[SCM] Package UR for Debian branch, master, updated. bc3c39667ab7f39d557fd5ad6ca3537c6540a9d0

Olivier Sallou olivier.sallou at debian.org
Wed Mar 13 16:14:39 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2ca9adf0bfdc4fd940d004b344c2082bc5ed5a6c
Author: Olivier Sallou <olivier.sallou at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Mar 13 17:13:22 2013 +0100

    update todos

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 1c97a84..88df9ed 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ libur-perl (0.392-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     --> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/ch-perl.html
    - maybe also gmt-web?
+     Does not look really usefull
    - d/control:
      + XML::LibXSLT seems to be missing in both build and runtime dependencies
@@ -17,15 +18,8 @@ libur-perl (0.392-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
      + Build.PL has some more commented out stuff, maybe it's needed too?
      Difficult to say... if commented and test suite runs without them
       I prefer not adding them
-   - lintian: tons of manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry warnings. please fix
-     them :) (or maybe better remove all the ur-*.1.gz except for ur.1.gz, or
-     throw them into one or ... and fix what remains)
-     or is this a lintian error? I'm not sure what the problem is, podcheck is
-     also not really helpful (warnings about empty lines?!). please check and
-     maybe add a lintian override with a comment if there is no actual problem
-   - lintian: also some manpage-has-errors-from-pod2man warnings (haven't
-     checked them
-   - the output of the test suite looks awful :(
+   - lintian: tons of manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry warnings:
+      I checked output and looks fine, added a lintian override
   * Initial Release (Closes: #701459).

Package UR for Debian

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