[Pkg-postgresql-private] PostgreSQL co-maintenance

Martin Pitt martin@piware.de
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 15:20:15 +0200


Sorry for not responding for so long. But now I have my exam behind
me, yeah! Time to start hacking...

On 2003-10-13 18:34 +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> The version I'm actively working on is 7.4beta4, currently in
> experimental as 

Will you upload this into unstable eventually or do you wait for the
final 7.4?  Any chance that 7.4 makes it into sarge, i. e. does
upstream estimate when the final version will be ready? 

I'm asking because if sarge will contain the current unstable version,
then bugs should certainly be fixed there as well.

> What I would like would be to get a lot of the bug list cleared.  If
> anyone intends to tackle a bug, please announce it here.  Perhaps we
> should copy bugs to the Alioth tracker system, to make it easy to see
> who is dealing with what.  It would be a good idea to send a message to
> xxx-maintonly@bugs.debian.org as well so that there is a record on bug
> xxx to say that it is in the system.

IMHO managing a second BTS in alioth is error-prone and much
overhead. What about using the "owner" tag for stating that someone
wants to take care of a bug and a second tag when the bug is fixed in
alioth? I'm not sure which tag should be used for the latter; patch
would match best, although it is quite an abuse... Maybe we could
use "fixed-upstream"? Using tags in the BTS would greatly help to get
a better overview over the bugs.

I will checkout the current version and look into its guts now. I will
certainly start to fix some easy bugs, to get warm first.

Can you give me some hints how to do the checkout?

I did:
---------------- snip ------------------
martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ cvs -z3 -d:ext:mpitt-guest@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/pkg-postgresql co 7.4
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ cvs -z3 -dmpitt-guest@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/pkg-postgresql co 7.4
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ ssh mpitt-guest@alioth.debian.org
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ ssh mpitt-guest@cvs.alioth.debian.org
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
---------------- snip ------------------

If alioth doesn't accept ssh, how I'm supposed to checkout the
archive? Sorry in advance if this is a dumb question, but I'm a bit
lost now. Should I install rsh and send my password in plaintext?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Martin Pitt
home:  www.piware.de
eMail: martin@piware.de