Bug#397690: [Pkg-qof-maintainers] Bug#397690: gnotime: GnoTime is dying silently several times a day

Goedson Teixeira Paixao goedson at debian.org
Fri Dec 15 19:00:53 CET 2006

Em Sex, 2006-12-15 às 14:15 +0100, Jerome Warnier escreveu:
> The core dump does not show anything useful (I discussed about this with
> upstream, using bug-buddy, upstream bug #382835) because the debugging
> symbols are not set in the Debian package (and there is no -dbg
> package). If you could tell me how to activate the debugging symbols (I
> know debian packaging quite well, so it's probably enough to just tell
> me what to change in debian/rules and rebuild the package).

You don't need to change debian/rules. Just 
export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip,noopt

And then rebuild the package.

> But I understood something more: it happens only when my computer is
> idle. Understand: I work on one computer while my laptop is running
> gnotime, but no X activity occurs. When I work from my laptop, even if
> never setting the focus to gnotime, it seems to never crash.

This was the info I needed. I've managed to reproduce it here. It
crashes when the inactivity timeout (configured on the Misc tab) is

Goedson Teixeira Paixao          http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Debian Project                   http://www.debian.org/
Jabber ID: goedson at jabber.org    http://www.jabber.org/

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