[Pkg-postgresql-public] Debian Stretch armhf PostgreSQL package
Ertan Küçükoğlu
ertan.kucukoglu at 1nar.com.tr
Tue Feb 6 05:51:04 UTC 2018
I am using PostgreSQL on Raspberry Pi 3. OS is Raspbian Stretch 9.3
I generate self-signed certificates for ssl connections. I have a script
that I have been using for quite some time. Everything was working fine.
Today, I re-generated my server and client certificates and all I get is
errors on different applications running on client. One of them says;
tlsv1 alert decrypt error
That message I searched on the internet and it is probably because openssl
version that PostgreSQL compiled with and the version my script version uses
are different.
My script uses
openssl/stable,now 1.1.0f-3+deb9u1 armhf [installed,automatic]
I could not find what openssl library postgresql package is compiled with.
My installed version is:
postgresql-9.6/stable,now 9.6.6-0+deb9u1 armhf [installed,automatic]
My questions are:
1) What version of openssl library above postgresql package compiled with?
2) Is there any new upgrade of PostgreSQL package that will be released
3) If PostgreSQL compiled with a different openssl version than
openssl/stable, will it be same openssl version for next upgrade of
4) Is there a way for me to verify that my problem is really because of
different openssl versions?
I appreciate any help.
Thanks & regards,
Ertan Küçükoğlu
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