[Pkg-postgresql-public] Pl/R
Martin Pitt
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 11:57:47 +0100
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Hi Christopher!
Am 2004-03-20 20:52 -0500 schrieb Christopher Browne:
> I'm not presently a developer; have debated that a couple of times.
Sorry, I was not aware of those debates.
> This might be an opportune reason to head down that road. I have
> built a couple of Debian packages, albeit ones too preliminary to
> release, so while I'm not expert, I'm certainly not totally ignorant.
> :-)
No problem, we can work together at it if you want: I don't know
anything about plr (I've never used it and cannot test it, I got the
package just by "accident"), but I certainly know how to package it.
So we can just comaintain it: you go for testing and for the upstream
part (and can learn packaging if you want), and I can review the
packaging part and do uploads. It is not much work anyway, there are
currently no open bugs against it, but I want to be sure that it works
as intended.
> I have some PL/R testing to do on Monday or Tuesday on one of our
> servers; I'll certainly think further about it then.
Have a nice Sunday!
Martin Pitt Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de http://www.debian.org
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