[Pkg-r-builders] Restart?

Don Armstrong don at donarmstrong.com
Tue Sep 19 17:21:14 UTC 2017

On Tue, 22 Aug 2017, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>    - Build package: I am perfectly happy to just "hack" away with pbuilder
>      before Don sets up something better.  Other thoughts?

Sorry for the long delay; I'm still working on getting dak up on
rusca.debian.org, hopefully will have some time this weekend to actually
do some hacking on this.

[Now back to work. ;-)]

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

It can sometimes happen that a scholar, his task completed, discovers
that he has no one to thank. Never mind. He will invent some debts.
Research without indebtedness is suspect, and somebody must always,
somehow, be thanked.
 -- Umberto Eco "How to Write an Introduction"

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