[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] BTS as TODO list?

Manuel Prinz debian at pinguinkiste.de
Tue Dec 4 13:48:18 UTC 2007

[ Added list again ]

Am Dienstag, den 04.12.2007, 13:52 +0100 schrieb Sylvestre Ledru:
> Le mardi 04 décembre 2007 à 13:48 +0100, Manuel Prinz a écrit :
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I'd like to hear your opinions of using the BTS as a TODO list. The
> > reason for asking is that I think that there are some things to be done
> > with OpenMPI. I keep a private TODO list but that's not very useful,
> > especially if I'm not able to work on them; because noone knows about
> > it, noone else can do so eiher. Filing wishlist bugs would circumvent
> > this disadvange and provide information about what was done and what
> > needs to be done. It makes the whole process more transparent for our
> > users and allows us to work better as a team. (I think.)
> It is a good idea !
> Maybe you can share the todo list here also !

My current TODO.openmpi reads:

 - Support parallel builds:
   - see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/12/msg00020.html
   - OpenMPI listed in http://people.debian.org/~schepler/build-logs/bymaint.html
     -> target dependencies in debian/rules broken with respect to parallel builds
     -> Does OpenMPI support it? Find out, draw graph
 - Support notest/nocheck in debian/rules (disabling test target):
   - FIXME references
   - AFAIK, consensus was reached
   - not implemented in openmpi package
 - Create a team webpage:
   - Not listed in the wiki, we should have a team page there
   - Options:
     a) Create a homepage on Alioth and add a link in the wiki
     b) Create a wiki page and use that as webpage

This is probably not complete and all those items are obviously wishlist
bugs but I don't want to forget about them. They'll be more than
whishlist bugs sooner or later, I suppose, so we can fix them now.

I currently experiment with parallel makes, so this one will be the
first I'm personally going to work on. (Besides the RC bugs.) The
"graph" mentioned above is created by a script I wrote (~20 lines of
Perl code) that draws the target dependencies in a Makefile, similar to
those Manoj posted on debian-devel a while back. It's really useful to
get an overview and see problems, though it's really simple. I'm not
sure if I can send images to the list. If one is interested, I can send
you the script or the image (or both) via private mail.

Best regards
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