[php-maint] [reg at evolix.fr: RFS: php-auth (updated package)]

Gregory Colpart reg at evolix.fr
Mon May 19 07:20:22 UTC 2008

Hi Vincent,

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 04:10:36PM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Since you are  maintaining php-auth in SVN, you  should add Vcs-* fields
> into debian/control.

Oops... done.

> BTW, you might want to clean up the SVN to remove upstream sources.  You
> did not use -o option of  svn-inject. To correct this, just clean up the
> svn with some svn rm and use:
>  svn propset mergeWithUpstream 1 debian/
> You might want to  wait for someone else to confirm, I  am not sure this
> is a requirement for pkg-php repository.

I think there is no clear recommendations for pkg-php SVN. Some
others packages have upstream sources too:
~/SVN/pear/php-auth/trunk$ ls -d ../../*/trunk/*-*
../../php-auth/trunk/Auth-1.6.1  ../../php-file/trunk/File-1.3.0

Personnaly I use this howto:
Comments welcome...

> Your updated package  looks fine and I will happily  upload it after you
> added Vcs-* fields in debian/control.

Ok, I build new packages:

Gregory Colpart <reg at evolix.fr>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres http://www.evolix.fr/

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