[libfinance-quote-perl] branch master updated (6fe6705 -> 0fd8a6b)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 10 21:38:51 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to branch master
in repository libfinance-quote-perl.

      from  6fe6705   releasing package libfinance-quote-perl version 1.38-2
      adds  c595da5   New upstream version 1.42
       new  8e3603a   Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.42'
       new  8710724   Update debian/changelog
       new  b43820f   Add upstream metadata
       new  7bf8ce1   Change debian/watch to use metacpan.org, as it seems to have newer releases not available from sourceforge
      adds  15786eb   Initial revision
      adds  19a5392   Tidying up and restructure of where Quote.pm lives. Added a README file for documentation.
      adds  2321de7   Updated FSF address
      adds  df5b908   GPL license
      adds  88c552e   Updated POD.  No code changes.
      adds  c9f6f2d   Example scripts written and placed in Examples.  This involves a move of the Quote_example.pl file.
      adds  2d857da   Re-structure of package.  .pm files in /lib, the old Finance directory removed, and example scripts updated accordingly.
      adds  0688e07   You guessed it!  Yes!  It's a makefile maker!  And it works.  Easiest makefile maker I've ever written.  I love perl.
      adds  79e2156   Better and new documentation
      adds  c72e46e   A changelog file...  For logging changes.
      adds  462e1cc   Added information as to where to obtain the latest version.  Changed the Written by to a Maintained by, as I didn't really write Finance::Quote, only parts of it.
      adds  63b6b85   Checks dependancies and exports versions now.
      adds  24c77e8   Added Brent Neal's TIAA-CREF patch.
      adds  2632c21   Updated to show examples of the TIAA-CREF function
      adds  86f565a   Updated mention of CVSTAG
      adds  24fe49d   Changed to provide a beautifully formatted report rather than ugly Data::Dumper stuff.
      adds  2e35783   Updated to include chkshares change.
      adds  e44e988   Integrated Cooper Vertz's patch to obtain high, low and net change from Yahoo based quotes.
      adds  5b063e0   * Fidelity private functions renamed to indicate they are private.
      adds  4f57d49   Fidelity, code optimisation and documentation changes.
      adds  4ed8824   Added test files
      adds  76611ce   File to check module can be used okay.
      adds  145acb0   File to check ASX functions of Finance::Quote.
      adds  9d987d4   Updated to mention the test stage of the make.
      adds  cc42622   Better checking of quote returns.  Now make sure last value is positive.
      adds  12e253d   Tests to make sure we can get quotes from Yahoo
      adds  fbe7b5e   Removed dead testing code I accidently left in.
      adds  28f153c   Testing script for the fidelity function of Finance::Quote.
      adds  a508ee4   Updated list of test files.
      adds  323c002   Example script to exercise the experimental currency conversion feature of Finance::Quote.
      adds  f99707c   Added experimental function to fetch currency conversion data.  Undocumented and likely to change soon, but appears to work.
      adds  f9c2461   Added currency conversion.
      adds  cd2bd84   Testing suite for troweprice
      adds  0738174   TIAA-CREF testing script.
      adds  416de6a   Test script for yahoo_europe functions.
      adds  c8d798e   Removed depreciated Vanguard function from public interface.
      adds  1e84b07   Removed depreciated vanguard function from export list.
      adds  a2f5e7d   Defined a new fetch function which provides a more generic interface to Finance::Quote.
      adds  0b7b55c   Removed misleading comment.
      adds  2c6f226   I was slack in keeping up-to-date with the changelog.  Brought it back up to date.
      adds  824063d   Added extra alises to fetch() method allowing users to specify nasdaq and nyse as quote sources.  These automatically become calls to yahoo
      adds  89cdb1a   New stockdump script which makes use of the fetch function.  It's a handy debugging tool.
      adds  1dbc12f   Fetch can now be exported.
      adds  ce1f643   Updated library path so it can run without a Finance::Quote install.
      adds  92b1606   Yahoo no longer returns N/A, but uses undef instead.
      adds  f5e517d   Basic success key in hash support for yahoo.
      adds  eb8b100   Updated tiaacref to support $stock{$sym,"success"} notation. Added improved error checking for invalid symbols and HTTP failure. Updated Quote_example.pl and tiaacref.t to reflect the changes.
      adds  125527f   Added success/fail indications to asx, fidelity, troweprice, yahoo and yahoo_europe.  Updated regression tests appropriately.
      adds  b45d39d   Updated yahoo_europe to return undef instead of N/A
      adds  4fe2c70   Removed HTML returns from yahoo_europe.  Fixed logic bug in yahoo_* N/A->undef code.
      adds  8e7c03e   In-line documentation updates.
      adds  1a5b03d   Better error messages for failed Yahoo lookups.
      adds  dcc2c19   Completed updating tiaacref error-checking
      adds  ff7f164   Rolled changes to TIAA-CREF made against 1.14 and the 1.19 revision together.
      adds  3dc2bf2   Added many more fields for yahoo to return.  Good.  :)
      adds  3c6106d   Added ex_div field for yahoo.
      adds  a718a0d   Updated documentation and error messages.
      adds  acd878b   Documentation updates.
      adds  30c3af3   Added FAQ file.
      adds  e2fe29a   Rewrite to allow much much more pluggable methods.  This should make it much easier to write new modules which provide new ways of gathering information without having to change existing code.
      adds  d850bd1   Initial release of hackers guide.
      adds  23bdcec   Added AUTOLOAD method as a better interface rather than exporting into the Finance::Quote namespace when it's loaded.
      adds  5e7c8e7   Changed email address for Brent Neal in POD
      adds  65f6685   Changed email address for Brent Neal
      adds  4833e36   List of features/bugs to add/fix.
      adds  fe34893   Added TODO list.
      adds  db8139a   Added: Webpage to be made pretty.
      adds  8e6b9e9   Added more ideas to the TODO list, including returning hashrefs.
      adds  fde26aa   Updated extra things to want to do.
      adds  6412aa7   Revived dead vanguard function by making an entry into Yahoo.
      adds  ec7b21b   Testing script for vanguard functions.
      adds  7bc5cb7   Fixed small typo when setting a success label to false (minor).  Updated module to provide a labels function in preparation for future F::Q enhancements.
      adds  e3f42f8   ASX now returns the price label.
      adds  cafa0c2   Updated to return a price label.  Also updated to provide a labels method.
      adds  746ff4d   Updated to return price label.  Updated with labels function.
      adds  2d820cd   Updated to provide a price label.  Updated to provide a labels function.
      adds  8998a68   Updated to export a price label.  Updated to provide a labels method.
      adds  e31fb37   Updated to provide a labels method.  Updated to return a price label.
      adds  2f9f29a   Lots of label changes.
      adds  a426269   Updated to query new labels methods in loadable modules.
      adds  e0315e5   Yahoo::USA also provides information on fidelity investments, and this is now reflected in methods/labels.
      adds  178a352   Failover for Fidelity via Yahoo
      adds  8f1279e   Updated to reflect recent updates
      adds  3181131   Updated to implement failover methods.  Rearranged the loading order of default modules so that modules expect to be called first (from previous versions) do get called first.
      adds  a3cb553   Added failover functionality.
      adds  5c761b7   Build deb/rpm files for distros.
      adds  541a559           * Changed modules so they return undef in scalar context,           empty list in list context, on failure.
      adds  bcc8fdf   Reviewed.  Needs some clarification at marked points.
      adds  28c3f2a   Deleted entries to reflect work I did.
      adds  4a75e6a   Updated return values of modules Reviewed hackers guide.
      adds  87d7743   Added tests to check that currency USD, EUR, AUD is being returned appropriately from each package.
      adds  c061f3e   ----------------------------------------------------------------------dded Added currency tags to existing modules to signal currency type (AUD, EUR, USD)
      adds  130c5cf   Added currency tags to existing modules to signal currency type (AUD, EUR, USD)
      adds  1c59268   Updated to reflect package currency.
      adds  70a2a5b   Updated to mention the task manager on sourceforge.
      adds  2dd15c7   Initial addition of webpage.
      adds  5acbcfc   Updated sidebar links to link to the various sourceforge tools.
      adds  5187132   Updated with new content.  Ready for release on webpage.
      adds  2f217ac   Text now at top of page.
      adds  da618f5   Re-added currency lookups to Quote.pm
      adds  a98fca0   Removed comment that the currency conversion is experimental.  It's not anymore.
      adds  b30c072   Added test script for currency conversions.
      adds  49cf0c1   Removed TODO list as we now keep track of things in sourceforge.
      adds  85203fc   Added automatic currency conversion stub.
      adds  ee5f60d   trying to fix css wierdness
      adds  c1a1d73   trying to fix the stylesheet!
      adds  62608b5   Yahoo functions now use a common base of functions.
      adds  1bc93cb   Base of common yahoo functions.  This module does all the hard work.
      adds  eb8f734   Most of the hard stuff now exists in Base.pm.  This module has been reduced and simplified accordingly.
      adds  3c539bc   Added section on currency conversion to hacker's guide.
      adds  1717a81   Added currency conversion functions.  Haven't tied them into fetch yet, so there's no good way of calling them.  That's okay because I haven't tested them yet.
      adds  598db9c   Cleaned up errors, TODOs and missing bits.
      adds  ac31cf7   Cleaned up the hacker's guide.
      adds  6ab2b66   Updated to allow currency to be specified.
      adds  8149107   Updated Examples/stockdump.pl
      adds  47b77b6   Automatic currency conversion now works.  We need to jump through a few hoops to do it, but the framework does all the hard stuff.
      adds  4eea457   Updated to prevent indexes being tagged with currency info.
      adds  2f053a8   Updated Yahoo::USA so that indexes won't get tagged with currency info.
      adds  2ebbf59   New module to look up Australian stocks from Yahoo.
      adds  a0323fc   Updated to allow for suffixes to possibly be based to Yahoo::Base::yahoo_request.
      adds  274dc2b   Updated to load Yahoo::Australia by default.
      adds  eb5546c   Added Yahoo::Australia and associated changes.
      adds  e4288d3   Updated to test automatic currency conversion.
      adds  26ad232   Updated Quote.pm to bettle handle currency-conversion info and remove spurious warnings.
      adds  a373140   Documented many new 0.19 functions in POD.
      adds  cc40ea2   Mondo documentation additions.
      adds  e020b31   Added POD documentation.
      adds  e762a19   Fidelity fixed so that it no longer returns symbols we did not ask for.
      adds  0f54657   Removed faulty test and replaced it with a better one.
      adds  aa62bcc   Improved documentation.  Updated required lines.  Added returns for exchange and method.
      adds  560bf32   Improved error checking
      adds  2777a40   Many documentation and extra field changes made to library.
      adds  4495989   Changed CRLF to LF
      adds  508c049   Market list documented.
      adds  e2b40db   Documented markets in Yahoo::Europe
      adds  9842874   Fixed typos and generally improved POD.
      adds  a7d68cd   Fix typo in POD headings.
      adds  8db5481   Fixed many small formatting problems.
      adds  9d59a99   Syntax updates to POD.
      adds  ba7d586   Provided links to the documentation manager.
      adds  e148e35   Updated version number to 1.00
      adds  4b141ab   Noted that the tests may take some time.
      adds  2238774   Removed 'new' from the title of the web-page, as it's not really new anymore.
      adds  6622054   Final changes for 1.00 release.
      adds  91605b2   Check to make sure that quotes from the London exchange are returned correctly in GBP.
      adds  1e12a11   Added scale_field function which gets used in currency conversion and by a few submodules.
      adds  44eacf4   We now strip out more HTML guff that Yahoo tries to insert sometimes.
      adds  d24e2f9   We now return information from London markets in GBP.  Previously they weere incorrectly returned in pence, and we called it Euros.
      adds  51e4972   Fix so that London quotes are returned correctly in GBP, not in pence pretending to be Euros.
      adds  5fc3bd7   Tagged for release.
      adds  9d30f92   Incremented version number to 1.01
      adds  2748956   Updated to point to new 1.01 file location.
      adds  9b8cb0c   Added sourceforge logo
      adds  80654ee   Added sourceforge logos.
      adds  1bffaf6   Updated last modified date.
      adds  4c08c40   We no longer do an expensive HTTP lookup in trivial currency lookups.
      adds  6fea38d   No longer returns spurious percentage signs.
      adds  88bbd7b   Updated version number to 1.02
      adds  fe9fd33   Yahoo::Base no longer returns spurious percentage signs.
      adds  eddafec   Checks for spurious percent signs.
      adds  df77e70   Updated to check for spurious percentage signs.
      adds  57d6066   Tests updated to check for spurious percentage signs.
      adds  8134bd9   Updated chkshares script to use any market, not just ASX.
      adds  2e3fb0c   Added timeout
      adds  006caf1   Initial revision of Deutsche Bank module by Volker Stuerzl
      adds  1eee15c   Updated ASX.t test script.  Added Deutsche Bank module (DWS.pm)
      adds  5307a11   Improved documentation in yahoo_europe test script.
      adds  70f3103   Added conversion of price and date from german to US format.
      adds  84e11a6   Added test script.
      adds  bc5e2d3   Updated so that we do the right thing if old-style methods are called via an object.  (Eg, $q->asx(@stocks)
      adds  8dd930f   Updated to handle the new ASX website.
      adds  22d7a65   Updated ASX module to handle the new ASX website.  Updated Quote.pm so that we deal with old-style methods on new-style objects correctly.
      adds  3278e58   Updated fetch so that it has more sensible returns.  (Empty lists instead of undef in case of error in list context).  Fetch returns a hashref when called in scalar context.
      adds  e8895dd   Added Keith Refson's Trustnet module.
      adds  f2e0337   Added cvsignore file to reduce spam for developers.
      adds  e536ce7   Yahoo/USA.pm now works as a much better Fidelity failover.
      adds  351ae99   Tweaked DWS.t to load the module correctly.
      adds  19e32d0   Tweaked ASX.pm to avoid divide-by-zero and bogus-looking data.
      adds  0f71a07   Keith Refson's patch to Trustnet to avoid premature returns in case of bad symbols.
      adds  a0031ca   Mention of Bill Bell's java library.
      adds  9dbb16d   Mention of Bill Bell's java library in the FAQ.
      adds  863a70e   Added Volker's VWD module and testing script.
      adds  547b6e8   Updated Makefile and supporting files to check for dependancies.  Also load VWD, DWS and Trustnet by default.
      adds  ed71280   We now load VWD, DWS and Trustnet by default.
      adds  7137693   New dependancy on HTML::TableExtract
      adds  eeca31f   New instructions on how to install supporting modules.
      adds  3e92367   Updated URL to refer to for full unit trusts list.  Updated function registration to register uk_unit_trusts.
      adds  a20d687   Updated documentation to cover new modules.
      adds  85759c7   Updated to reflect the newly released Finance::Quote version.
      adds  40ee9c3   Trustnet regression testing module.
      adds  85be9c6   Made mention of the webpage.
      adds  88ab0e9   Tagged as 1.02
      adds  9f62c73   Updated Trustnet module with patch from Keith Refson.
      adds  40d482e   Better checking for non-existant stocks.  Avoidance of possible divide-by-zero problems.
      adds  bf4b29e   Better tests for correct behaviour with bogus stocks.
      adds  efddd8e   Better checks for non-existant stocks in ASX.pm
      adds  b6fb6aa   Removed spurious warnings from test scripts under perl 5.6
      adds  ff5651b   Updated ASX to deal with stocks that have market announcements.  Previously these would return garbage.
      adds  6e8b7df   Updated VWD module to parse new tables on the VWD site.
      adds  bef0cde   Changed F::Q version to 1.03 in preparation for release.
      adds  ba43fed   Updated to detail the new 1.03 release.
      adds  f4b09b3   Updated yahoo_europe test suite as one of the symbols we were using has dissapeared.
      adds  96e9fb6   Specialist module inherited from LWP::UserAgent.  In particular, we allow proxy-authorisation and other arbitary headers to be set on every request.
      adds  356e0ab   Updated to make use of the new Finance::Quote::UserAgent class.
      adds  387f29e   New Finance::Quote::UserAgent class.
      adds  7f889a5   Updated to make the site look a bit brighter.
      adds  31c6e21   Final draft of article submitted to TPJ.
      adds  c71d93b   Update to mention TPJ article.
      adds  b1be01d   Updated to not tag indexes (starting with a hat) with a currency.
      adds  a6de776   BUG: 121557.  Fixed 40th Yahoo lookup bug.  Previously the 40th (and 80th, 120th...) symbol in a large lookup would fail.
      adds  7375387   Updated version number in preparation for new release.
      adds  2552193   Incremented version number to 1.04 in preparation for new release.
      adds  75c4038   Updated to not use the experimental user-agent unless explicitly set.
      adds  05daa66   Updated FAQ.  Now much more comprehensive.
      adds  c1535e6   Added MANIFEST file.
      adds  a3700aa   Tagged for release.
      adds  429fa0c   Updated for new file release.
      adds  2eae5f3   Updated for new 1.04 release.
      adds  dc64afb   Updated date.
      adds  5798840   Updated latest news to Nov 5, not Oct 5.  Oops.
      adds  d46d0b0   Update to ensure that currency fields returned by a Quotelet are unique.
      adds  eb88c1a   Updated docs.  Xtera exchange is now DE, not FX.
      adds  46d0bee   New currency URL for better European conversions.
      adds  f5ee50b   Updated URL that Yahoo::USA uses to fetch data.
      adds  015840a   Updated to respect the FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET environment variable.
      adds  fe8928b   Currency fix changes.  Everything seems to work quite nicely now.
      adds  1e13914   Updated documentation on FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET.
      adds  a4d59eb   Tagged as F::Q 1.05
      adds  476b560   Updated changelog with the correct year for recent entries.  Oops.  Thanks to Rob Browning for noting that.
      adds  a27f14a   Added in debian packaging information.  I am currently incredibly close to being accepted as Debian developer, at which point this package will be chucked into the main Debian archive.
      adds  bae483a   Updated to mention 1.05 release.
      adds  c852c7a   Fixed typo.
      adds  227f614   Updated ASX and Trustnet modules to reflect the new location of CGI scripts for their respective modules.
      adds  ee0ea6c   Applied Leigh Wedding's ASX patch after the ASX changed their website again.  Working happily once more.
      adds  9c02e9f   Added Leigh Wedding's ASX patch.
      adds  1b40cf0   Added Tobias Vancura's F::Q::Fool module.
      adds  199b057   Updated to include standard method names such as nasdaq, nyse, and usa.
      adds  bb0601a   Fool is now automatically loaded from Quote.pm
      adds  47cf68d   Updated MANIFEST to include Fool.pm
      adds  e9b49b1   Fixed strange behaviour when using FQ_LOAD_QUOTELETS environment variable.
      adds  fc978a7   Update of VWD module to parse changed VWD site.
      adds  eb39e10   Added Cdnfundlibrary
      adds  b7bba02   Tweaked VWD to removing asterisks from names and whitespace from currency.
      adds  71db9a3   Modified Tiaacref.pm to work with new CGIs at www.tiaa-cref.org Updated regression tests to reflect changes Updated ChangeLog
      adds  dc94256   patches for td waterhouse price coopers From: "James A. Treacy" <treacy at debian.org>
      adds  e3b3be9   patches for td waterhouse From: "James A. Treacy" <treacy at debian.org>
      adds  7ce2722   Added Tdwaterhouse module.
      adds  01ba305   Module to obtain quotes from the Amsterdamn Euronext eXchange, courtesy of Rob Sessink.
      adds  102b481   Added AEX module.
      adds  ba7577e   Updated ASX module to work with new website.
      adds  a2f37f1   Added sources method.
      adds  03a3c96   Updated module to use new fidelity layout.
      adds  474f52a   Updated to use fidelity_direct method.  Don't test failovers.
      adds  c2e4570   Updated Fidelity stuff.
      adds  5932e33   Bumped version number.
      adds  c66bf0d   Updated Trustnet to reflect changes on trustnet website.
      adds  e27a6ca   AEX test suite.
      adds  f2574dd   Added AEX test.
      adds  7731311   Removed Fool from the failover lists, until I haven't a chance to better test it.  Can still be accessed using the fool method.
      adds  1604c64   Updated the FAQ.
      adds  ddd4a40   Updated the INSTALL file.
      adds  6ca50fd   Old contents of /t directory have now been moved to /test.
      adds  a64cc80   Moved files from /t to /test to avoid testing during automatic installation via CPAN.
      adds  72b8fe4   Updated MANIFEST file to reflect new /test location.
      adds  f766283   Updated MANIFEST file and test file locations.
      adds  6eb86f8   Updated documentation and copyright information.
      adds  7ad2222   Tagging for 1.06 release.
      adds  3b58c7d   Updated for new release.
      adds  daeffd2   Updated for new file release.
      adds  ef592f5   Added debian packaging files.
      adds  cf85a38   Debian release.
      adds  db3a2cd   Updated for Debian release.
      adds  dc0b8dd   Updated so that stocks from Stockholm are correctly listed in SEK.
      adds  646def5   Fixed missing double-quote.  Oops.
      adds  99b69ef   Yahoo asia module.
      adds  83c75d6   Fixed typo.  Bug/Patch 450957.
      adds  30a6d8f   Added Yahoo::Asia module.
      adds  d6c52ed   Adaption to changed price format (no more decimal point).
      adds  cc5a4fb   Again adaption to changed price format (decimal point was reintroduced).
      adds  df15ce8   updated for Yahoo::Asia module.
      adds  231b484   Updated with currency fix.
      adds  b001651   Updated version number.
      adds  faab29d   Updated testing information.
      adds  6087917   Updated to mark as non-functional.
      adds  ba9363c   Updated ASX and Trustnet to mark as non-functional.
      adds  09d12f3   Changed one of the funds in trustnet.t since it has apparently been delisted, which was breaking the test.
      adds  41edf4d   Fixed a changed URL for the ASX quotes. The tests still complain, but succeed; I suspect that ASX has added additional columns. I will look at this and check in a fix separately.
      adds  e1c062b   Added return label 'symbol' for usage in GnuCash.
      adds  faa33c5   Added ZI.pm and Union.pm
      adds  8b54077   Fixed VWD to always return a symbol.  THanks to Joachim Breitner for this fix (#600698)
      adds  06a7c96   666349 Trustnet doc correction
      adds  69d41e1   Updated based upon change to Yahoo HTML formatting in currency pages.
      adds  f756133   Updated ASX source location
      adds  688fe03   Fixed documentation
      adds  201f18e   Updated tests which wrongly assumed conversion could occur between EUR and FRF in a dynamic manner.
      adds  a4683fe   Fixed problem where failed currencies would result in zero and not undef being returned.
      adds  3d76580   Fixed currency problems and ASX issues.
      adds  46893ec   Updated Fidelity and Troweprice modules to reflect their current state of unhappiness.
      adds  48a7f61   Tagging for release
      adds  d9bd0d5   Bumped version number
      adds  26cdc66   Fixed Fidelity and Troweprice to be in line with documentation regarding direct methods.
      adds  28e5d40   Accepted patch #666361, Yahoo currencies now have much better handling
      adds  2b65567   Accepted patch #666361
      adds  70b3b2b   Added FTPortfolios.pm
      adds  6b35a2f   Updated for new FTPortfolios.pm module
      adds  c857893   Added Ganesan Rajagopal's excellent IndiaMutual module
      adds  081f347   Fixed issue with Cdnfundlibrary not returning success indicators.
      adds  f0eb8f8   Added QuickQuote/BM Nesbitt Burns patch from Robert Clark
      adds  744e9d4   Added BMONesbittBurns module and test cases.  #752423
      adds  e1664b8   Fixed incorrect number of tests.
      adds  05a67ba   Tagging as 1.08 for real this time.
      adds  23a40dc   bugfix
      adds  5cf5989   bugfixes: corrected ticker => url mapping cleaning up garbage in received data cleanup of labels proper handling of indices (no EUR)
      adds  fdc64a3   bugfixes in F::Q::AEX
      adds  7a8420f   Added label 'symbol'
      adds  6970076   Added label 'symbol' in AEX
      adds  2b2b2d2   Returns undef in case no vaild data found
      adds  20a2408   update in F::Q::AEX
      adds  6ee2fb8   updated to ver. 1.4 of F:Q:AEX
      adds  bb1b542   Fetching of options quotes from AEX implemented
      adds  590442d   bugfixes
      adds  0318cc4   Added entry for the Lisbon Portugal stock exchange.
      adds  a602a5d   Added some suffixes to the Yahoo exchange-to-currency mappings.
      adds  862d04c   Major update: downloading option data from subframes too. Additional labels: volume, oi, and other. Subframes cache implemented, resulting in sunstantial speedup for repeating (intraday) requests of individual options.
      adds  b57c4a1   updated to ver. 1.7 of F:Q:AEX
      adds  5a1ec7b   Major update of F::Q::AEX: downloading option data from subframes.
      adds  3cf70b4   Major update of F::Q::AEX: downloading futures quotes.
      adds  3e3adc3   updated to test futures quotes
      adds  db7b63f   Major update of F::Q::AEX: downloading futures quotes.
      adds  e666586   todos
      adds  56ec217   require perl 5.6
      adds  34d9ad8   require perl 5.006
      adds  134b161   Fix for the new TIAA-CREF quote download cgi. With their new scheme, it appears that they have also reorganized their Personal Annuities. No effort was taken to map the old symbols to the new symbols, since it is not entirely clear that all of the PAs exactly map. Any script that is using this module should be updated to reflect this.
      adds  ac02c02    Added Yahoo suffixes for the Brussels and Dublin exchanges.
      adds  df51b78   I don't believe Obsidian provides commercial support for F::Q anymore.  Removed from FAQ.
      adds  6c48a4c   Updated to work correctly with the new ASX interface.
      adds  17f2501   a few tickers updated
      adds  f1efb5a   Added Tdefunds.pm support, thanks to David Grant.
      adds  43e83a4   BUG: 916966 - Fixed problem where TASE prices were being reported at 100 times their true price.
      adds  e370c3f   Updated with new tdefunds module.
      adds  de3992d   Fixes from Phil Longstaff to make this modules functional again.
      adds  74fe6ea   Add a test module for the Canadian Fund Library.
      adds  3e82fef   Correct currency mapping for the Oslo exchange.
      adds  727a778   Update URL to match Yahoo site changes.
      adds  1e5a4e0   Update for the new location of the data within the page.  Return a few more data value to the user.
      adds  fd18fd1   Make the fidelity_direct method work again.  Uses a new csv file on Fidelity's new server that contains information for all Fidelity funds. This eliminates the need for F::Q to maintain a list of supported funds.
      adds  e431d2f   Extract the currency information from the yahoo website.  Keeps the existing "exchange to currency" mapping table as a fallback.  Update tests to check that the currency is coming from yahoo.
      adds  958f68b   Old test funds no longer exist.  Replace them with current funds.
      adds  3ac6841   Add automated tests for the TD Waterhouse module.
      adds  e23f122   Add Union to the default list of quoters.
      adds  4b42947   Eliminate a warning message.  Update couple of comments.
      adds  e3e6ab4   Add a test module for the Union quoter.
      adds  4d96072   Correct exchange codes for Vienna and Valence.
      adds  3262d5a   Add new Yahoo Brasil module from Ismael Orenstein <perdig at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  d87a861   Add a couple of test modules for various Yahoo flavors.
      adds  481c7e3   Add support for the U.S. Government Thrift Savings Plan.
      adds  ec1c43f   Add support for quotes from the Swedish Bank.  Submitted by Tomas Carlsson <tompa at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  ff8f814   Fixes from Tony B <tonyblx at users.sourceforge.net> to solve problem of Trustnet no longer providing a date with its quotes.
      adds  cff8135   Sort module names.
      adds  074a18e   Add new module for quotes from the New Zealand Stock Exchange. Submitted by Michael Curtis <michael at moltenmercury.org>.
      adds  373d829   Added new Australian investment price sources from Ian Dall <iandall at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  3a537cd   Most of the data from AEX has moved to the Euronext exchange.  These are updates from Johan van Oostrum <jo.ro at wolmail.nl> to fix the AEX module to pull data on the Dutch Investment Funds remaining at this site.
      adds  0731369   Tweak HTML::TableExtract headers to eliminate warning messages.
      adds  74a5161   Correct spelling of success
      adds  e641cd1   Correct documentation of env variable
      adds  89e994c   Updated w/last 3 months activity.
      adds  6478185   Fix a warning caused by Yahoo occasionally returning an undefined field.
      adds  d85d24d   Collapse all date parsing into a single common routine.
      adds  906296c   Pull now unused date conversion code.
      adds  0789408   Remove outdated comment
      adds  ff95c6e   Make sure any '&' characters in the trust name are encoded when that name is embedded into a URL.
      adds  3a0276e   Added initial version of new module Quote::FinanceCanada.pm.  Uses new data parsing routine provided in Quote.pm.
      adds  6bd27cc   New module for the Athens stock exchange.
      adds  e6949a9   Skip any blank lines in the table.  Pass an extra parameter to TableExtract to keep it from doing unnecessary work that produces warnings.
      adds  03b01cd   The table seems to have moved again.  Find it by its headers instead if by table indices.
      adds  460019d   Update for changes to the table labels on the website.
      adds  5d2a9dc   Todays updates.
      adds  7032971   Update for changes in the website.  Add a new test module.
      adds  aae4ee1   Replace core code with tighter parsing code.  Support two different sets of symbols for these funds.
      adds  c2749b3   More updates.
      adds  1511ba6   Updated module from Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>.
      adds  c392e17   Choose a different stock for testing.
      adds  1dd07e2   Chenge test to force use of the Fidelity.pm module, instead of using any module that says it can return fidelity quotes.
      adds  fed3661   Choose a different stock for testing.
      adds  2c53af8   Update Trustnet URL in a comment.
      adds  bb20a84   Retrieve more data based on a different url at fundlibrary.com.
      adds  0611a64   New Yahoo::New Zealand module.  Add "nz" method to pull from either NZX or Yahoo:NZ.
      adds  f0e9237   Today's changes.
      adds  7852d61   Tagged release 1.09
      adds  150b701   Web pages updated to reflect the 1.09 release, and fix various bit rot problems.
      adds  9a5621e   Bumped version number.
      adds  cf4ccff   Added new files to manifest for 1.09 release.
      adds  db620fb   Re-enabled version in VWD.pm, which had previously been commented out.  No VERSION makes CPAN sad.
      adds  12626bc   Minor changes to MANIFEST and versions, focused around the 1.09 release.
      adds  fc12c21   Bumping to 1.10
      adds  5f52efd   Handle invalid ISIN response (blank table) in VWD.pm.
      adds  27a1ff8   Updated to work with new Yahoo currency conversion pages.
      adds  3c77ac8   Eliminate warning when running 'make test'.
      adds  75332cf   New URL from Kevin Foss.  Uses https, so the Crypt::SSLeay module is now required for TIAA-CREF quotes.
      adds  ed9fc03   Zürich Invest has been purchased by Deutsche Bank and integrated into DWS.  The DWS.pm module should be used in place of the ZI.pm module.
      adds  4920d41   Patch from Rainer Dorsch to return the current price as 'last'.  The HTML::TableExtract first_table_state_found() function has been deprecated.  Accept both the old and new values as correct answers.
      adds  eeeb091   Zürich Invest has been purchased by Deutsche Bank and integrated into DWS.  The DWS.pm module should now be used in place of the ZI.pm module.
      adds  5bd8da3   Better fix for HTML::TableExtract.  Use a function that exists in both the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of TableExtract.
      adds  ee7bd7d   Add a new South African stock quote module from Stephen Langenhoven <langenhoven at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  637db20   Changes made today.
      adds  943c4c5   Add new modules to retrieve US Federal Bond prices (by Stephen Langenhoven) and German investment fund prices from Deka (by Knut Franke).
      adds  83feac8   Archive pre-2005 data into a separate file.
      adds  78ac2fd   Frank Mori Hess's <fmhess at speakeasy.net> change to add support for the TSP lifecycle L funds.
      adds  0124357   Remove the thousands separator character from quote values.
      adds  44d989d   Add support for TIAA-CREF mutual funds from Brandon <brandon2 at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  5213a5d   During the update from version 1.12 to 1.13, the code for fetching Amsterdam options and futures was accitentaly removed. In this version the code for options and futures is merged back.
      adds  0192d6f   In the update between version 1.6 and 1.7 the tests for fetching options and futures were accidentaly deleted.  They are put back again.
      adds  df4e51a   Make note of an alternate yahoo URL that can be used to obtain currency quotes. From Gerry Barksdale <gbark at barksys.com>.
      adds  a31755f   Oops. That URL needs to be commented out.
      adds  cee3329   Put back the call to the HTML::TableExtract first_table_state_found() function for now.  At some point this should be removed and the 2.0 version of HTML::TableExtract required.
      adds  a5f0350   Use the store_date function.
      adds  c78b423   Add code to protect against empty tables, data fields, etc.
      adds  e8f4cde   Correct the number of test cases.  Changed test stock to one that is still on the exchange.  Site no longer provides time (date only) so remove tests for time of quote.  Futures quotes don't always have bid/ask values so comment out those tests.
      adds  4df02ff   All returned prices (for all stocks I tried) return a price of zero, so comment out the test for non-zero.
      adds  58b6f33   Changed test stock to one that is still on the exchange.
      adds  ea99104   Update for recent commits.
      adds  0ab409e   Jörg Sommer's patch to work better with invalid WKNs and to extract the exchange information from its new location.
      adds  806d2b2   Change test currency to one still on the exchange.
      adds  2e11219   Accept dates in both the previous and current year as valid responses.
      adds  255698f   Add ChangeLog.1 to the manifest.
      adds  79052a0   Correct the date on an entry.
      adds  5a94324   Forgot to check in the version number when 1.11 was release.
      adds  efc22fb   Updated module from Jörg Sommer that is more tolerant of the advertising added to the web page.
      adds  696865c   New module from Dominique Corbex <domcox at sourceforge.net> to fetch information from the "Paris Stock Exchange", http://www.boursorama.com.
      adds  adbaf1f   Patch from p1n0 at sourceforge.net to only divide London exchange values by 100 if they are denominated in pence.
      adds  d2a39b3   Update tests for the yahoo_europe module.
      adds  d7aecd3   Fix a warning message.
      adds  fbec386   New module from Dominique Corbex <domcox at sourceforge.net> to fetch information from the LeRevenu.com site in France.
      adds  fa07b81   Test the right module.
      adds  929570c   Add a section on the q->store_date() function.
      adds  2d4b758   New module from Mika Laari <mikalaari at users.sourceforge.net> to fetch quote information from the Helsinki stock exchange.
      adds  6a9a388   Explicitly state in the code that this module requires ssl support (it uses an https:// url).  This prevents perl from trying to run the code when ssl support isn't present.
      adds  1c8fcc9   Updated module from Klaus Dahlke <klaus.dahlke at gmx.de> to retrieve quotes from the new DWS web page.
      adds  c434dff   Work around the fact that gnucash escapes the ampersand character when passing stock names to F::Q.
      adds  ab10817   Updated modules from Dominique Corbex <domcox at sourceforge.net>. The name field now returns the real name and not ticker symbols, and other small fixes.
      adds  7b3cc0b   The url for updating quotes has changed, as has the table header.
      adds  85e1592   Update the test cases to use currently listed funds.
      adds  5245d2b   Update the test cases to use currently listed funds.
      adds  1cdb3ce   Update for the new table format on the web site.
      adds  c449667   Use the new url of the pricing information.
      adds  36f034f   Don't set the success flag if the lookup failed.
      adds  c8b6031   Add new test cases to cover the last untested modules. All modules are now tested.
      adds  3953def   Update for the change of the data separator from a semicolon to a comma.
      adds  f0a19ed   Update the test module to have more cases and use better stocks.
      adds  27a6702   Don't set fields that are defined but are empty..
      adds  3627966   Better fix that doesn't cause an errors when running 'make test'.
      adds  ba625d3   Update the manifest file.  State the dependency on Crypt::SSLeay that several modules now have.
      adds  25f4c5f   META.yml should be listed in the manifest.
      adds  6e3e0ef   META.yml is a generated file.
      adds  f6de260   Update to 1.12.
      adds  4c43fb4   Don't use data from Yahoo unless its length is non-zero.
      adds  56f5359   Update the URL to track changes on the web site.
      adds  ba41291   New module to access American International Assurance fund information.  Based on perl script from Wouter van Marle <wouter at squirrel-systems.com>.
      adds  2a17247   Remove some unused code.
      adds  6523723   Move AIA.pm to AIAHK.pm since AIA has sites in multiple countries.
      adds  3c826f8   Update for changes in the display of the web site.
      adds  8f15cc1   Show which stock covers which case in the module.
      adds  106f759   Updates from Dominique Corbex for changes in the display of the web site.
      adds  e2f8126   Remove debug message.
      adds  176e7de   Show which stock covers which case in the module.
      adds  ee3c115   Updates from Dominique Corbex for changes in the display of the web site.
      adds  cc5c17c   Update for changes in the display of the web site.  Now uses an https url.
      adds  6ff326a   Add another case to test the returned currency value.
      adds  9e0a69d   Forgot to bump the number of test cases.
      adds  faf61b6   Replace obsolete fund name with a valid one.
      adds  507dd99   Update fund names.
      adds  859aab1    New module for getting Canadian mutual fund quotes from Chris Carton <ctcarton at gmail.com>.
      adds  2f5584a   Update fund names.
      adds  2b2e496   Update fund names.
      adds  da1b135   Update for changes in the display of the web site.
      adds  8e0c6c1   Accept last year as a valid date.  Comes in hand when testing modules at the start of the new year.
      adds  71143f3   Some restructuring of tests.  Add a couple more tests on dates. Replace a couple of test stocks that are no longer valid.
      adds  b79eb61   Rewrite this module for the new web site design.
      adds  cb0a95e   Add a timeout for the Deka site.
      adds  d18daf0   Strip spaces around the dollar values.
      adds  c9c0194   Rewrite this module for the new web site design.
      adds  f442d5a   Update for StockHouseCanada. Also aiahk test file.
      adds  8c36cf9   The fund name seems to be a moving target. Search all tables of depth one looking for it.
      adds  d20f075   Revert unintended commit.
      adds  472a0f0   Enhance module to support mutual fund quotes (which have less data than stock quotes).  Correct date format parsing.  Fix from Christian Lupien <lupien at users.sourceforge.net>.
      adds  21b094f   Update the store_date() function for the case when the year isn't explicitly stated.  If the specified month would put the quote in the future, then consider this a quite from last year.  manly intended to handle the rollover from December to January on web sites that don't specify the year.  Suggestion from Christian Lupien.
      adds  393b4d8   Update version to 1.13.
      adds  affdc95   Patch from Devendra Gera <gera0ul at yahoo.com> to remove white space when splitting the results in the AMFI data file.
      adds  5e5793c   Patch from Henrik Riomar <henrik.riomar at gmail.com> to fix a problem finding quotes for funds with the Swedish chars åäö in the name.
      adds  b432532   Site maintenance: bug reports move from SF to RT
      adds  fd0315f   site maintenance: patches to be reported on rt
      adds  006114c   site maintenance: development tree is now on github
      adds  02f8b37   report bugs to RT
      adds  7f8b514   Yahoo-Brasil: enabled semicolon
      adds  ade8940   Yahoo-Brasil: moved to version 1.14
      adds  41b14d0   Updated PJF's e-mail address.
      adds  109c5f9   List of files that should never be added to the manifest.
      adds  45630c4   Git, please ignore these files.
      adds  0ea3bc5   Ignore META.yml, since it's auto-generated.
      adds  3fdbbdd   And ignore Makefile, which is also auto-generated.
      adds  4d3f074   Upgrade Makefile.PL from EUMM to Module::Install
      adds  89eaf8d   .gitignore += blib + pm_to_blib
      adds  a3b01b1   Renamed test/ -> t/ .  We now have a better formed module.
      adds  4764978   All on-line tests now depend upon $ENV{ONLINE_TEST}
      adds  98d44b5   01-pod.t - POD validation (author only) tests.
      adds  fcc1ac9   Added author-only quality checks.     * Pod::Coverage     * Kwalitee     * Critic
      adds  dd30395   All tests are now executable.
      adds  f29e570   Added strict back to tdefunds.  It should have never left.
      adds  16ddc50   Update changelog with new build and test information.
      adds  5685d5f   Changelog update:     * updated with changes to Brasil.pm     * added date and name headers
      adds  025b90d   yahoo europe changed format and fields returned + minor test bug corrected
      adds  5be6035   Put @FIELDS in a dummy ref and restore. Resolves probable bug where getting europe quotes and then asia or other quotes in the same script would fail
      adds  c900e6b   let Perl do the localizing stuff
      adds  b276937   Merge branch 'yahoo-europe'
      adds  de18944   updated .pm to version 1.14
      adds  ca91b7b   AEX.pm bug with comma's solved
      adds  e483a51   added  in error message for options
      adds  39d5ff6   added info needed for debugging option tests
      adds  ba4ed1d   AEX.pm moved to version 1.14
      adds  1b48f2b   Fixed malformed author addresses in Finance/Quote.pm
      adds  3d21459   added TSX module posted by Emmanuel Rodriguez
      adds  b3707bf   typo correction in author name
      adds  6b1911a   modified tsx.t to check for ONLINE_TEST and using Test::More
      adds  c80c9b4   VWD.pm patch by skaringa
      adds  7c1743e   test 9 works. VWD.pm version is now 1.14
      adds  3654272   Merge branch 'vwd'
      adds  596298e   added comment for VWD, TSX, AEX modules
      adds  3556d3c   patch from Doug Brown
      adds  940d438   corrected error with name, date and isodate moved version to 1.14
      adds  e33d4a1   Merge branch 'StockHouseCanada'
      adds  7777c6c   Changelog: added StockHouseCanada.pm update
      adds  e10a6cc   posted by Stephan Ebelt : - fixed thousands and decimal separator handling - check symbol against ISIN as well - populate the exchange field with the DWS subsidiary that actually runs the fund - "improved" the name extraction (this fix is questionable, but does what I want for the moment...) - fixed indent
      adds  842112a   Changelog: DWS.pm updated
      adds  58da4f4   Solve bug rt#39658 : currency conversion truncate after thousands
      adds  2fc3e97   Simple test to ensure that Data::Dumper is not used by accident.
      adds  784e48d   Don't manifest patch droppings or e-mail patch files.
      adds  e26c6c6   Updated MANIFEST, including test -> t changes.
      adds  c06138a   Test permission fixes.  (chmod +x)
      adds  30b3858   Document new t/05-data-dumper.t
      adds  af3efda   Patch to make Finance::Quote::Tiaacref.pm work again
      adds  400a084   Applied patch from Bill Carlson to fix Tiaacref.
      adds  c605713   Put maninvestments.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  243ff4a   Put nzx.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  20ae32b   Put aiahk.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  436947c   Put ftportfolios.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  b03c2b4   Put trustnet.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  a1cd91c   Put usfedbonds.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  a188664   Put bourso.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  dd1e3db   Put deka.t failing tests in TODO state
      adds  cf8bc17   Errors in currency.t corrected
      adds  811da50   union.t: 1 test moved to todo state due to sometimes giving 'not pass' result
      adds  a9f68c5   lerevenu.t: changed index id
      adds  f998f59   lerevenu.t: Corrected index ID in comment line also
      adds  8e94145   added Cominvest module and test
      adds  d05b472   added Cominvest to list of default modules
      adds  e398bd3   Merge branch 'cominvest'
      adds  e26a9e8   Changelog updated
      adds  ce2fed3   BUGFIX: asx.t - CGJ probably not listed anymore, replaced in tests by WES
      adds  3a1a7df   README: refer to RT and GIT
      adds  4272ec4   Moved all .pm to version 1.13_01
      adds  3a195cf   modified pod info for kwalitee
      adds  097bd73   root README added. Thanks to S�bastien Aperghis-Tramoni
      adds  b0c8da3   Changelog updated
      adds  ee25775   AIAHK.pm : Pod documentation correction
      adds  14ef1c9   Union.pm : Pod documentation correction
      adds  c15548a   NZ.pm : Pod documentation correction
      adds  219d277   VWD.pm : Pod documentation correction
      adds  df02147   MANIFEST updated as in 1.13_01
      adds  80856f1   Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/finance-quote
      adds  aa8e3f3   DWS.pm -= Data::Dumper
      adds  24989b2   .gitignore += Makefile.old
      adds  59578f5   union.t: remove todo-state for test 2
      adds  b8bea1a   Makefile.PL : added required HTML::TreeBuilder
      adds  1ec1b12   Changelog update
      adds  be7bd4e   Update  to 1.13_02
      adds  3870bca   yahoo_europe: yahoo returns GBX instead of GBP. Base.pm now converts it back to GBP
      adds  96ba076    syntax unified
      adds  e42978e   isoTime function added
      adds  1a86c62   Quote.pm : isoTime - uppercase am/pm
      adds  6b80b4c   Use isoTime to format time from Yahoo
      adds  46e65b2   quote.t added
      adds  0febec8   Changelog update
      adds  d84b74d   uppercase H and U in time
      adds  ee4a7ad   Finanzpartner.pm posted by Jan Willamowius
      adds  837bd58   VERSION updated and regexp cleanup
      adds  f435ff5   Finanzpartner added to Quote.pm
      adds  004347d   Changelog updated
      adds  e53305e   VERSION updated to 1.14
      adds  0035d00   Added Erik Colson as maintainer
      adds  21d8d0d   MANIFEST updated
      adds  d48da62   Site update after releasing 1.14
      adds  f37466d   Lost info on index.html added
      adds  84dee3a   Doc error: BR is Brussels
      adds  360c22c   convert to other test-files syntax
      adds  9aabbb7   Licence added to Makefile.PL
      adds  263a32b   BUG correction : function isoTime - make sure $hours and $mins are treated as numbers
      adds  8475ac3   use sprintf in isoTime
      adds  22779c9   Changelog update
      adds  3fc15b9   IndiaMutual.pm: symbol not set it module. Bug corrected by Ajay M
      adds  f444f35   Changelog update and version updated to 1.15
      adds  718771d   Website : Index.html updated to version 1.15
      adds  92690b8   Modifications due to site change. by Bernard FUENTES
      adds  4b0a79d   debug code restored in Bourso.pm
      adds  8546bcf   Indexes are retrieved also. Tests don't fail if no currency returned for bonds and indexes
      adds  a76d8de   Changelog update
      adds  99d0fa0   Removed unused variables
      adds  56f9cbc   Site update - module adapted by Jn Willamowius
      adds  74e7c7b   Test module uses Test::More now
      adds  00558bc   Merge branch 'Finanzpartner'
      adds  c3d3e94   Email adress of Bernard Fuentes added to Bourso.pm
      adds  ac47858   download.html : Pointer to latest release made release independent
      adds  73c4ee5   Changelog update
      adds  a27f009   Replaced unlisted fund ID with existing ones
      adds  21fe613   bourso.t: corrected unexisting warant id
      adds  a184165   Trustnet tests removed from TODO back to NORMAL
      adds  6f0ee65   financecanada tests updated
      adds  efbba87   GoldMoney added by Stephan Ebelt
      adds  cf14151   New files by Stephan Ebelt
      adds  0775077   Stephen Ebelt patch for goldmoney site adjustments
      adds  3f31988   GoldMoney branch merge
      adds  928432e   encoding prblem solved by Ashwin
      adds  4ea1fa9   copyright statements added to GoldMoney.pm
      adds  cc19ee5   patch for compatibility issues with gnucash
      adds  b05de52   Merge branch 'ZA'
      adds  97ccfb8   ITE was renamed to RZR
      adds  05831ba   BUG correction: 12:XXpm formatted time handling
      adds  7512e3b   Bourso.pm allmost completely rewritten due to website change
      adds  563ae11   Added tests for new method (Finance::Quote::currency_lookup). Added initial version of Finance::Quote::currency_lookup (imlementation of search logic only, live data not yet retrieved or stored in module)
      adds  217b7ee   Fixed usage (and parameter order) of _smart_compare Changed logic so that if more than one parameter is given all must match for a currency to match. Added extra tests for multiple parameters.
      adds  bde7912   Updated author list
      adds  8d0424a   Added Finance::Quote::Currencies (not yet complete - still need to retrieve live currency list and store the full list in the module). Used this module in Finance::Quote::currency_lookup and added tests for the new module.
      adds  8bfb80e   Added Finance::Quote::Currencies (not yet complete - still need to retrieve live currency list and store the full list in the module). Used this module in Finance::Quote::currency_lookup and added tests for the new module.
      adds  58d5a6c   Included currency_lookup in @EXPORT_OK. Imported a full currency list from the live website./
      adds  a497746   Added license and author information
      adds  155333c   Added perlpod for Finance::Quote::currency_lookup
      adds  fd2864e   Implemented fetch_live_currencies
      adds  e227027   Retabbed to space indentation - one tab => two spaces
      adds  4f38fae   merge with currency_lookup branch - conflicts resolved
      adds  5d40115   Morningstar.pm from sourceforge patch list
      adds  f42aeb0   Patch sent by Fredrik Persson
      adds  b0f443a   Morningstar.t as posted by Fredrik Persson
      adds  6149119   Variables renamed and various code cleanup
      adds  652b3a0   morningstar merge conflict resolved
      adds  8794273   Patch AEX.pm and .t by Herman van Rink
      adds  0d2b28f   AEX.pm code cleanup
      adds  3fd0139   Bourso.pm: BUG in date corrected
      adds  8b3c6ba   Version set to 1.16
      adds  ca0b952   Changelog update
      adds  fd4f0ef   Dependency HTML::TreeBuilder added
      adds  80fc5ed   MANIFEST updated
      adds  c3bc530   website update
      adds  43ebd91   ! text change 	- looks like a vim typo
      adds  c26b00b   Added titles to tests for asx, use Test::More functions instead if Test::Simple where it made test results more clear.
      adds  0ee1d4c   Updated the ASX query URL (the base url and parameters had changed, but fortunately the handling of the stock codes in the query was the same).
      adds  5fb1c1a   Merge branch 'asx'
      adds  3b22c9c   currency.t failed 4 tests due to failing HEX module. corrected by specifying yahoo_europe instead of europe
      adds  38fc366   test added for thousands
      adds  c3feeb1   Patch sent by Sattvik following Yahoo site change for currencies
      adds  9704ee7   currency modifications on yahoo
      adds  d6c7281   Patch from Stephan Ebelt: adjusted COMINVEST_URL
      adds  0943602   Patch from Divakar Ramachandran : see Bug 46155 : link modified
      adds  fc9d6ab   HU.pm added by Zoltan Levardy
      adds  d306db0   HU added in Quote.pm
      adds  dbcd7fa   HU.pm submitted by Zoltan Levardy on 3 Jul 2009
      adds  fe803d7   minor correction by Zoltan Levardy
      adds  bf3f1c8   comments on work in progress by Zoltan Levardy
      adds  dd1eb45   corrected bug on test for 'SOL' (BOGUS) symbol. errormsg was not set when failing isin search.
      adds  4dcfcd0   modified comment sub reference
      adds  0a59aea   warnings when querying without isin code resolved
      adds  27db190   Merge branch 'HU'
      adds  98a187c   Patches on GoldMoney sent by Stephan Ebelt
      adds  7d0d5b5   Bug correction by Giles Robertson : - wrong GBp interpretation as being Pound instead of Pence. Additional bug correction by Erik Colson : - Year range is sometimes expressed in .01 GBp
      adds  a050c7e   AEX.PM doesn't support options and futures since a long time now, due to new site. All code removed
      adds  16833f8   Bourso.t removed unsupported tests
      adds  d70fe03   LTI.L year range modification
      adds  69144b9   test added. page reference added
      adds  7bea277   Fields corrected RT bug 44245
      adds  4d64ed5   options and futures are not supported by AEX
      adds  63f5fb4   RT bug 48818 solved: documentation adapted
      adds  fc12c63   test case added in accordance to RT bug 49496
      adds  4452ad1   failing test, due to nonexisting symbol, modified
      adds  4b04cc8   version changed to 1.17
      adds  61e3ef1   Changelog updated
      adds  285a85d   manifest updated
      adds  516527e   Website update
      adds  a0d68d3   Website update
      adds  7de984b   BSERO module added. Thanks to Andrei Cipu.
      adds  092599c   Patched Bourso.pm to site-change posted on RT by Laurent Wozniak on 2009-12-31
      adds  b897e9e   Tiaacref patched by Vincent Lucarelli via RT bug report 62104
      adds  97f8741   TSP.pm patched by Laurent Wozniak via RT bug report 59633
      adds  73ba3fa   YAHOO_EUROPE. Info added about ^DJI changed by yahoo to ^DJI.US
      adds  ca357d3   Patch by Laurent Wozniak RT #59623 : Bourso.pm and bourso.t updated to new site
      adds  cea8a78   TSP.pm patched by Kevin Ryde - RT bug #64519
      adds  7a78fdc   TSP.pm Patch by Kevin Ryde: TSP previous day's price returned as close
      adds  c20c36c   Patch by Kevin Ryde to convert 'B' to useable number
      adds  9bccba5   moved B_to_billion and decimal_shift to Quote.pm. OO the methods
      adds  4ccd4e0   decimal_shift rewrite using sprintf and arythmetics - speed improvement of 9%
      adds  8720849   Changelog updated
      adds  ea45639   Changelog
      adds  0d642f4   little regexp rewrite
      adds  16d4987   merge conflict resolved
      adds  5bea0e4   sub name changed in comments
      adds  b137e4e   VWD.pm corrected to new site layout - patch by Marko Sch�tz
      adds  283e2c9   Corrected known Currencies. currencies.t now passes tests again
      adds  f165a72   Tdefunds now adds a symbol to be compatible with GnuCash - patch by gliptak
      adds  a5f03b3   Chaneg currency conversion lookup to use Yahoo API
      adds  e9d5d85   added e=.csv to query to conform to Yahoo csv API documentation
      adds  b45a1fe   HTML::TreeBuilder not needed anymore in Quote.pm
      adds  03445be   Tests added to check that currency rates are not multiplied by a multiple of 10
      adds  30064af   Merge branch 'YahooApi2012'
      adds  4e6ad39   use inverse rate when exchange rate is below .001 to get better precision. patch idea by mta
      adds  6c9cf2c   Fixes typo.
      adds  430e58b   Merge pull request #2 from oalders/master
      adds  811c96b   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pfenwick/finance-quote
      adds  9d711ed   IndiaMutual working again. see RT#77317
      adds  838bc9c   IndiaMutal.pm cache-file should work on Windows too if TMPDIR environment variable is correctly defined
      adds  948327f   Also check TEMP envvar for temporary directory
      adds  6398029   Changed BAY.L by ATG.L in test file
      adds  e965e82   yahoo_europe test for ^DJI moved into TODO block
      adds  511ae4c   New version from RT#62104. Coded by Carl LaCombe
      adds  a7faff1   changed tests as TLGIX and TLSIX are not supported any more
      adds  217e2ab   Merge branch 'tiaacref'
      adds  5dbff4d   shares and funds search on SIX Swiss Exchange
      adds  ea63fb5   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sw/finance-quote into sw-master
      adds  47f0b20   code cleanup
      adds  db6baac   Added CREFbond test to tiaacref.t
      adds  df6d297   Added more CREFbond test to tiaacref.t
      adds  2c7017b   removed ending line spaces and change versions from 1.17 to 1.18
      adds  96a1e04   Makefile.PL bug corrected
      adds  7ffdb51   updated MANIFEST
      adds  56c6faf   bsero.t test updated to Test::More
      adds  b6d4add   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pfenwick/finance-quote
      adds  c16a5c1   updated index.html for version 1.18
      adds  c43fb10   Mozilla::CA is required for https retrieval to succeed
      adds  83830e1   Added Encode dependency in Makefile
      adds  41818d1   New module MorningstarJP : submitted by Christopher Hill
      adds  27882a9   Initial Mt.Gox support
      adds  f6ea3c6   BUGFIX: wrong dependency in mt-gox makefile
      adds  b602039   Update MANIFEST
      adds  2967e31   Load MtGox by default
      adds  f728ba0   MtGox: fetch timestamp of last trade
      adds  04bf103   MtGox: use goto-&NAME in anonymous subs
      adds  51af1c5   Merge pull request #11 from yrro/mtgox
      adds  de5b964   added POSTFIX as dependency
      adds  e4807a3   Changes according to new site layout by Timothy Boyle
      adds  0beb538   Removed old version references in ZA.pm, and replaced them by the date
      adds  8efe3f8   ZA.pm code cleanup
      adds  9d84dd9   MtGox: check response content type & handle errors when decoding JSON
      adds  df0bb1c   MtGox: die if parameters are omitted
      adds  d205717   Merge branch 'mtgox' of https://github.com/yrro/finance-quote
      adds  eb6f365   Tests added in ZA.pm for last/high/low
      adds  97bf64f   developer.html updated to new git repository
      adds  f7ac6b1   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pjf/finance-quote
      adds  f46f119   Adapted Yahoo::Europe and Yahoo::USA to new URLS. Added a test on Belgian quote in yahoo_europe.t
      adds  ab23b59   TEST FIX: one test in yahoo_europe retrieved a quote through default           YAHOO site
      adds  a4cfca7   URL change of Yahoo::USA. Probably correct now.
      adds  60b410c   Yahoo site links updated for Asia, Australia, Brasil, NZ
      adds  8a6f973   tests updated for yahoo_brasil
      adds  6d8b77f   added some debug info when environment variable FQ_DEBUG is set.
      adds  2bd8a1e   Replaced tabs with spaces in INSTALL
      adds  76d1d66   There is no call to parse_csv_semicolon anymore. So remove it from code.
      adds  3ca8c12   Added TODO tests in yahoo_australia to retrieve quotes with suffix '.AX'
      adds  553e472   changed version number in all modules to 1.19
      adds  6ab967e   Changelog update
      adds  12e55d9   Site change for version 1.19
      adds  ed08533   Version of BSERO.pm changed to 1.19
      adds  c440528   Date::Calc required by MorningstarJP
      adds  a6efcb4   $VERSION updated to 1.20
      adds  7a209f5   use vars instead of our
      adds  f956358   Changelog update
      adds  67e0399   Changed index.html
      adds  b36ea31   Change RZR to BOQ as RZR was delisted in 2012
      adds  e865021   Batch price enquiries into groups of 10
      adds  00b9ced   also set info for rest of stocks from @all_stocks when aborting because of failed retrieval
      adds  2155114   decode the response string before parsing.
      adds  6b0aca7   DEV-RELEASE-INFO.org added for dzil automation tasks
      adds  f0367d6   DEV-RELEASE-INFO.org must not be included in releases.
      adds  3138c37   upload to sourceforge is part of release procedure
      adds  0fbb119   removing some files created by dzil (Makefile.PL, INSTALL, MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip)
      adds  5912a45   dist.ini: first version
      adds  3541f06   Files to be ignored by git added in .gitignore
      adds  a74a225   Minimal travis config.
      adds  e4a2fdd   Don't run travis tests on 5.8
      adds  05ee64f   Remove Module::Install now we're using dzil
      adds  cada5b4   Updated dist.ini with plenty more automation. :)
      adds  3efde27   Currently bug reports go to RT
      adds  88d1656   Missing info from old README restored in Quote.pm
      adds  e78f79a   removed $VERSION from 'use vars'. added a # VERSION tag. Use OurPkgVersion to generate the 'our $VERSION' automagically with DZ
      adds  0d8c00d   DEV-RELEASE-INFO.org removed from release
      adds  009c422   Removed dist.ini from release
      adds  75dd393   Merge branch 'dzil'
      adds  9674ed9   Added info to Changes
      adds  edee249   .projectile file added for Emacs projectile stuff
      adds  e67aa23   v1.21
      adds  d217ba0   v1.22
      adds  28bbb4f   twitter doesn't accept dash in hashtags
      adds  7dcf346   Keep track of what is automated now with distzilla
      adds  b30a003   Automatically sent a mail to the news mailing list
      adds  aaae317   We want to automatically upload to sourceforge
      adds  f4a1ac9   added .DS_Store to .gitignore
      adds  3bb1bbc   v1.23_02
      adds  fdd204b   files from Martin Sadler
      adds  639c303   citywire.t working
      adds  d2511f9   ftfunds.t working
      adds  7429492   mstaruk.t working
      adds  5cc06dd   tnetuk.t working
      adds  cf8c320   error in mstaruk.t corrected
      adds  2478fbf   ukfunds.t working
      adds  0ef661a   Changes adapted to new modules
      adds  892d3cf   cleanup of available methods
      adds  d32a093   replaced $VERSION with #VERSION tag
      adds  b36864c   Removing end-of-line spaces etc
      adds  474d9f8   Data::Dumper should not become a prerequisite
      adds  7d67b6a   v1.24
      adds  0a734d1   parse_csv_semicolon is still needed in AEX.pm
      adds  e67c021   AEX.pm : check if items are defined before comparing string
      adds  46e9d92   Changes modified
      adds  3d28b0f   v1.25
      adds  2a9a1bf   IndiaMutual and MtGox require Perl v5.10
      adds  5c0951f   Code Cleanup MtGox
      adds  d87b8e9   Fix Boursorama module
      adds  de06956   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/agardelein/finance-quote into Boursorama
      adds  421bef7   removed empty line
      adds  dbaf644   Changes file updated for Bourso.pm
      adds  c6b66eb   VWD: fixed to work with actual webpage layout
      adds  8c862ee   VWD: fixed to work with actual webpage layout
      adds  9a8918a   Merge branch 'vwd-fix' of https://github.com/skaringa/finance-quote into skaringa-vwd-fix
      adds  4bc4461   VWD code cleanup and Changes updated
      adds  aeb14a8   v1.26
      adds  1afdb1d   Skip tests if not ONLINE_TEST
      adds  78f345a   Added BOMSE module (Abhijit Kshirsagar)
      adds  a717d8f   Renamed BOMSE to YahooJSON to make it more generic
      adds  ba1283e   If available it's better to return 'symbol_requested' instead of 'symbol' since this is the query given by the user.
      adds  10fcbb2   Code cleanup
      adds  0a7b356   Missed a rename
      adds  d624524   BOMSETest.pl added
      adds  837bde9   test file adapted to yahoo_json
      adds  1642b97   return the retrieved type also
      adds  2a651b7   added a test on type
      adds  a9b778e   code cleanup of the test file
      adds  44d2fd2   FIX in comment
      adds  69926e1   Skip tests if not ONLINE_TEST
      adds  f3bdd94   Modified Changes
      adds  d5ca007   Merge branch 'Bomse'
      adds  dcac305   Modified Changes
      adds  d1620f5   v1.27
      adds  0b8339e   added a digit to circumvent ##########
      adds  0cff381   remove Test::Kwalitee from release requirements
      adds  2f0689d   remove Test::Perl::Critic from dependency list
      adds  a62c674   v1.28
      adds  2c57a1a   Let's add a generated README.md to the repo
      adds  997c5fb   ASEGT.pm as provided by Rolf Endres
      adds  b1067ef   this is asegt, not asegr
      adds  3314cfd   remove unnecessary comments
      adds  aba0b51   some more references to asegr changed to asegt
      adds  acaf2b9   code cleanup
      adds  a5681e2   add ASEGT to Quote.pm list
      adds  57e891e   test file for ASEGT
      adds  2f463a3   Merge branch 'ASEGT'
      adds  f2c28a3   changed asegt to za_unittrusts. partial commit.
      adds  96bb867   renamed asegt to za_unittrusts. final commit.
      adds  cdc66bc   Changes mentions new module za_unittrusts
      adds  12706e6   Indiamutual: patch by vinayshastry. The current IndiaMutual.pm implementation is broken because of changed source URL, and file format. Attached patch fixes that, and also adds support for ISIN. Closed ended funds are also supported now (as the source adds them).
      adds  05bde4a   indiamutual.t patched to new ISINs (by Vinay S Shastry)
      adds  400be27   v1.29
      adds  ace982e   renamed za_unittrusts.pm to ZA_UnitTrusts.pm and added #VERSION
      adds  4a28309   bourso.t changed to add detailed info in report and skip some warrant related tests
      adds  65f5798   Bourso.pm adapted to new site changes. Thanks to Guillaume Dupin.
      adds  e2f5ab2   perltidy Bourso.pm
      adds  d80835e   perltidy bourso.t
      adds  dadb209   Finance::Quote::CSE module - retrieves stock information from the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) in Sri Lanka
      adds  6787b90   Test case for testing Finance::Quote::CSE module
      adds  335c943   added CSE module to the modules list
      adds  8ff6241   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  2f887c6   Modified CSE.pm to reflect the recent changes in www.cse.lk site
      adds  0fbabfd   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/hiranya/finance-quote into hiranya-master
      adds  bfff467   put 'open' test in TODO
      adds  3ac1768   Changes adapted.
      adds  e1eb21a   Merge branch 'hiranya-master'
      adds  c0c543b   v1.30
      adds  7f57cf6   case mismatch in ZA_UnitTrusts.pm
      adds  6112b87   Changes adapted
      adds  a4fd9e4   v1.31
      adds  2087332   VWD.pm searches for ISIN codes work. Also added a test in vwd.t to test this out.
      adds  584aeb7   add symbol info to yahoo_json
      adds  83bbf8b   Changes
      adds  a7704d4   v1.32
      adds  9891c1c   BUGFIX: yahoo_json never returns currency. so don't set a default.         yahoo_json returned current timestamp instead of quote date.
      adds  2a4d27c   Changes adapted
      adds  8252e72   v1.33
      adds  791f919   Website was changed
      adds  cb59683   v1.34
      adds  84a3406   Added a test on currency DKK in vwd.t
      adds  259a0bf   BUGFIX: VWD.pm returns correct currency
      adds  b1de032   Changes adapted
      adds  ddbd49e   v1.35
      adds  19a25fe   Changed Date::Calc dependency to DateTime, because Date::Calc seems to give installation problems on some platforms
      adds  534f1a3   added 5.20 as supported version for travis
      adds  87d903b   Changelog adapted
      adds  8a3f0d5   Switch to LWP::Protocol::https instead of Crypt::SSLeay
      adds  1522266   Merge pull request #22 from gjanssens/master
      adds  d30b758   Changes adapted
      adds  f1c6195   HU.pm up to date URLs and tables
      adds  33e887d   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/kris7t/finance-quote into kris7t-master author Kristof Marussy
      adds  d3e263c   Changes adapted
      adds  c4a41e2   00-use.t test count must be 20
      adds  d834d8e   Website update
      adds  5a34d3d   HU - code cleanup and version added
      adds  4a0ec3e   added info to 00-use.t and modified quantity to 19 again.
      adds  6d798b7   Changes adapted
      adds  9398dc9   v1.37
      adds  eb9af50   test added with lots of symbols to check if FQ goes fast enough
      adds  1d04328   test count was wrong
      adds  1ce1933   Add the FidelityFixed module from Peter Ratzlaff.
      adds  515990a   Fix the URL.  It still doesn't work (gets an SSL failure) but this is the (currently) correct URL.
      adds  0110d8c   Change the URL used for FidelityFixed to one that works.  Also turn off host certificate verification since it doesn't seem to work.
      adds  126ef24   If either the bid or the ask price is zero use the recent 3rd party price. Was averaging a zero bid or ask with a non-zero one to get a price half of what it should be.
      adds  02ac19b   Make FiedlityFixed work again, recent prices are now in a separate page.
      adds  7f3eae2   Replaced $VERSION with #VERSION tag
      adds  d652d71   Fix for another change in the Fidelity web site.
      adds  6e0b8e8   Merge branch 'fidelity_fixed' of https://github.com/mta1309/finance-quote into fidelity_fixed
      adds  bf4c16c   use fidelityfixed now
      adds  740ae4d   FidelityFixed.pm some code to enhance data verification fidelityfixed test file added
      adds  168c268   Revert "use fidelityfixed now"
      adds  d2785b9   updated current git repo location
      adds  57cc420   tiaacref.t made cleaner
      adds  287b8bb   tiaacref.t checking price too
      adds  e85cc57   tiaacref.t test count updated
      adds  4803135   Fix a typo where one test was calling fidelity_direct instead of fidelityfixed.
      adds  504e3ef   Merge pull request #28 from mta1309/fidelity_fixed
      adds  bfc632e   Bug report 99783 - Finance::Quote::FTfunds does not detect GBX correctly
      adds  0fcd8eb   BUGFIX: RT99784 - Finance::Quote::MStaruk does not detect the price correctly. Patch by Paul.
      adds  45a1e7d   Updated the USFedBonds module
      adds  e3f9a98   Merge branch 'awaters1-master'
      adds  4d8a3d3   Fix git repo location in Documentation/README
      adds  2ccf7f2   Merge pull request #30 from blm/fix_readme
      adds  ebcc7cd   new module YahooYQL
      adds  1152460   yahoojson now returns INR as currency for Bombay stocks
      adds  bcbac89   added TAG files into .gitignore
      adds  99cc898   Don't look at $check{$line[0]} until we know it exists to avoid an error message.
      adds  e0de8d9   Return value for old fake symbols (e.g. CREFstok) changed again.
      adds  44a3d50   Add some more funds that TIAA/CREF has created recently.
      adds  2dec88c   Merge branch 'tiaacref_fixes' of https://github.com/mta1309/finance-quote into tiaacref
      adds  60f6435   yahoo_json currency support
      adds  e2657d0   Deleting MtGox as they are now bankrupt
      adds  c9e00ce   Fix GoldMoney module.
      adds  7f63f0e   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lancew/finance-quote into lancew
      adds  a7a9dab   removed mtgox from quote.pm
      adds  ee485d8   GoldMoney must use default currency from quoter
      adds  28bddd9   GoldMoney 'last' is a price !
      adds  95c36da   GoldMoney - remove USD as hardcoded currency
      adds  79a4f0d   GoldMoney - add tests to check EUR and USD quotes
      adds  d6dc9df   code cleanup
      adds  d4b646a   Updated Changes
      adds  dc4760e   update website page
      adds  ad8e7ea   v1.38
      adds  db1d04a   send email to gnucash when releasing new versions
      adds  a758620   yahooJSON - documentation: currency can be returned
      adds  758dc8a   removing indirect object notation
      adds  1a0c060   Merge pull request #35 from garu/garu/removing-indirect-objects
      adds  f09a0c0   yahoojson - added some suffixes
      adds  56ad74d   Morningstar updated to current website.
      adds  896893a   yahoojson.t - Added tests for spanish quotes
      adds  769d32e   yahoojson.t - remove experimental smartmatch
      adds  9e41eae   YahooJSON.pm - hardcode EUR currency for .BC and .MC suffix
      adds  8126f5c   new Deka.pm from Andre Joost
      adds  131f1d4   patched deka.t to conform to new module Deka.pm
      adds  b8e1d58   Deka.pm - patched to return correct currency
      adds  32b03ed   Update TSX Test Stocks
      adds  83eccc9   Merge pull request #38 from rdswift/tsx-rdswift
      adds  ce47c41   Replace the old seb url with a working one
      adds  d9fce1a   Merge pull request #37 from cork/master
      adds  3720bf4   Bourso.t adapted
      adds  2e3f9df   Bourso.pm
      adds  7b9d2e7   Initial pass at adding AlphaVantage module to Finance::Quote
      adds  a20c9a7   tidy code alphavantage
      adds  9906cfc   Removed debug code from store_date
      adds  e968985   changed query to use DAILY quotes.  Rewrote some code logic and error checking.
      adds  bedbc0d   Added copyright info
      adds  e8342c2   added # VERSION to AlphaVantage.pm
      adds  01fd9b6   updated Changes and website
      adds  b7684e6   added "last" quote and "currency" deduction
      adds  5cccaea   removed hard coded version from Deka.pm
      adds  36da8fb   Return symbol for alphavantage data
      adds  082fbb7   website and Changes updated
      adds  255a9a7   Issue 46 Use new m.asx.com.au url as old no longer works
      adds  350ae58   Merge branch 'iss46FqASX' of https://github.com/goodvibes2/finance-quote into goodvibes2-iss46FqASX
      adds  b58fe70   decode UTF-8 for HTML::TableExtract
      adds  8cbed07   Merge branch 'goodvibes2-iss46FqASX'
      adds  0b990e9   Upload to sourceforge disable because not working
      adds  e6f9fe2   missing alphavantage API KEY won't die anymore
      adds  c07e3a5   add .L - GBP currency setting to alphavantage
      adds  900efb9   add test for LSE.L in alphavantage
      adds  29a3578   code cleanup
      adds  0cac538   v1.41
      adds  62c9e43   work on alphavantage
      adds  60432cb   changes updated
      adds  febfbea   v1.42
      adds  c02fe84   Add .DE suffix currency EUR
      adds  642398a   BUGFIX: . must be in suffix
      adds  0a238af   added test for SAP.DE
      adds  b00997b   change test from ok to is to get better info
      adds  ca90fdb   Changes updated
      adds  8ac83d3   v1.43
      adds  e62f3c3   Added market-currency '.SA' => 'BRL' to alphavantage module
      adds  45187dc   Added a sleep of .7 between queries
      adds  3f26042   Add currency for Toronto (Canada) market.
      adds  47e6df1   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sean-wallace/finance-quote into sean-wallace-master
      adds  dfa8ba7   Merge branch 'sean-wallace-master'
      adds  a1f8801   added DIVO11.SA in alphavantage.t
      adds  2b84703   Changes
      adds  5d34ee2   v1.44
      adds  e23442f   added suffix - currency paires to alphavantage
      adds  e323365   divide quotes by 100 for GBP currency
      adds  60593db   added suffix - currency pair to alphavantage
      adds  d372b18   copied currencies by suffix from yahoo/Base.pm into alphavantage
      adds  bfb7cf2   GBX also set to be divided by 100 in alphavantage
      adds  980413e   Changes updated
      adds  d314578   v1.45
      adds  b78da81   New upstream version 1.45
       new  3c3e0d6   Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.45'
       new  4200487   Import upstream version 1.45
       new  4ad0eb3   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.1
       new  2abd9f4   Drop deka patches, module has been rewritten
       new  96ffc9e   Refresh and forward patches
       new  0fd8a6b   prepare changelog for release

The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                      |   2 -
 Changes                                         |  24 +++
 GPATH                                           | Bin 32768 -> 0 bytes
 GRTAGS                                          | Bin 253952 -> 0 bytes
 GTAGS                                           | Bin 81920 -> 0 bytes
 MANIFEST                                        |   9 +-
 META.json                                       |   5 +-
 META.yml                                        |   5 +-
 Makefile.PL                                     |  12 +-
 README                                          |   4 +-
 debian/changelog                                |  20 ++-
 debian/control                                  |   2 +-
 debian/patches/04_deka.diff                     |  62 -------
 debian/patches/06_seb.diff                      |   2 +-
 debian/patches/08_deka.diff                     |  18 --
 debian/patches/mozilla-ca.patch                 |   6 +-
 debian/patches/series                           |   2 -
 debian/patches/spelling.patch                   |  50 +++---
 debian/patches/whatis.diff                      |   2 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata                        |  12 ++
 debian/watch                                    |   3 +-
 htdocs/index.html                               |   8 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote.pm                            |  22 +--
 lib/Finance/Quote/AEX.pm                        |   6 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/AIAHK.pm                      |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/ASEGR.pm                      |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/ASX.pm                        | 209 ++++++++++++----------
 lib/Finance/Quote/AlphaVantage.pm               | 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Finance/Quote/BMONesbittBurns.pm            |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/BSERO.pm                      |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Bourso.pm                     |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/CSE.pm                        |   6 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Cdnfundlibrary.pm             |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Citywire.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Cominvest.pm                  |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Currencies.pm                 |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/DWS.pm                        |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Deka.pm                       | 177 ++++++++++---------
 lib/Finance/Quote/FTPortfolios.pm               |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/FTfunds.pm                    |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Fidelity.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/FidelityFixed.pm              |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/FinanceCanada.pm              |   6 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Finanzpartner.pm              |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Fool.pm                       |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/GoldMoney.pm                  |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/HEX.pm                        |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/HU.pm                         |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/IndiaMutual.pm                |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/LeRevenu.pm                   |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/MStaruk.pm                    |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/ManInvestments.pm             |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Morningstar.pm                |  47 +++--
 lib/Finance/Quote/MorningstarJP.pm              |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/NZX.pm                        |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Platinum.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/SEB.pm                        |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/SIXfunds.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/SIXshares.pm                  |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/StockHouseCanada.pm           |   6 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/TNetuk.pm                     |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/TSP.pm                        |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/TSX.pm                        |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Tdefunds.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Tdwaterhouse.pm               |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Tiaacref.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Troweprice.pm                 |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Trustnet.pm                   |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/USFedBonds.pm                 |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Union.pm                      |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/UserAgent.pm                  |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/VWD.pm                        |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/Asia.pm                 |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/Australia.pm            |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/Base.pm                 |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/Brasil.pm               |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/Europe.pm               |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/NZ.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/USA.pm                  |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/YahooJSON.pm                  |   8 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/YahooYQL.pm                   |   2 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/ZA.pm                         |   4 +-
 lib/Finance/Quote/ZA_UnitTrusts.pm              |   4 +-
 t/alphavantage.t                                |  49 ++++++
 t/{release-pod-syntax.t => author-pod-syntax.t} |   7 +-
 t/bourso.t                                      |  11 +-
 t/deka.t                                        |   2 +-
 t/morningstar.t                                 |  20 +--
 t/tsx.t                                         |   6 +-
 t/yahoojson.t                                   |   8 +-
 90 files changed, 737 insertions(+), 455 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .gitignore
 delete mode 100644 GPATH
 delete mode 100644 GRTAGS
 delete mode 100644 GTAGS
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/04_deka.diff
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/08_deka.diff
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 create mode 100755 lib/Finance/Quote/AlphaVantage.pm
 create mode 100755 t/alphavantage.t
 rename t/{release-pod-syntax.t => author-pod-syntax.t} (52%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libfinance-quote-perl.git

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