January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 17:51:24 UTC 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:38:47 UTC 2012
Messages: 289
- [php-maint] Bug#656960: Advice needed using pkg-php-tools on PEAR packages
Mathieu Parent (Debian)
- [php-maint] PROJECT REPLY VIA (saadi78 at yahoo.cn)
IT Support ( ????? ????? ?????????-????? ?????)
- [php-maint] Widziałeś Co Mają?!
Muzyczne Akcesoria
- [php-maint] Bug#657092: Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...
Vincent Bernat
- [php-maint] Bug#657092: Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...
Vincent Bernat
- [php-maint] compliment of the season
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Douglas Calvert
- [php-maint] Upgrade Your Mailbox Quota?
Cantil, Joseph D
- [php-maint] Bug#657953: something broken after update mail every 5 minutes
Erwan David
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Guillaume Delacour
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Guillaume Delacour
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Guillaume Delacour
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Guillaume Delacour
- [php-maint] Bug#654887: php5-common: maxlifetime cronentry sends frequent warnings
Rainer Dorsch
- [php-maint] 3 little packages : php-image-color php-image-canvas and php-numbers-roman
David Dumortier
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Stefan Esser
- [php-maint] Bug#657808: [php5] FTBFS with suhosin enabled
Alf Gaida
- [php-maint] The beauty Facts
Shilpa Gawas
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] stepping down
Raphael Geissert
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: #645401 Please do not build the firebird2.5 module on m68k
Thorsten Glaser
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: Nice, but… wasn’t enough ☹
Thorsten Glaser
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: Nice, but… wasn’t enough ☹
Thorsten Glaser
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: Re: Bug#645401: Nice, but… wasn’t enough ☹
Thorsten Glaser
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: php5 on m68k
Thorsten Glaser
- [php-maint] hello
Glory Glory
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] RFS: php-imagick
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Bug#652200: Bug#652200: php-imagick: FTBFS: 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file ltmain.sh.rej
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] IPv6 support in PHP5
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Thomas Goirand
- [php-maint] GLUCKWUNSCHE!
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] RFH: Last round of security patches
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: Bug#656495: php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.4.0~rc5-1_amd64.changes
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#657092: Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: #645401 Please do not build the firebird2.5 module on m68k
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Bug#658092: Processed: Re: Bug#658092: php5: Multiple iterations over dateperiod is broken
Lior Kaplan
- [php-maint] Hello
Juliana Kenx
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug#658088: Bug#658088: php5-xsl: xsl.so - undefined symbol INI_INT
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug PHP xsl CVE-2012-0057.patch
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug#643015: [debian/debian-sid] add reference to upstream security statement (closes: #643015)
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug#632675: php5: NEWS item for CVE-2011-2483 could be clearer
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug#632675: [debian/debian-sid] expand note on hash prefix (closes: #632675)
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [php-maint] Bug#639230: Re: [php5] README.Debian.security: unclear reference to unserialize() risk
Filipus Klutiero
- [php-maint] Bug#658088: php5-xsl: xsl.so - undefined symbol INI_INT
Ondra 'Kepi' Kudlik
- [php-maint] Upgrade Your Mailbox Quota?
Maechtle, Tom
- [php-maint] Bug#658092: php5: Multiple iterations over dateperiod is broken
Yousif Masoud
- [php-maint] Processing of php-imagick_3.1.0~rc1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php-imagick_3.1.0~rc1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.4.0~rc5-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.4.0~rc5-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.4.0~rc6-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.4.0~rc6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php-adodb_5.04-7_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php-adodb_5.04-7_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny14_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.3-7+squeeze5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny15_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.9-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.3.3-7+squeeze6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-6_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Bug#657778: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Bug#657778: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] php5_5.3.9-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [php-maint] Reply needed
Mohamed Mensa
- [php-maint] Upgrade Your Mailbox Quota?
Katherine Miller
- [php-maint] Upgrade Your Mailbox Quota?
Katherine Miller
- [php-maint] Bug#657697: php5: suhosin silently disabled
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: php5: re-enable suhosin patch or add separate packages with suhosin patch enabled per default
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Meetoo, make suhosin patch on php5 enabled by default or make it as easy as possible to install
Jesse Molina
- [php-maint] Song promos and more
Rob Mulligan
- [php-maint] Bug#632675: php5: NEWS item for CVE-2011-2483 could be clearer
Jonathan Nieder
- [php-maint] Bug#627145: Unable to load dynamic library
Mark Nipper
- [php-maint] Bug#656960: PEAR channels support
Mathieu Parent
- [php-maint] Bug#656964: Please package pyrus
Mathieu Parent
- [php-maint] Bug#656308: CVE-2012-0057: XSLT file writing vulnerability
Yves-Alexis Perez
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile
Bob Proulx
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Bob Proulx
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Bob Proulx
- [php-maint] Nouveau message
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Bartek Radziszewski
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Bartlomiej Radziszewski
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Bartlomiej Radziszewski
- [php-maint] Happy New Year
- [php-maint] Bug#652599: Bug#652599: php5: use_embedded_timezonedb.patch causes ext/date/lib/parse_tz.c to fail to compile
Dominic Scheirlinck
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#654439: Release state of suhosin for wheezy
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] RFH: Last round of security patches
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Plans for wheezy
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645934: [debian/debian-experimental] Use correct signals in php5-fpm init script (Closes: #645934)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#627941: [debian/debian-experimental] Enable pcntl extension for CGI builds (Closes: #627941)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#627937: [debian/debian-experimental] Add error message when phpize is not found (Closes: #627937)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#607520: [debian/debian-experimental] Purge .start files in postrm (Closes: #607520)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#621443: [debian/debian-experimental] Build depend on libdb-dev (Closes: #621443)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645934: [debian/debian-sid] Use correct signals in php5-fpm init script (Closes: #645934)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Processing of php5_5.4.0~rc5-1_amd64.changes
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Can I be set as project admin?
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656972: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656971: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656970: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656974: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656973: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656976: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656978: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656977: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656975: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656983: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656982: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656990: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656981: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656988: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656989: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656980: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656992: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656985: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656984: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656991: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656987: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656986: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656993: Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656308: [debian/debian-lenny] CVE-2012-0057: XSLT file writing vulnerability (Closes: #656308)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: [debian/debian-sid] Handle sqlite.so removal (remove conffile) (Closes: #656495)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656308: [debian/debian-squeeze] CVE-2012-0057: XSLT file writing vulnerability (Closes: #656308)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657092: Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Testers for security update needed!
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#651070: Bug#651070: php5: FTBFS on hurd-i386
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#651070: [debian/debian-sid] Don't build firebird extension on hurd (Closes: #651070)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#651070: [debian/debian-experimental] Don't build firebird extension on hurd (Closes: #651070)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: [debian/debian-experimental] Handle sqlite.so removal (remove conffile) (Closes: #656495)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657691: [debian/debian-sid] Re-enable firebird extension build on armhf and powerspe (Closes: #657691)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657697: [debian/debian-sid] Remove suhosin patch from description (Closes: #657697)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: Bug#645401: Nice, but… wasn’t enough ☹
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: Re: Bug#645401: Nice, but… wasn’t enough ☹
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698:
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657953: Bug#657953: something broken after update mail every 5 minutes
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657698:
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#658092: Bug#658092: Processed: Re: Bug#658092: php5: Multiple iterations over dateperiod is broken
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657698: Bug#657698: Meetoo, make suhosin patch on php5 enabled by default or make it as easy as possible to install
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645340: installing php5-intl Apache2 seg faults
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#628079: Wrong timezone selected
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#652599: Bug#652599: php5: use_embedded_timezonedb.patch causes ext/date/lib/parse_tz.c to fail to compile
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#638755: Bug#638755: Bug#638755: php5: remove t1lib dependency
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#658088: [debian/debian-lenny] Include zend_ini.h in xsltprocessor.c (Closes: #658088)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#576412: [debian/debian-sid] Build MySQL Native Driver extensions as an alternative (Closes: #576412)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: [debian/debian-sid] Alter version in rm_conffile call to 5.3.9~ to handle all possible binNMUs (Closes: #656495)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#657808: [debian/debian-sid] Don't fail if suhosin is not enabled (Closes: #657808)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: [debian/debian-sid] Use DEB_HOST_ARCH, not DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS (Closes: #645401)
Ondřej Surý
- [php-maint] Processed: relevant bugs for libav transition
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: relevant bugs for libav transition
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#654439: php5-suhosin: name and process id missing in suhosin alerts via syslog
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#652200: marked as done (php-imagick: FTBFS: 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file ltmain.sh.rej)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#654638: marked as done (php5: Source build error with 'fix-memory-leak-inside-highlight_string.patch does not remove cleanly')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#645934: marked as done (Wrong signals in php5-fpm init script)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Enable pcntl extension for CGI builds (Closes: #627941)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Use correct signals in php5-fpm init script (Closes: #645934)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Build depend on libdb-dev (Closes: #621443)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Purge .start files in postrm (Closes: #607520)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Add error message when phpize is not found (Closes: #627937)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Use correct signals in php5-fpm init script (Closes: #645934)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: not found
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: reassign 656964 to wnpp, retitle 656964 to RFP: pyrus -- new PEAR installer
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#646675: marked as done (CVE-2011-3379: is_a() will trigger autoload in PHP 5.3.8)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-lenny] CVE-2012-0057: XSLT file writing vulnerability (Closes: #656308)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Handle sqlite.so removal (remove conffile) (Closes: #656495)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-squeeze] CVE-2012-0057: XSLT file writing vulnerability (Closes: #656308)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: reassign 657092 to php5-sqlite ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: reassign 657092 to roundcube-core ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Don't build firebird extension on hurd (Closes: #651070)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Don't build firebird extension on hurd (Closes: #651070)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-experimental] Handle sqlite.so removal (remove conffile) (Closes: #656495)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#651070: marked as done (php5: FTBFS on hurd-i386)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#657490: Bug#657490: php5: I'm getting unexpected seg. faults:
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Remove suhosin patch from description (Closes: #657697)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Re-enable firebird extension build on armhf and powerspe (Closes: #657691)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#657691: marked as done (php5 FTBFS on armhf, dependency on firebird-dev is negated but configure script still looks for it.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#657697: marked as done (php5: suhosin silently disabled)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#656971: marked as done (Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#656993: marked as done (Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: fix blocked
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#645401: marked as done (Please do not build the firebird2.5 module on m68k)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#657808: marked as done ([php5] FTBFS with suhosin enabled)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [bts-link] source package php5
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#657953: something broken after update mail every 5 minutes
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#658088: php5-xsl: xsl.so - undefined symbol INI_INT
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#658092: php5: Multiple iterations over dateperiod is broken
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: Re: Bug#658092: php5: Multiple iterations over dateperiod is broken
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: forcibly merging 645340 645343
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: severity of 645340 is normal
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: tagging 658088
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] add reference to upstream security statement (closes: #643015)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#639230: marked as done ([php5] README.Debian.security: unclear reference to unserialize() risk)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] expand note on hash prefix (closes: #632675)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#618022: marked as done (php5: # deprecated in comments)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Don't fail if suhosin is not enabled (Closes: #657808)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Alter version in rm_conffile call to 5.3.9~ to handle all possible binNMUs (Closes: #656495)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Use DEB_HOST_ARCH, not DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS (Closes: #645401)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-lenny] Include zend_ini.h in xsltprocessor.c (Closes: #658088)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: [debian/debian-sid] Build MySQL Native Driver extensions as an alternative (Closes: #576412)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: fixed 656308 in 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny15
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#618680: marked as done (php-image-barcode: Uses depreciated methods)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#656978: marked as done (Please use PEAR list in (co-)maintainer field)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Processed: closing 656972, closing 656987
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#576412: marked as done (php5: Please add MySQL native driver "mysqlnd" support for PHP 5.3.x)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#656495: marked as done (php5-sqlite: unmigrated sqlite.ini left behind as obsolete conffile)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] Bug#657953: marked as done (something broken after update mail every 5 minutes)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [php-maint] They said that you .......were dead
Barrister Ahmed Thompson
- [php-maint] Bug#651070: php5: FTBFS on hurd-i386
Pino Toscano
- [php-maint] Bug#656424: php-mdb2: Spurious file system accesses
Matthias Urlichs
- [php-maint] Bug#656442: php-pear: Spurious (and possibly dangerous) file system accesses
Matthias Urlichs
- [php-maint] Bug#654439: Release state of suhosin for wheezy
Jan Wagner
- [php-maint] Bug#654393: use mysqlnd for mysqli and PDO
Julien Wajsberg
- [php-maint] Bug#654393: an alternative
Julien Wajsberg
- [php-maint] Bug#654393: an alternative
Julien Wajsberg
- [php-maint] Bug#499031: This is not a bug
Mickael Wolff
- [php-maint] Bug#658087: apache2 with php5-xsl module failed to start after latest security fixes
Aleksey I Zavilohin
- [php-maint] HINWEIS DER AWARD MONEY © 2012
schmidt615 at aol.com
- [php-maint] Hello
james audubon
- [php-maint] HI My Dear,
vivian boo
- [php-maint] Programa de Vantagens Cielo
no-reply at cielo.com.br
- [php-maint] 50% off for all items in jjwdigital
- [php-maint] No se puede entregar: Соберем для вас по сети интернет базу данных потенциальных клиентов для Вашего бизнеса. Все контактные данные.Много!Быстро!Недорого! Узнайте подробнее по телефону +79137936342 Email: prodawez at mixmail.com ICQ: 6288862 Skype: s.3837
postmaster at fchst.unlpam.edu.ar
- [php-maint] Suhosin patch yes or no for 5.4
sean finney
- [php-maint] Bug#657691: php5 FTBFS on armhf, dependency on firebird-dev is negated but configure script still looks for it.
peter green
- [php-maint] Bug#654638: php5: Source build error with 'fix-memory-leak-inside-highlight_string.patch does not remove cleanly'
vlad f halilov
- [php-maint] half price for all items in jjwdigital.com
- [php-maint] hello mydear,
- [php-maint] hello dear
cynthia jude
- [php-maint] Hello beloved
vivian kamara
- [php-maint] [bts-link] source package php5
bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
- [php-maint] NICE TO MEET YOU
faith mansour
- [php-maint] Bug PHP xsl CVE-2012-0057.patch
grok at no-log.org
- [php-maint] Hello dear friend.
viviane rubel
- [php-maint] hello dear
- [php-maint] Bug#654638: Acknowledgement (php5: Source build error with 'fix-memory-leak-inside-highlight_string.patch does not remove cleanly')
vfh at swemel.ru
- [php-maint] php-imagick 3.1.0~rc1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [php-maint] php5 5.3.9-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [php-maint] 手表 的使 用常识
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:38:47 UTC 2012
Archived on: Tue Jan 31 23:42:08 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).