[php-maint] Bug#730528: Bug#730528: Enable dtrace/systemtap support

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Fri Dec 6 11:55:07 UTC 2013

 ❦  6 décembre 2013 11:03 CET, Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> :

> Notice, this cause 1 test failing because of stack size limit, not a
> big issue, but this means stack consumption is greater, so have to be
> increase in some (very rare) cases.

Yes, the way PHP has enabled DTrace is not ideal because the VM is going
through additional functions, even when tracing is not enabled. So,
there is a slight overhead, contrary to what I said in my previous
Keep it right when you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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