Bug#397690: [Pkg-qof-maintainers] Bug#397690: gnotime: GnoTime is dying silently several times a day

Jerome Warnier jwarnier at beeznest.net
Fri Dec 15 14:15:32 CET 2006

Le vendredi 10 novembre 2006 à 17:08 -0200, Goedson Teixeira Paixao a
écrit :

> Em Qua, 2006-11-08 às 22:15 +0100, Jerome Warnier escreveu:
> > Package: gnotime
> > Version: 2.2.2-7
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > GnoTime is dying silently several times a day on my up-to-date Etch.
> > As my brother is experiencing the same on another computer, I thought it
> > could be a good idea to at least report this bug.
> > I tried to start it from a terminal in case it was spitting messages
> > out, read my .xsession-errors, but nothing...
> > I also tried to start it under strace hoping I would find myself the problem,
> > but there are just too many messages and I have no idea what to look for.
> > I'm aware of the little-usefulness of this report as-is, but I'm willing
> > to provide more information as requested.
> Could you please send me a core dump of such a crash? Be aware that such
> core dump may include data from your projects, so you may not want to
> have them published in the web if there's some sensitive data on them.
The core dump does not show anything useful (I discussed about this with
upstream, using bug-buddy, upstream bug #382835) because the debugging
symbols are not set in the Debian package (and there is no -dbg
package). If you could tell me how to activate the debugging symbols (I
know debian packaging quite well, so it's probably enough to just tell
me what to change in debian/rules and rebuild the package).

But I understood something more: it happens only when my computer is
idle. Understand: I work on one computer while my laptop is running
gnotime, but no X activity occurs. When I work from my laptop, even if
never setting the focus to gnotime, it seems to never crash.

Hope it helps.

> Thank you.
Jérôme Warnier
FLOSS Consultant

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