[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] annotated tag v8.0.6beta1 created (now 098e957)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 11 15:58:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag v8.0.6beta1
in repository owncloud.

        at  098e957   (tag)
   tagging  7cd4425b71bb67507f15cb76562b6018e831ffc8 (commit)
  replaces  v8.0.5
 tagged by  root
        on  Wed Jul 22 17:37:22 2015 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur Schiwon (2):
      LDAP: make sure port input box is not getting too small on low width
      Backport of #17723 to stable8

Bjoern Schiessle (2):
      owner is stored as 'uid_owner', not as 'owner' in the oc_share table
      call post_addToGroup als for class OC_User because sharing and LDAP are using this class. Minimal approach to fix #16740

C Montero-Luque (1):
      8.0.6 beta1

Joas Schilling (5):
      Do not restrict permissions for the original owner
      Add a test to share a subfolder of a folder shared with the owner by group
      Correctly select file cache values also when checking group shares
      Ignore "parent" shares when the sharee is the owner of the reshare-source
      Merge pull request #16019 from owncloud/backport-15486

Morris Jobke (20):
      Properly handle NotPermittedException in SabreDAV
      Added error message on initMountpoints exception
      [updater] propagate error case properly
      [updater] mark failure in red
      Remove unneeded part file
      remove duplicate ID in HTML template for public shares
      Merge pull request #17419 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17159
      Merge pull request #17367 from owncloud/fix_16740_8.0
      Merge pull request #17271 from owncloud/stable8-share-etag-update-target
      Merge pull request #17172 from owncloud/view-emit-path-stable8
      [config sample] merge Miscellaneous & All other options
      refine sample config text
      [config sample] improve RST markup and wording
      Merge pull request #17405 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17095
      Merge pull request #17519 from owncloud/stable8-backport-config-sample
      Merge pull request #17326 from owncloud/stable8-catch-notpermitted
      Merge pull request #16369 from owncloud/stable8-share-moveversionsproperly
      [config sample] Update info about appstore
      Merge pull request #17158 from owncloud/backport-15772-no-permission-restriction-for-owner
      Merge pull request #17764 from owncloud/backport-17723-stable8

Olivier Paroz (2):
      Determine the size we need before asking for a thumbnail
      floats  are not welcome when setting the size of a preview

Robin Appelman (3):
      emit hooks from a view as long as the path is inside the default root
      fix check if hooks should be emited in runHooks
      take share target into account when updating recipient etags

Robin McCorkell (2):
      Merge pull request #17415 from owncloud/fix-ldap-port-field-size
      Merge pull request #17340 from owncloud/stable8-backport-16911

Thomas Müller (2):
      Merge pull request #17608 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17426
      Merge pull request #17688 from owncloud/stable8-publiclinksystemwidemountwithapplicable

Vincent Petry (7):
      Fix version rename with files and folders
      Fix version rollback to keep fileid
      Added unit test for reshare by share owner
      Unit test for etag update on custom share folder
      Fix DAV propfind call
      Merge pull request #17566 from owncloud/stable8-dav-fixcalls
      Pass owner to isSystemWideMountPoint to make it work for public links


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  36e8162   Fix version rename with files and folders
       new  2972585   Fix version rollback to keep fileid
       new  4e467c0   Do not restrict permissions for the original owner
       new  59bf55c   Added unit test for reshare by share owner
       new  f3cddc9   Add a test to share a subfolder of a folder shared with the owner by group
       new  5b1b844   Correctly select file cache values also when checking group shares
       new  4cbf10f   Ignore "parent" shares when the sharee is the owner of the reshare-source
       new  4e85a42   emit hooks from a view as long as the path is inside the default root
       new  a9a5ac2   fix check if hooks should be emited in runHooks
       new  40ab639   take share target into account when updating recipient etags
       new  9eaa716   Unit test for etag update on custom share folder
       new  0d9ad14   Properly handle NotPermittedException in SabreDAV
       new  a204879   Determine the size we need before asking for a thumbnail We need to set the size of the preview using the devicePixelRatio and use that as arguments when using the preview endpoint or that endpoint will use the default 36x36 and thumbnails will be blurry on high DPI devices
       new  62fa899   floats  are not welcome when setting the size of a preview
       new  0a1b909   owner is stored as 'uid_owner', not as 'owner' in the oc_share table
       new  918ba60   call post_addToGroup als for class OC_User because sharing and LDAP are using this class. Minimal approach to fix #16740
       new  e0bf1e4   Added error message on initMountpoints exception
       new  b94657a   [updater] propagate error case properly
       new  ecaad05   [updater] mark failure in red
       new  c9e77c7   Remove unneeded part file
       new  a24b6a3   LDAP: make sure port input box is not getting too small on low width
       new  4ec2e6c   remove duplicate ID in HTML template for public shares
       new  e9262db   Merge pull request #17419 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17159
       new  97ac851   Merge pull request #17367 from owncloud/fix_16740_8.0
       new  8b0b692   Merge pull request #17271 from owncloud/stable8-share-etag-update-target
       new  f97b21d   Merge pull request #17172 from owncloud/view-emit-path-stable8
       new  751092d   [config sample] merge Miscellaneous & All other options
       new  97b3a82   refine sample config text
       new  e47bf07   [config sample] improve RST markup and wording
       new  3561a15   Merge pull request #17405 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17095
       new  affe4d7   Merge pull request #17519 from owncloud/stable8-backport-config-sample
       new  3fe4f53   Merge pull request #17326 from owncloud/stable8-catch-notpermitted
       new  c81823b   Merge pull request #16369 from owncloud/stable8-share-moveversionsproperly
       new  65e33be   [config sample] Update info about appstore
       new  f01ade7   Merge pull request #17415 from owncloud/fix-ldap-port-field-size
       new  7e7e2f2   Fix DAV propfind call
       new  28ce93a   Merge pull request #17608 from owncloud/stable8-backport-17426
       new  ad6a321   Merge pull request #17566 from owncloud/stable8-dav-fixcalls
       new  96b2521   Merge pull request #17340 from owncloud/stable8-backport-16911
       new  f13ff38   Merge pull request #16019 from owncloud/backport-15486
       new  558f1ec   Merge pull request #17158 from owncloud/backport-15772-no-permission-restriction-for-owner
       new  535e429   Pass owner to isSystemWideMountPoint to make it work for public links
       new  2b0de14   Merge pull request #17688 from owncloud/stable8-publiclinksystemwidemountwithapplicable
       new  d64a611   Backport of #17723 to stable8
       new  9036a46   Merge pull request #17764 from owncloud/backport-17723-stable8
       new  7cd4425   8.0.6 beta1

The 46 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git

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