[php-maint] Bug#657092: Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...

Lior Kaplan kaplan at debian.org
Tue Jan 24 08:55:35 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Ondřej Surý <ondrej at debian.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> > For php5-sqlite  maintainer: Roundcube needs  SQLite 2 support.  It does
> > not  support SQLite  3. Is  it possible  to add  back SQLite  support in
> > php5-sqlite?
> sorry, but not a chance. sqlite(2) is 6 years overdue and unmaintained
> upstream.
> And it is my opinion it should be removed from wheezy completely and
> php5-sqlite
> was one of the obstacles.


While the above is true and I agree with it, I think the solution lays

from the roundcube packages, roundcube-sqlite is the package that depends
on sqlite and php-mdb2-driver-sqlite which depends directly on php5-sqlte.

The php-mdb2-driver-sqlite hasn't been updated in debia for the last two
and a half years, in that time its upstream have added sqlite3 and
pdo_sqlite support, see http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2/download/2.4.1 (we
have 1.5.0b2).

I think this bug should be reassign to it, and its upgrade should let
roundcube to work with updated sqlite versions.

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