[Pkg-octave-devel] Problem in building packages with libhdf5-openmpi-7 installed

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at laboissiere.net
Thu Aug 30 21:46:19 UTC 2012

* Sébastien Villemot <sebastien.villemot at ens.fr> [2012-08-30 22:41]:

> Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at laboissiere.net> writes:
> > When building packages with liboctave-dev >= 3.6.2-5 and when the
> > parallel version of HDF5 (libhdf5-openmpi-7) is installed, the loading of
> > the .oct files fails.
> Some more information: if I use libhdf5-mpich2-dev (and clean OpenMPI
> stuff, in particular libopenmpi-dev), then the bug disappears.

I confim that.

> So the problem is specific to the OpenMPI flavour of MPI and is not a
> general flaw in the idea of allowing several flavours of HDF5.

As you wrote before, this issue will not affect the DOG packages in
squeeze.  However, the fact that mkoctfile produces broken .oct files
when libhdf5-openmpi-7 is installed is pretty disturbing.  I would
appreciate if this issue can be sorted out.


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