[Pkg-postgresql-private] Re: Bug#224716: postgresql-client: createuser fails
Martin Pitt
Mon, 5 Jan 2004 23:17:41 +0100
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Hi Simon, hi others!
On 2003-12-21 13:17 +0000, simon raven wrote:
> (#:~)- createuser -E -U postgres -W nagios
> Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
> Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n
> Password:
> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "NOCREATEDB" at character 61
> createuser: creation of user "nagios" failed
> it fails if i include the -E (encrypt password) option, otherwise it
> works as expected, if i do not include the -E option.
I debugged createuser.c and found the problem: giving the '-E' switch
alone is not sufficient, you also must set the '-P' option to prompt
for a password. '-W' asks for the password for connecting to the database,
not for the user to be created.
I fixed createuser to build a valid SQL string even if only '-E' is
given, it is just ignored then. Is that okay? I don't want to change
the semantics of the program too much away from the official version,
but I will send the patch to the original authors (Oliver: where to
send this at?).
I will soon commit the patch to the cvs, the next release will fix
Thanks and have a nice day!
Martin Pitt Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de http://www.debian.org
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