[Pkg-octave-devel] DOG group @ salsa.d.o

Rafael Laboissière rafael at debian.org
Sat Jan 6 22:03:01 UTC 2018

* Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org> [2018-01-06 12:04]:

> On Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 11:07:34AM +0100, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
> Note that I recently learned a nice git trick, using URL aliases.
> If you run the following:
> git config --global url."git at salsa.debian.org:pkg-octave-team/".insteadOf pkg-octave-team:
> Then you can clone new repositories with:
> gbp clone pkg-octave-team:$pkg
> You can also update the URL of existing repositories with:
> git remote set-url origin pkg-octave-team:$pkg

Nice trick, thanks for sharing.

>> You can get the full documentation of the mailbot with this command:
>>    echo help | mail control at tracker.debian.org
> Note that there is also a web interface that is handy.

Is it possible to set keywords through the web interface?  At any rate, 
the mailbot allows the automation of the task.

> I have a few more requests/remarks:
> 1) Would it be possible that you add all DDs (Thomas, Mike and myself) as 
>   Owners of the Salsa group?


> 2) We should disable issues in our git repositories, otherwise there is a risk 
>   of confusion with the BTS for our users. The salsa admins claim to have 
>   disabled issues by default for new groups/projects, but our group was 
>   created before that move, so we have to do that manually. Since I am not an 
>   owner, I don't see whether it is feasible from the web interface (or if we 
>   must open an issue at salsa support).

Done.  If you are curious, I did it using the GitLab API.  It is as 
simple as this:

    curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $token" "https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects/$id?issues_enabled=false"

> 3) Would it be possible to rename the DoG group at tracker.d.o to 
>   "pkg-octave-team" for consistency with the Salsa group? I know it is 
>   possible from the web interface, but I can't do it since I am not admin of 
>   the group (and it looks like it's not possible to add other admins on 
>   tracker.d.o groups).

IIRC, Mike Miller was the person who created the group.

> 4) We can now do mass commits for Vcs-* renaming, since the alioth rewriter is 
>   only a temporary measure.

BTW, the redirection is working now.  URLs like this one:


land on salsa.d.o

>   The right field values seem to be:
>   Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-octave-team/${pkg}
>   Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-octave-team/${pkg}.git
>   (the .git suffix in Vcs-Git is optional, but I would be inclined to leave it)


> 5) I have updated our wiki page, dropping the links to Alioth and adding a link 
>   to Salsa. I have not yet added the link to the tracker group, in the hope 
>   that it will be renamed (see above).

Great, thanks.

>   We should probably also describe the way to get git commit
>   notifications (and maybe remove the link to the -commit list).

The mailing list pkg-octave-commit is already obsolete, since the 
repositories at Alioth are locked.


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