[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] annotated tag v8.1.1 created (now ea12e5c)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 11 15:58:24 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag v8.1.1
in repository owncloud.

        at  ea12e5c   (tag)
   tagging  ca66a705ec59cce1ac60c2fb92ec543e296c23f9 (commit)
  replaces  v8.1.1RC1
 tagged by  root
        on  Fri Aug 7 20:26:45 2015 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Frank Karlitschek (1):

Robin Appelman (1):
      fix infinite loops with propagating etags on reshares

Thomas Müller (1):
      Merge pull request #18054 from owncloud/shared-propagate-check-recipient-stable81


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  18e4fe7   Do not try clearing locked files in cache folder
       new  e48afaf   Test for chunk cache garbage collection
       new  39e391f   Catch cache garbage collection exception on postLogin
       new  4fff832   Clean up part file only once, not twice on error
       new  4aa2eff   Only delete part file on error if it is really a part file
       new  2d92b5a   Catch more error codes thrown by federated shares
       new  ea731c5   Use the item name when refering to the unaccepted remote share
       new  478fe75   fix getting mount points when passing a path to the files:scan command
       new  8a3f54c   add unit test
       new  1902101   handle error during setup
       new  a95b5c3   handle invalid results from mount providers
       new  2727d97   Only do the description kung-fu on strings - fixes #17028
       new  1427a79   owner is stored as 'uid_owner', not as 'owner' in the oc_share table
       new  9def2fc   call post_addToGroup als for class OC_User because sharing and LDAP are using this class. Minimal approach to fix #16740
       new  c04beb0   Do not show static share owner if not available
       new  d5e90e7   remove duplicate ID in HTML template for public shares
       new  fb85fc6   [upgrade] add verbosity check and show repair info & steps
       new  3884092   [Repair] add repair info for changed collation
       new  ce0f391   Update README version and bower
       new  3854dea   Merge pull request #17431 from owncloud/stable8.1-update-readme
       new  3823713   Merge pull request #17429 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17088
       new  51978aa   Merge pull request #17417 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17159
       new  5d3d44e   Merge pull request #17370 from owncloud/stable8.1-share-onlyshowstaticownerifavailable
       new  97e49e4   Merge pull request #17366 from owncloud/fix_16740_8.1
       new  96b97d1   Merge pull request #17338 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17252
       new  312d82f   Merge pull request #17332 from owncloud/fix-temporary-mountpoint-name-in-activities
       new  d48d596   Merge pull request #17289 from owncloud/stable8.1-files-cleanuppartfileonlyonce
       new  eb055b0   [config sample] merge Miscellaneous & All other options
       new  447c60c   refine sample config text
       new  509725f   [config sample] improve RST markup and wording
       new  f21eb35   Merge pull request #17518 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-config-sample
       new  48b1e9e   Merge pull request #17288 from owncloud/stable8.1-chunk-cleanupgracefulonlock
       new  8466d9d   more secure way to update the database
       new  1548d69   [config sample] Update info about appstore
       new  698e2eb   Merge pull request #17607 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17426
       new  f920923   Throw storage not available on guzzle error
       new  dc9454e   Handle returned null value in app level code
       new  ab308d2   Merge pull request #17632 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17606
       new  824df7e   allow remote shares for users with email as usernames
       new  48b2a4e   Throw StorageNotAvailable if propfind on root failed
       new  06d7480   Merge pull request #17642 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17565
       new  c73f938   Fix the path for users which have an exception for a group share
       new  60939eb   Add unit test for getUsersSharingFile
       new  3ade5f5   Add test case when owner renames shared folder
       new  8f2ce01   Make sure the owner always has the right path
       new  90104fc   Merge pull request #17643 from owncloud/stable8.1-s2s-hasupdated-catch405
       new  cc45b49   lock parent folders for the owner when locking a shared file as recipient
       new  db21b09   only lock the parent folders
       new  256c57c   Merge pull request #17337 from owncloud/stable8.1-backport-17077
       new  8e0294d   Merge pull request #17294 from owncloud/stable8.1-s2s-catchmoreexceptiontypes
       new  db5a574   Merge pull request #17556 from owncloud/enc_fix_migration_stable8.1
       new  8e1fca7   Merge pull request #17658 from owncloud/share-lock-owner-parent-stable81
       new  4c6b26d   Lock scanner to the given user
       new  edb15bd   Merge pull request #17653 from owncloud/backport-17330-share-group-path-exception
       new  9d9ab82   only cleanUp the remaining keys if the migration really finished succesfully
       new  ae1332e   only create new key pair if both keys are missing
       new  fb45248   only move real files to the trash bin
       new  816910b   Merge pull request #17676 from owncloud/backport-files-scan-user-path-stable8.1
       new  579bee0   Add repair step for outdated OCS IDs
       new  289fd99   Prefer OCS Id from database
       new  d199fb4   Merge pull request #17679 from owncloud/backport-fix_trashbin-stable8.1
       new  deeacac   Merge pull request #17678 from owncloud/backport-encryption_migration_improvements-stable8.1
       new  015d4e3   Merge pull request #17690 from owncloud/stable8.1-repair-ocs-ids
       new  fc6420c   Fixing 'Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR' - fixes #17460
       new  5bfbfca   make sure that we always detect legacy files correctly
       new  001dd40   set targetIsEncrypted to true if file cache indicates that we try to read a encrypted file
       new  b2db982   Backport of 17255 to stable8.1
       new  a317200   LDAP: when checking group for matching filter, also take base DN into consideration. Fixes #17516
       new  1b8eb66   Merge pull request #17697 from owncloud/fix-undefined-REMOTE_ADDR-stable8.1
       new  17d7a28   fix browser compatibility issue for element.closest
       new  3353720   Throw lock exceptions if remote share returned 423 status code
       new  00a044f   don't move keys if the key where already moved in a previous migration run
       new  777964f   unit tests
       new  738e116   Merge pull request #17710 from owncloud/stable8.1-s2s-catchremotelockexceptions
       new  6383bd3   Merge pull request #17702 from owncloud/enc_detect_legacy_files2_8.1
       new  d4cc401   Allow upgrade of not enabled apps
       new  ff8e63c   Merge pull request #17711 from owncloud/fix_repeated_migration_oc8.1
       new  f1df6cd   Merge pull request #17736 from owncloud/backport-allow-update-of-disabled-apps
       new  dc6cc57   fix mount point detection
       new  e92d427   Merge pull request #17707 from owncloud/backport-fix-closest-stable8.1
       new  8be59bf   Backport of #17723 to stable8.1
       new  dd5b347   Merge pull request #17704 from owncloud/backport-stable8.1-17255-17526
       new  2ecba9e   Merge pull request #17762 from owncloud/backport-17723-stable8.1
       new  2bc2e97   Merge pull request #17752 from owncloud/enc_migration_fix_mountpoint_detection_8.1
       new  2b63903   Update SabreDAV to 2.1.6
       new  a07675e   improved app description and adjust it to the way the new encryption module works
       new  77a37e0   Merge pull request #17816 from owncloud/enc_improved_app_description_8.1
       new  ee85d1f   Merge pull request #17802 from owncloud/update-sabre-dav-2.1.6
       new  b4bef02   8.1.1 beta1
       new  3fdd5d9   8.1.1 beta1 again
       new  965fd99   make sure that there is a space between user- and admin-documentation
       new  b8e8e3f   Merge pull request #17832 from owncloud/improve_apps_template_8.1
       new  74e0b6f   assign error message to correct object
       new  a53b7e3   Adding error handling in case setting the password fails
       new  e29158c   Use a hook to integrate sharing password verification
       new  cef2680   Fix PHPDoc on setPassword
       new  6782c6d   Merge pull request #17853 from owncloud/sharing-password-policy-stable8.1
       new  ee18718   Allow classes in <h2> tags
       new  95e44bf   Merge pull request #17843 from owncloud/dont-set-share-password-twice-stable8.1
       new  c910ac1   check if the user is trying to scan a valid path
       new  4ee61f3   Add unit tests
       new  1c7d737   Merge pull request #17842 from rullzer/backport_17818
       new  6dedef7   Merge pull request #17883 from owncloud/backport-17882
       new  0ef06af   Merge pull request #17896 from owncloud/backport-scan-check-path
       new  4b41021   get header size before we open the file to avoid locking exception
       new  ef65e51   Only set is encrypted when encryption is enabled
       new  c4ddf08   Add a unit test for the disabled encryption case
       new  b8561bd   Add an update script to reset the value
       new  036ba93   add condition to update query
       new  e25a116   adujust version to the stable8.1 branch
       new  e8cbfd1   Merge pull request #17903 from owncloud/fix_17898_8.1
       new  a949f6c   Merge pull request #17911 from owncloud/fix-enc-wrapper-without-encryption-stable8.1
       new  fc467da   set logger in constructor
       new  dcd5666   Double slash for SMB storage id for compatibility
       new  3133949   Detect old NSS and OpenSSL versions
       new  e0b5bea   Add unit tests
       new  891a4d2   Merge pull request #17928 from owncloud/fix_17925_8.1
       new  7f5f771   Merge pull request #17929 from owncloud/stable8.1-smb-storageiddoubleslash
       new  73da1ca   Merge pull request #17935 from owncloud/detect-old-openssl-versions-stable81
       new  c411dcd   Trigger "apprendered" event in users page
       new  a9524e2   Merge pull request #17949 from owncloud/stable8.1-settings-users-apprenderedforsearchbox
       new  ef2eeae   [avatar] add error handlers for avatar setup
       new  cf4f433   Merge pull request #18003 from owncloud/backport-17805-stable8.1
       new  a79a15e   only update database on the first run (first run = we have a version number from the old encryption app)
       new  2e8f47d   always update file cache, the cache can handle partial data correctly if the file doesn't already exists in the file cache
       new  ab16bea   Merge pull request #17990 from owncloud/enc_only_update_file_cache_once_8.1
       new  a0ab86b   Merge pull request #18013 from owncloud/enc_always_update_file_cache_8.1
       new  8c9b8f4   8.1.1 RC1
       new  78a46dc   fix infinite loops with propagating etags on reshares
       new  1a1e19f   Merge pull request #18054 from owncloud/shared-propagate-check-recipient-stable81
       new  ca66a70   8.1.1

The 131 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git

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