[Pkg-osg-devel] ccache

Alberto Luaces aluaces at udc.es
Wed Jan 26 13:19:06 UTC 2011


while testing several changes that I'm commiting to the git repository,
I noticed that 'ccache -s' reports always cache faults, even usually I
don't make any changes to the source, issuing the compilation at normal
(low) speed.

I think this comes from the fact that we are compiling OSG in two
passes --- static and dynamic --- and as soon as ccache hits a file with
the other configuration, it throws away the one that it had for the
newer one. I thought it stored files by md5sum, not file name, that's
why I'm surprised. Does it sound sensible?

In that case maybe I could implement a switch system as it is done with
patches, in order to at least reuse the last configuration:

static → dynamic → (recompilation) → dynamic → static →

Or maybe is just fine for the testing period to comment out one of the
configurations and uncomment it for commits :)



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