[Pkg-pdns-maintainers] Bug#701798: pdns-server package depends on libsqlite3-0 for no practical reason

Marc Haber mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de
Sun Mar 17 17:53:06 UTC 2013

retitle #701798 please make it possible to run PowerDNS without bind backend
tags #701798 wontfix upstream

On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 10:49:41AM +0400, Nikolay Shaplov wrote:
> More correct answer is bind plugin will fail if there is no libsqlite3-0 lib.

The bind backend is not a plugin. It is always compiled in and cannot
be turned off. If you want that to happen, you'll need to file a
ticket upstream, and I have already been told by upstream that the
answer will be "please send working, tested and documented code". I am
therefore tagging this Debian bug wontfix upstream.

> Right now I have a custom build of pdns 3.1 without any backends exept
> gpgsql

and bind. Try it.

> I think it is a bad idea to include bind plugin in base package, because there 
> is no way to throw it out when it is not used.

Right. There currently is no way to throw the bind backend from any
PowerDNS installation.
> Moreover, when I updated pdns 3.0 with normal pdns 3.1 everything
> stopped working because installer brought bind plugin configuration
> that overrided my own pgsql configuration...

Did you read NEWS.Debian? You should.

The change was necessary to make PowerDNS run directly after
installation at the cost of breaking existing installations. A tough
decision, but I had to take it.

> 1. Move bind plugin into separate package

Not possible. The bind backend is not a plugin.


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