[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] BTS as TODO list?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Dec 4 18:55:26 UTC 2007

On 4 December 2007 at 14:48, Manuel Prinz wrote:
| My current TODO.openmpi reads:
| OpenMPI:
|  - Support parallel builds:
|    - see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/12/msg00020.html
|    - OpenMPI listed in http://people.debian.org/~schepler/build-logs/bymaint.html
|      -> target dependencies in debian/rules broken with respect to parallel builds
|      -> Does OpenMPI support it? Find out, draw graph

Good idea ... but wasn't there something on ompi-dev list that suggested
'make -jN' was not supported for N>1 ?  Maybe I am imagining this -- we
should test this.

Otherwise by preference always to keep the bugcount at a strict minimum. I'd
put the TODO list into the SVN archive, with maybe a copy in the debian
wiki. But that's just me -- if everybody else thinks BTS is the way to go ...


|  - Support notest/nocheck in debian/rules (disabling test target):
|    - FIXME references
|    - AFAIK, consensus was reached
|    - not implemented in openmpi package
|  - Create a team webpage:
|    - Not listed in the wiki, we should have a team page there
|    - Options:
|      a) Create a homepage on Alioth and add a link in the wiki
|      b) Create a wiki page and use that as webpage
| This is probably not complete and all those items are obviously wishlist
| bugs but I don't want to forget about them. They'll be more than
| whishlist bugs sooner or later, I suppose, so we can fix them now.
| I currently experiment with parallel makes, so this one will be the
| first I'm personally going to work on. (Besides the RC bugs.) The
| "graph" mentioned above is created by a script I wrote (~20 lines of
| Perl code) that draws the target dependencies in a Makefile, similar to
| those Manoj posted on debian-devel a while back. It's really useful to
| get an overview and see problems, though it's really simple. I'm not
| sure if I can send images to the list. If one is interested, I can send
| you the script or the image (or both) via private mail.

Can you send it here?  I stopped reading d-devel many moons ago...


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