[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Too-generic SONAME for OpenMPI?

Manuel Prinz debian at pinguinkiste.de
Thu Jan 10 11:47:22 UTC 2008

Hi Nicholas!

Am Donnerstag, den 10.01.2008, 00:26 -0800 schrieb Nicholas Breen:
> % readlink -f /usr/lib/libmpi.so ; readlink -f /usr/lib/libmpi.so.0
> /usr/lib/liblam.so.4.0
> /usr/lib/openmpi/lib/libmpi.so.0.0.0

This should definately not happen! I'll have a look into that.

> It's worth mentioning that, as of the most recent OpenMPI upload,

Is 1.2.4-5 the most recent version? Could you also try it with 1.2.5-1?
(Dirk uploaded it tonight.) There were some changes regarding the
SONAMES, though I bet that the problem will exists.

> My knowledge of the intricacies of library linkages is not at all
> complete, and I could easily be misunderstanding something.  With that
> disclaimer in hand... I think the solution is to change OpenMPI's SONAME
> to something unique (libopenmpi.* ?), but that's a major change, and
> would have to be an upstream decision or Debian would end up
> binary-incompatible with the rest of the world.  Have the OpenMPI
> developers seen this before?  (Am I completely off-base?)

I guess you're right here. I'd not call myself an expert on that topic
as well but the reasons you give sound reasonable and seem to be the
cause of that. I'll have to do some testing later so I understand the
problem better.

I'll also check against GROMACS since I know that package. Does the
error occur on i386/amd64 as well if one links to Fortran, or is this am
Alpha-only problem?

Best regards
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