[Pkg-pdns-maintainers] Bug#685808: pdns-backend-pgsql: schema out-of-date, please provide no-dnssec.schema

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Sun Mar 17 21:11:31 UTC 2013

>>>>> "MH" == Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de> writes:

MH> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 12:29:20PM -0400, James Cloos wrote:
JC>> Please note that not everyone who uses the pdns packages uses the
JC>> upstream (or packaged) schema exactly as is.  So do not automatically
jC>> make any schema changes on upgrades.

MH> I disagree with that. dbconfig-common is a widely used helper package,
MH> and it does automatic schema changes on upgrades. This is hard to turn
MH> off and even harder to handle.

My appologies for the ambiguity in my paragraph above.

MH> The packages do, however, ask on installation whether dbconfig-common
MH> should be used.

If the admin chose to use dbconfig-common when installing pdns, then of
course it is reasonable to auto-update the schema by way of dbconfig-common
when pdns is upgraded.

I intended that paragraph specifically for the case where the admin did
not choose to use dbconfig-common, including those cases where pdns was
instaled before the deb first aquired dbconfig-common support.

My primary NS is nearly a decade old now, mostly if not entirely on sid.
And still x86, even though its last several hosts ran amd64 dom0 kernels.

AFAICR dbconfig was not an option when I installed pdns on it.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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