5-mpich2-dev (and clean OpenMPI
stuff, in particular libopenmpi-dev), then the bug disappears.

So the problem is specific to the OpenMPI flavour of MPI and is not a
general flaw in the idea of allowing several flavours of HDF5.

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Maintainer
`. `'     http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594
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