[Pkg-octave-devel] Sundials is way outdated

Rafael Laboissière rafael at debian.org
Sat Feb 4 09:13:40 UTC 2017

* Andreas Tille <andreas at fam-tille.de> [2017-02-02 08:32]:

> [snip] While I usually think that this is not really a big deal 
> specifically in the sundials case it might be relevant since as we 
> discussed for the octave interface we might need to rely on the older 
> version.  However, there is no response from the Octave team until now. 
> Is there any interest from Octave folks (developers & users)?

Sorry for joining the discussion so late.

I have never used octave-sundials myself.  I have no strong opinion on 
this package, since it is not central to Octave itself.  However, since 
upstream has dropped the Matlab Toolbox, you guys should just go ahead 
and let octave-sundials disappear.  There may be users out there that 
still need octave-sundials (popcon indicates low numbers. though), but we 
can do very little as regards this pacakge.



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