[DRE-commits] [ruby-rack-test] 05/06: Add 0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch (fixes FTBFS)

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 14 14:39:43 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rack-test.

commit fd2feb7392da4eca780386b8f6932a6cd7d21061
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 14 11:34:11 2015 -0300

    Add 0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch (fixes FTBFS)
 debian/changelog                          |    1 +
 debian/patches/0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch | 1315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                     |    1 +
 3 files changed, 1317 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index a26e0f6..618424c 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ruby-rack-test (0.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release
   * Refresh patch 0001-Remove-Bundler-Dependencies.patch
+  * Add 0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch (fixes FTBFS)
  -- Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>  Fri, 14 Aug 2015 11:12:26 -0300
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863c323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Port-to-rspec-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1315 @@
+From: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
+Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 11:29:16 -0300
+Subject: Port to rspec 3
+Used transpec + some manual tweaks
+ spec/rack/test/cookie_spec.rb        |  98 ++++++++++----------
+ spec/rack/test/digest_auth_spec.rb   |  10 +--
+ spec/rack/test/multipart_spec.rb     |  48 +++++-----
+ spec/rack/test/uploaded_file_spec.rb |  22 ++---
+ spec/rack/test/utils_spec.rb         |  82 ++++++++---------
+ spec/rack/test_spec.rb               | 168 +++++++++++++++++------------------
+ spec/spec_helper.rb                  |  18 ++--
+ spec/support/matchers/body.rb        |   2 +-
+ 8 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test/cookie_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test/cookie_spec.rb
+index e4bce5a..e0839e5 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test/cookie_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test/cookie_spec.rb
+@@ -5,90 +5,88 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+   context "cookies" do
+     it "keeps a cookie jar" do
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+     end
+     it "doesn't send expired cookies" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       now = Time.now
+-      Time.stub!(:now => now + 60)
++      allow(Time).to receive_messages(:now => now + 60)
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "cookie path defaults to the uri of the document that was requested" do
+-      pending "See issue rack-test github issue #50" do
+-        post "/cookies/default-path", "value" => "cookie"
+-        get "/cookies/default-path"
+-        check last_request.cookies.should == { "simple"=>"cookie" }
+-        get "/cookies/show"
+-        check last_request.cookies.should == { }
+-      end
++      pending "See issue rack-test github issue #50"
++      post "/cookies/default-path", "value" => "cookie"
++      get "/cookies/default-path"
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "simple"=>"cookie" })
++      get "/cookies/show"
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "escapes cookie values" do
+       jar = Rack::Test::CookieJar.new
+       jar["value"] = "foo;abc"
+-      jar["value"].should == "foo;abc"
++      expect(jar["value"]).to eq("foo;abc")
+     end
+     it "deletes cookies directly from the CookieJar" do
+       jar = Rack::Test::CookieJar.new
+       jar["abcd"] = "1234"
+-      jar["abcd"].should == "1234"
++      expect(jar["abcd"]).to eq("1234")
+       jar.delete("abcd")
+-      jar["abcd"].should == nil
++      expect(jar["abcd"]).to eq(nil)
+     end
+     it "doesn't send cookies with the wrong domain" do
+       get "http://www.example.com/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "http://www.other.example/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "doesn't send cookies with the wrong path" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/not-cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "persists cookies across requests that don't return any cookie headers" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/void"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+     end
+     it "deletes cookies" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/cookies/delete"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ })
+     end
+     it "respects cookie domains when no domain is explicitly set" do
+-      pending "FIXME: www.example.org should not get the first cookie" do
+-        request("http://example.org/cookies/count").should     have_body("1")
+-        request("http://www.example.org/cookies/count").should have_body("1")
+-        request("http://example.org/cookies/count").should     have_body("2")
+-        request("http://www.example.org/cookies/count").should have_body("2")
+-      end
++      pending "FIXME: www.example.org should not get the first cookie"
++      expect(request("http://example.org/cookies/count")).to     have_body("1")
++      expect(request("http://www.example.org/cookies/count")).to have_body("1")
++      expect(request("http://example.org/cookies/count")).to     have_body("2")
++      expect(request("http://www.example.org/cookies/count")).to have_body("2")
+     end
+     it "treats domains case insensitively" do
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "http://EXAMPLE.COM/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+     end
+     it "treats paths case sensitively" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/COOKIES/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "prefers more specific cookies" do
+@@ -96,124 +94,124 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       get "http://sub.example.com/cookies/set", "value" => "sub"
+       get "http://sub.example.com/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "sub" }
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "sub" })
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "domain" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "domain" })
+     end
+     it "treats cookie names case insensitively" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "lowercase"
+       get "/cookies/set-uppercase", "value" => "UPPERCASE"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "VALUE" => "UPPERCASE" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "VALUE" => "UPPERCASE" })
+     end
+     it "defaults the domain to the request domain" do
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/set-simple", "value" => "cookie"
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == { "simple" => "cookie" }
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "simple" => "cookie" })
+       get "http://other.example/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "defaults the domain to the request path up to the last slash" do
+       get "/cookies/set-simple", "value" => "1"
+       get "/not-cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "supports secure cookies" do
+       get "https://example.com/cookies/set-secure", "value" => "set"
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+       get "https://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "secure-cookie" => "set" }
+-      rack_mock_session.cookie_jar['secure-cookie'].should == 'set'
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "secure-cookie" => "set" })
++      expect(rack_mock_session.cookie_jar['secure-cookie']).to eq('set')
+     end
+     it "keeps separate cookie jars for different domains" do
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/set", "value" => "example"
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "example" }
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "example" })
+       get "http://other.example/cookies/set", "value" => "other"
+       get "http://other.example/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "other" }
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "other" })
+       get "http://example.com/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "example" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "example" })
+     end
+     it "keeps one cookie jar for domain and its subdomains" do
+       get "http://example.org/cookies/subdomain"
+       get "http://example.org/cookies/subdomain"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "count" => "1" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "count" => "1" })
+       get "http://foo.example.org/cookies/subdomain"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "count" => "2" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "count" => "2" })
+     end
+     it "allows cookies to be cleared" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       clear_cookies
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "allow cookies to be set" do
+       set_cookie "value=10"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "10" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "10" })
+     end
+     it "allows an array of cookies to be set" do
+       set_cookie ["value=10", "foo=bar"]
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "10", "foo" => "bar" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "10", "foo" => "bar" })
+     end
+     it "skips emtpy string cookies" do
+       set_cookie "value=10\n\nfoo=bar"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "10", "foo" => "bar" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "10", "foo" => "bar" })
+     end
+     it "parses multiple cookies properly" do
+       get "/cookies/set-multiple"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" })
+     end
+     it "supports multiple sessions" do
+       with_session(:first) do
+         get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+         get "/cookies/show"
+-        last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++        expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+       end
+       with_session(:second) do
+         get "/cookies/show"
+-        last_request.cookies.should == { }
++        expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ })
+       end
+     end
+     it "uses :default as the default session name" do
+       get "/cookies/set", "value" => "1"
+       get "/cookies/show"
+-      check last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++      check expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+       with_session(:default) do
+         get "/cookies/show"
+-        last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++        expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+       end
+     end
+     it "accepts explicitly provided cookies" do
+       request "/cookies/show", :cookie => "value=1"
+-      last_request.cookies.should == { "value" => "1" }
++      expect(last_request.cookies).to eq({ "value" => "1" })
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test/digest_auth_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test/digest_auth_spec.rb
+index 7b966e6..cccf1d6 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test/digest_auth_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test/digest_auth_spec.rb
+@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+     it 'incorrectly authenticates GETs' do
+       digest_authorize 'foo', 'bar'
+       get '/'
+-      last_response.should be_challenge
++      expect(last_response).to be_challenge
+     end
+     it "correctly authenticates GETs" do
+       digest_authorize "alice", "correct-password"
+       response = get "/"
+-      response.should be_ok
++      expect(response).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "correctly authenticates GETs with params" do
+       digest_authorize "alice", "correct-password"
+       response = get "/", "foo" => "bar"
+-      response.should be_ok
++      expect(response).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "correctly authenticates POSTs" do
+       digest_authorize "alice", "correct-password"
+       response = post "/"
+-      response.should be_ok
++      expect(response).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "returns a re-challenge if authenticating incorrectly" do
+       digest_authorize "alice", "incorrect-password"
+       response = get "/"
+-      response.should be_challenge
++      expect(response).to be_challenge
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test/multipart_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test/multipart_spec.rb
+index ad6c3ae..2e7bf16 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test/multipart_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test/multipart_spec.rb
+@@ -23,83 +23,83 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+   context "uploading a file" do
+     it "sends the multipart/form-data content type" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should include("multipart/form-data;")
++      expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to include("multipart/form-data;")
+     end
+     it "sends regular params" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => "bar"
+-      last_request.POST["foo"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]).to eq("bar")
+     end
+     it "sends nested params" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => {"bar" => "baz"}
+-      last_request.POST["foo"]["bar"].should == "baz"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]["bar"]).to eq("baz")
+     end
+     it "sends multiple nested params" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => {"bar" => {"baz" => "bop"}}
+-      last_request.POST["foo"]["bar"]["baz"].should == "bop"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]["bar"]["baz"]).to eq("bop")
+     end
+     it "sends params with arrays" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => ["1", "2"]
+-      last_request.POST["foo"].should == ["1", "2"]
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]).to eq(["1", "2"])
+     end
+     it "sends params with encoding sensitive values" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => "bar? baz"
+-      last_request.POST["foo"].should == "bar? baz"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]).to eq("bar? baz")
+     end
+     it "sends params encoded as ISO-8859-1" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo" => "bar", "utf8" => "☃"
+-      last_request.POST["foo"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo"]).to eq("bar")
+       if Rack::Test.encoding_aware_strings?
+-        last_request.POST["utf8"].should == "☃"
++        expect(last_request.POST["utf8"]).to eq("☃")
+       else
+-        last_request.POST["utf8"].should == "\xE2\x98\x83"
++        expect(last_request.POST["utf8"]).to eq("\xE2\x98\x83")
+       end
+     end
+     it "sends params with parens in names" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo(1i)" => "bar"
+-      last_request.POST["foo(1i)"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo(1i)"]).to eq("bar")
+     end
+     it "sends params with encoding sensitive names" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file, "foo bar" => "baz"
+-      last_request.POST["foo bar"].should == "baz"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo bar"]).to eq("baz")
+     end
+     it "sends files with the filename" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
+     end
+     it "sends files with the text/plain MIME type by default" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:type].should == "text/plain"
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:type]).to eq("text/plain")
+     end
+     it "sends files with the right name" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:name].should == "photo"
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:name]).to eq("photo")
+     end
+     it "allows overriding the content type" do
+       post "/", "photo" => Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(test_file_path, "image/jpeg")
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:type].should == "image/jpeg"
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:type]).to eq("image/jpeg")
+     end
+     it "sends files with a Content-Length in the header" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:head].should include("Content-Length: 4")
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:head]).to include("Content-Length: 4")
+     end
+     it "sends files as Tempfiles" do
+       post "/", "photo" => uploaded_file
+-      last_request.POST["photo"][:tempfile].should be_a(::Tempfile)
++      expect(last_request.POST["photo"][:tempfile]).to be_a(::Tempfile)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -107,39 +107,39 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+   context "uploading two files" do
+     it "sends the multipart/form-data content type" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should include("multipart/form-data;")
++      expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to include("multipart/form-data;")
+     end
+     it "sends files with the filename" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:filename]}.should == ["foo.txt", "bar.txt"]
++      expect(last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:filename]}).to eq(["foo.txt", "bar.txt"])
+     end
+     it "sends files with the text/plain MIME type by default" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:type]}.should == ["text/plain", "text/plain"]
++      expect(last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:type]}).to eq(["text/plain", "text/plain"])
+     end
+     it "sends files with the right names" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| photo[:name].should == "photos[]" }
++      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| expect(photo[:name]).to eq("photos[]") }
+     end
+     it "allows mixed content types" do
+       image_file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(test_file_path, "image/jpeg")
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, image_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:type]}.should == ["text/plain", "image/jpeg"]
++      expect(last_request.POST["photos"].collect{|photo| photo[:type]}).to eq(["text/plain", "image/jpeg"])
+     end
+     it "sends files with a Content-Length in the header" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| photo[:head].should include("Content-Length: 4") }
++      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| expect(photo[:head]).to include("Content-Length: 4") }
+     end
+     it "sends both files as Tempfiles" do
+       post "/", "photos" => [uploaded_file, second_uploaded_file]
+-      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| photo[:tempfile].should be_a(::Tempfile) }
++      last_request.POST["photos"].all?{|photo| expect(photo[:tempfile]).to be_a(::Tempfile) }
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test/uploaded_file_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test/uploaded_file_spec.rb
+index cde4856..8439735 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test/uploaded_file_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test/uploaded_file_spec.rb
+@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ describe Rack::Test::UploadedFile do
+   it "responds to things that Tempfile responds to" do
+     uploaded_file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(test_file_path)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:close)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:close!)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:delete)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:length)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:open)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:path)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:size)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:unlink)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:read)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:original_filename)
+-    uploaded_file.should respond_to(:tempfile) # Allows calls to params[:file].tempfile
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:close)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:close!)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:delete)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:length)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:open)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:path)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:size)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:unlink)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:read)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:original_filename)
++    expect(uploaded_file).to respond_to(:tempfile) # Allows calls to params[:file].tempfile
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test/utils_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test/utils_spec.rb
+index 3b27767..b5e70e1 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test/utils_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test/utils_spec.rb
+@@ -5,48 +5,48 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+   describe "build_nested_query" do
+     it "converts empty strings to =" do
+-      build_nested_query("").should == "="
++      expect(build_nested_query("")).to eq("=")
+     end
+     it "converts nil to an empty string" do
+-      build_nested_query(nil).should == ""
++      expect(build_nested_query(nil)).to eq("")
+     end
+     it "converts hashes with nil values" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => nil).should == "a"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => nil)).to eq("a")
+     end
+     it "converts hashes" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => 1).should == "a=1"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => 1)).to eq("a=1")
+     end
+     it "converts hashes with multiple keys" do
+       hash = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }
+-      ["a=1&b=2", "b=2&a=1"].should include(build_nested_query(hash))
++      expect(["a=1&b=2", "b=2&a=1"]).to include(build_nested_query(hash))
+     end
+     it "converts arrays with one element" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => [1]).should == "a[]=1"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => [1])).to eq("a[]=1")
+     end
+     it "converts arrays with multiple elements" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => [1, 2]).should == "a[]=1&a[]=2"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => [1, 2])).to eq("a[]=1&a[]=2")
+     end
+     it "converts arrays with brackets '[]' in the name" do
+-      build_nested_query("a[]" => [1, 2]).should == "a%5B%5D=1&a%5B%5D=2"
++      expect(build_nested_query("a[]" => [1, 2])).to eq("a%5B%5D=1&a%5B%5D=2")
+     end
+     it "converts nested hashes" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => { :b => 1 }).should == "a[b]=1"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => { :b => 1 })).to eq("a[b]=1")
+     end
+     it "converts arrays nested in a hash" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => { :b => [1, 2] }).should == "a[b][]=1&a[b][]=2"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => { :b => [1, 2] })).to eq("a[b][]=1&a[b][]=2")
+     end
+     it "converts arrays of hashes" do
+-      build_nested_query(:a => [{ :b => 2}, { :c => 3}]).should == "a[][b]=2&a[][c]=3"
++      expect(build_nested_query(:a => [{ :b => 2}, { :c => 3}])).to eq("a[][b]=2&a[][c]=3")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["submit-name"].should == "Larry"
+-      check params["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
++      check expect(params["submit-name"]).to eq("Larry")
++      check expect(params["files"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
+     end
+    it "builds multipart bodies from array of files" do
+@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["submit-name"].should == "Larry"
++      check expect(params["submit-name"]).to eq("Larry")
+-      check params["files"][0][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["files"][0][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
++      check expect(params["files"][0][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][0][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
+-      check params["files"][1][:filename].should == "bar.txt"
+-      params["files"][1][:tempfile].read.should == "baz\n"
++      check expect(params["files"][1][:filename]).to eq("bar.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][1][:tempfile].read).to eq("baz\n")
+     end
+     it "builds nested multipart bodies" do
+@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["people"][0]["submit-name"].should == "Larry"
+-      check params["people"][0]["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["people"][0]["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
+-      check params["foo"].should == ["1", "2"]
++      check expect(params["people"][0]["submit-name"]).to eq("Larry")
++      check expect(params["people"][0]["files"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["people"][0]["files"][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
++      check expect(params["foo"]).to eq(["1", "2"])
+     end
+     it "builds nested multipart bodies with an array of hashes" do
+@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
+-      check params["foo"].should == [{"id" => "1", "name" => "Dave"}, {"id" => "2", "name" => "Steve"}]
++      check expect(params["files"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
++      check expect(params["foo"]).to eq([{"id" => "1", "name" => "Dave"}, {"id" => "2", "name" => "Steve"}])
+     end
+     it "builds nested multipart bodies with arbitrarily nested array of hashes" do
+@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
+-      check params["foo"].should == {"bar" => [{"id" => "1", "name" => "Dave"},
++      check expect(params["files"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
++      check expect(params["foo"]).to eq({"bar" => [{"id" => "1", "name" => "Dave"},
+                                                {"id" => "2", "name" => "Steve", "qux" => [{"id" => '3', "name" => 'mike'},
+-                                                                                          {"id" => '4', "name" => 'Joan'}]}]}
++                                                                                          {"id" => '4', "name" => 'Joan'}]}]})
+     end
+     it 'does not break with params that look nested, but are not' do
+@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["files"][0][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["files"][0][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
+-      check params["foo"][0].should == "1"
+-      check params["bar"][0].should == {"qux" => "2"}
++      check expect(params["files"][0][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["files"][0][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
++      check expect(params["foo"][0]).to eq("1")
++      check expect(params["bar"][0]).to eq({"qux" => "2"})
+     end
+     it 'allows for nested files' do
+@@ -169,21 +169,21 @@ describe Rack::Test::Utils do
+       }
+       env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options)
+       params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env)
+-      check params["foo"][0]["id"].should == "1"
+-      check params["foo"][0]["data"][:filename].should == "foo.txt"
+-      params["foo"][0]["data"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n"
+-      check params["foo"][1].should == {"id" => "2", "data" => ["3", "4"]}
++      check expect(params["foo"][0]["id"]).to eq("1")
++      check expect(params["foo"][0]["data"][:filename]).to eq("foo.txt")
++      expect(params["foo"][0]["data"][:tempfile].read).to eq("bar\n")
++      check expect(params["foo"][1]).to eq({"id" => "2", "data" => ["3", "4"]})
+     end
+     it "returns nil if no UploadedFiles were used" do
+       data = build_multipart("people" => [{"submit-name" => "Larry", "files" => "contents"}])
+-      data.should be_nil
++      expect(data).to be_nil
+     end
+     it "raises ArgumentErrors if params is not a Hash" do
+-      lambda {
++      expect {
+         build_multipart("foo=bar")
+-      }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash")
++      }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash")
+     end
+     def multipart_file(name)
+diff --git a/spec/rack/test_spec.rb b/spec/rack/test_spec.rb
+index ba862b2..d0f019a 100644
+--- a/spec/rack/test_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/rack/test_spec.rb
+@@ -4,137 +4,137 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "supports being initialized with a Rack::MockSession app" do
+       session = Rack::Test::Session.new(Rack::MockSession.new(app))
+-      session.request("/").should be_ok
++      expect(session.request("/")).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "supports being initialized with an app" do
+       session = Rack::Test::Session.new(app)
+-      session.request("/").should be_ok
++      expect(session.request("/")).to be_ok
+     end
+   end
+   describe "#request" do
+     it "requests the URI using GET by default" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.should be_get
+-      last_response.should be_ok
++      expect(last_request).to be_get
++      expect(last_response).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "returns a response" do
+-      request("/").should be_ok
++      expect(request("/")).to be_ok
+     end
+     it "uses the provided env" do
+       request "/", "X-Foo" => "bar"
+-      last_request.env["X-Foo"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.env["X-Foo"]).to eq("bar")
+     end
+     it "allows HTTP_HOST to be set" do
+       request "/", "HTTP_HOST" => "www.example.ua"
+-      last_request.env['HTTP_HOST'].should == "www.example.ua"
++      expect(last_request.env['HTTP_HOST']).to eq("www.example.ua")
+     end
+     it "sets HTTP_HOST with port for non-default ports" do
+       request "http://foo.com:8080"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "foo.com:8080"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("foo.com:8080")
+       request "https://foo.com:8443"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "foo.com:8443"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("foo.com:8443")
+     end
+     it "sets HTTP_HOST without port for default ports" do
+       request "http://foo.com"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "foo.com"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("foo.com")
+       request "http://foo.com:80"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "foo.com"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("foo.com")
+       request "https://foo.com:443"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "foo.com"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("foo.com")
+     end
+     it "defaults to GET" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "GET"
++      expect(last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"]).to eq("GET")
+     end
+     it "defaults the REMOTE_ADDR to" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"].should == ""
++      expect(last_request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"]).to eq("")
+     end
+     it "sets rack.test to true in the env" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["rack.test"].should == true
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.test"]).to eq(true)
+     end
+     it "defaults to port 80" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["SERVER_PORT"].should == "80"
++      expect(last_request.env["SERVER_PORT"]).to eq("80")
+     end
+     it "defaults to example.org" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["SERVER_NAME"].should == "example.org"
++      expect(last_request.env["SERVER_NAME"]).to eq("example.org")
+     end
+     it "yields the response to a given block" do
+       request "/" do |response|
+-        response.should be_ok
++        expect(response).to be_ok
+       end
+     end
+     it "supports sending :params" do
+       request "/", :params => { "foo" => "bar" }
+-      last_request.GET["foo"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.GET["foo"]).to eq("bar")
+     end
+     it "doesn't follow redirects by default" do
+       request "/redirect"
+-      last_response.should be_redirect
+-      last_response.body.should be_empty
++      expect(last_response).to be_redirect
++      expect(last_response.body).to be_empty
+     end
+     it "allows passing :input in for POSTs" do
+       request "/", :method => :post, :input => "foo"
+-      last_request.env["rack.input"].read.should == "foo"
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.input"].read).to eq("foo")
+     end
+     it "converts method names to a uppercase strings" do
+       request "/", :method => :put
+-      last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "PUT"
++      expect(last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"]).to eq("PUT")
+     end
+     it "prepends a slash to the URI path" do
+       request "foo"
+-      last_request.env["PATH_INFO"].should == "/foo"
++      expect(last_request.env["PATH_INFO"]).to eq("/foo")
+     end
+     it "accepts params and builds query strings for GET requests" do
+       request "/foo?baz=2", :params => {:foo => {:bar => "1"}}
+-      last_request.GET.should == { "baz" => "2", "foo" => { "bar" => "1" }}
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({ "baz" => "2", "foo" => { "bar" => "1" }})
+     end
+     it "parses query strings with repeated variable names correctly" do
+       request "/foo?bar=2&bar=3"
+-      last_request.GET.should == { "bar" => "3" }
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({ "bar" => "3" })
+     end
+     it "accepts raw input in params for GET requests" do
+       request "/foo?baz=2", :params => "foo[bar]=1"
+-      last_request.GET.should == { "baz" => "2", "foo" => { "bar" => "1" }}
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({ "baz" => "2", "foo" => { "bar" => "1" }})
+     end
+     it "does not rewrite a GET query string when :params is not supplied" do
+       request "/foo?a=1&b=2&c=3&e=4&d=5+%20"
+-      last_request.query_string.should == "a=1&b=2&c=3&e=4&d=5+%20"
++      expect(last_request.query_string).to eq("a=1&b=2&c=3&e=4&d=5+%20")
+     end
+     it "accepts params and builds url encoded params for POST requests" do
+       request "/foo", :method => :post, :params => {:foo => {:bar => "1"}}
+-      last_request.env["rack.input"].read.should == "foo[bar]=1"
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.input"].read).to eq("foo[bar]=1")
+     end
+     it "accepts raw input in params for POST requests" do
+       request "/foo", :method => :post, :params => "foo[bar]=1"
+-      last_request.env["rack.input"].read.should == "foo[bar]=1"
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.input"].read).to eq("foo[bar]=1")
+     end
+     context "when the response body responds_to?(:close)" do
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       it "closes response's body" do
+         body = CloseableBody.new
+-        body.should_receive(:close)
++        expect(body).to receive(:close)
+         app = lambda do |env|
+           [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => "13"}, body]
+@@ -172,65 +172,65 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+         session = Rack::Test::Session.new(Rack::MockSession.new(app))
+         session.request("/")
+-        session.last_response.body.should == "Hello, World!"
++        expect(session.last_response.body).to eq("Hello, World!")
+       end
+     end
+     context "when input is given" do
+       it "sends the input" do
+         request "/", :method => "POST", :input => "foo"
+-        last_request.env["rack.input"].read.should == "foo"
++        expect(last_request.env["rack.input"].read).to eq("foo")
+       end
+       it "does not send a multipart request" do
+         request "/", :method => "POST", :input => "foo"
+-        last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should_not == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
++        expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).not_to eq("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+       end
+     end
+     context "for a POST specified with :method" do
+       it "uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the CONTENT_TYPE" do
+         request "/", :method => "POST"
+-        last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
++        expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+       end
+     end
+     context "for a POST specified with REQUEST_METHOD" do
+       it "uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the CONTENT_TYPE" do
+         request "/", "REQUEST_METHOD" => "POST"
+-        last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
++        expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+       end
+     end
+     context "when CONTENT_TYPE is specified in the env" do
+       it "does not overwrite the CONTENT_TYPE" do
+         request "/", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/xml"
+-        last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/xml"
++        expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/xml")
+       end
+     end
+     context "when the URL is https://" do
+       it "sets rack.url_scheme to https" do
+         get "https://example.org/"
+-        last_request.env["rack.url_scheme"].should == "https"
++        expect(last_request.env["rack.url_scheme"]).to eq("https")
+       end
+       it "sets SERVER_PORT to 443" do
+         get "https://example.org/"
+-        last_request.env["SERVER_PORT"].should == "443"
++        expect(last_request.env["SERVER_PORT"]).to eq("443")
+       end
+       it "sets HTTPS to on" do
+         get "https://example.org/"
+-        last_request.env["HTTPS"].should == "on"
++        expect(last_request.env["HTTPS"]).to eq("on")
+       end
+     end
+     context "for a XHR" do
+       it "sends XMLHttpRequest for the X-Requested-With header" do
+         request "/", :xhr => true
+-        last_request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"].should == "XMLHttpRequest"
+-        last_request.should be_xhr
++        expect(last_request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]).to eq("XMLHttpRequest")
++        expect(last_request).to be_xhr
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -240,21 +240,21 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       header "User-Agent", "Firefox"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "Firefox"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]).to eq("Firefox")
+     end
+     it "sets a Content-Type to be sent with requests" do
+       header "Content-Type", "application/json"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/json"
++      expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/json")
+     end
+     it "sets a Host to be sent with requests" do
+       header "Host", "www.example.ua"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "www.example.ua"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("www.example.ua")
+     end
+     it "persists across multiple requests" do
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       request "/"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "Firefox"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]).to eq("Firefox")
+     end
+     it "overwrites previously set headers" do
+@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       header "User-Agent", "Safari"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "Safari"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]).to eq("Safari")
+     end
+     it "can be used to clear a header" do
+@@ -278,14 +278,14 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       header "User-Agent", nil
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env.should_not have_key("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
++      expect(last_request.env).not_to have_key("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
+     end
+     it "is overridden by headers sent during the request" do
+       header "User-Agent", "Firefox"
+       request "/", "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Safari"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "Safari"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]).to eq("Safari")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       env "rack.session", {:csrf => 'token'}
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["rack.session"].should == {:csrf => 'token'}
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.session"]).to eq({:csrf => 'token'})
+     end
+     it "persists across multiple requests" do
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       request "/"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["rack.session"].should == {:csrf => 'token'}
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.session"]).to eq({:csrf => 'token'})
+     end
+     it "overwrites previously set envs" do
+@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       env "rack.session", {:some => :thing}
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["rack.session"].should == {:some => :thing}
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.session"]).to eq({:some => :thing})
+     end
+     it "can be used to clear a env" do
+@@ -318,14 +318,14 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       env "rack.session", nil
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env.should_not have_key("X_CSRF_TOKEN")
++      expect(last_request.env).not_to have_key("X_CSRF_TOKEN")
+     end
+     it "is overridden by envs sent during the request" do
+       env "rack.session", {:csrf => 'token'}
+       request "/", "rack.session" => {:some => :thing}
+-      last_request.env["rack.session"].should == {:some => :thing}
++      expect(last_request.env["rack.session"]).to eq({:some => :thing})
+     end
+   end
+@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       authorize "bryan", "secret"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].should == "Basic YnJ5YW46c2VjcmV0\n"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]).to eq("Basic YnJ5YW46c2VjcmV0\n")
+     end
+     it "includes the header for subsequent requests" do
+@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       request "/"
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].should == "Basic YnJ5YW46c2VjcmV0\n"
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]).to eq("Basic YnJ5YW46c2VjcmV0\n")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -351,56 +351,56 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       get "/redirect"
+       follow_redirect!
+-      last_response.should_not be_redirect
+-      last_response.body.should == "You've been redirected"
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].should eql("http://example.org/redirect")
++      expect(last_response).not_to be_redirect
++      expect(last_response.body).to eq("You've been redirected")
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]).to eql("http://example.org/redirect")
+     end
+     it "does not include params when following the redirect" do
+       get "/redirect", { "foo" => "bar" }
+       follow_redirect!
+-      last_request.GET.should == {}
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({})
+     end
+     it "raises an error if the last_response is not set" do
+-      lambda {
++      expect {
+         follow_redirect!
+-      }.should raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
++      }.to raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
+     end
+     it "raises an error if the last_response is not a redirect" do
+       get "/"
+-      lambda {
++      expect {
+         follow_redirect!
+-      }.should raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
++      }.to raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "#last_request" do
+     it "returns the most recent request" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_request.env["PATH_INFO"].should == "/"
++      expect(last_request.env["PATH_INFO"]).to eq("/")
+     end
+     it "raises an error if no requests have been issued" do
+-      lambda {
++      expect {
+         last_request
+-      }.should raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
++      }.to raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "#last_response" do
+     it "returns the most recent response" do
+       request "/"
+-      last_response["Content-Type"].should == "text/html;charset=utf-8"
++      expect(last_response["Content-Type"]).to eq("text/html;charset=utf-8")
+     end
+     it "raises an error if no requests have been issued" do
+-      lambda {
++      expect {
+         last_response
+-      }.should raise_error
++      }.to raise_error(Rack::Test::Error)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       end
+       get "/"
+-      ran.should == true
++      expect(ran).to eq(true)
+     end
+     it "runs multiple callbacks" do
+@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+       end
+       get "/"
+-      count.should == 2
++      expect(count).to eq(2)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -439,27 +439,27 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+     it "uses the provided params hash" do
+       get "/", :foo => "bar"
+-      last_request.GET.should == { "foo" => "bar" }
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" })
+     end
+     it "sends params with parens in names" do
+       get "/", "foo(1i)" => "bar"
+-      last_request.GET["foo(1i)"].should == "bar"
++      expect(last_request.GET["foo(1i)"]).to eq("bar")
+     end
+     it "supports params with encoding sensitive names" do
+       get "/", "foo bar" => "baz"
+-      last_request.GET["foo bar"].should == "baz"
++      expect(last_request.GET["foo bar"]).to eq("baz")
+     end
+     it "supports params with nested encoding sensitive names" do
+       get "/", "boo" => {"foo bar" => "baz"}
+-      last_request.GET.should == {"boo" => {"foo bar" => "baz"}}
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({"boo" => {"foo bar" => "baz"}})
+     end
+     it "accepts params in the path" do
+       get "/?foo=bar"
+-      last_request.GET.should == { "foo" => "bar" }
++      expect(last_request.GET).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" })
+     end
+   end
+@@ -480,28 +480,28 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+     it "uses the provided params hash" do
+       post "/", :foo => "bar"
+-      last_request.POST.should == { "foo" => "bar" }
++      expect(last_request.POST).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" })
+     end
+     it "supports params with encoding sensitive names" do
+       post "/", "foo bar" => "baz"
+-      last_request.POST["foo bar"].should == "baz"
++      expect(last_request.POST["foo bar"]).to eq("baz")
+     end
+     it "uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the CONTENT_TYPE" do
+       post "/"
+-      last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
++      expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+     end
+     it "accepts a body" do
+       post "/", "Lobsterlicious!"
+-      last_request.body.read.should == "Lobsterlicious!"
++      expect(last_request.body.read).to eq("Lobsterlicious!")
+     end
+     context "when CONTENT_TYPE is specified in the env" do
+       it "does not overwrite the CONTENT_TYPE" do
+         post "/", {}, { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/xml" }
+-        last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"].should == "application/xml"
++        expect(last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]).to eq("application/xml")
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+     it "accepts a body" do
+       put "/", "Lobsterlicious!"
+-      last_request.body.read.should == "Lobsterlicious!"
++      expect(last_request.body.read).to eq("Lobsterlicious!")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ describe Rack::Test::Session do
+     it "accepts a body" do
+       patch "/", "Lobsterlicious!"
+-      last_request.body.read.should == "Lobsterlicious!"
++      expect(last_request.body.read).to eq("Lobsterlicious!")
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+index 0375aef..0c0af1e 100644
+--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
++++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+@@ -26,41 +26,41 @@ shared_examples_for "any #verb methods" do
+   it "requests the URL using VERB" do
+     send(verb, "/")
+-    check last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == verb.upcase
+-    last_response.should be_ok
++    check expect(last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"]).to eq(verb.upcase)
++    expect(last_response).to be_ok
+   end
+   it "uses the provided env" do
+     send(verb, "/", {}, { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Rack::Test" })
+-    last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "Rack::Test"
++    expect(last_request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]).to eq("Rack::Test")
+   end
+   it "yields the response to a given block" do
+     yielded = false
+     send(verb, "/") do |response|
+-      response.should be_ok
++      expect(response).to be_ok
+       yielded = true
+     end
+-    yielded.should be_true
++    expect(yielded).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "sets the HTTP_HOST header with port" do
+     send(verb, "http://example.org:8080/uri")
+-    last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "example.org:8080"
++    expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("example.org:8080")
+   end
+   it "sets the HTTP_HOST header without port" do
+     send(verb, "/uri")
+-    last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"].should == "example.org"
++    expect(last_request.env["HTTP_HOST"]).to eq("example.org")
+   end
+   context "for a XHR" do
+     it "sends XMLHttpRequest for the X-Requested-With header" do
+       send(verb, "/", {}, { :xhr => true })
+-      last_request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"].should == "XMLHttpRequest"
+-      last_request.should be_xhr
++      expect(last_request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]).to eq("XMLHttpRequest")
++      expect(last_request).to be_xhr
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/support/matchers/body.rb b/spec/support/matchers/body.rb
+index 0c83348..a79c1ff 100644
+--- a/spec/support/matchers/body.rb
++++ b/spec/support/matchers/body.rb
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ RSpec::Matchers.define :have_body do |expected|
+   match do |response|
+-    response.body.should == expected
++    expect(response.body).to eq(expected)
+   end
+   description do
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index b2f1fae..6945247 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-rack-test.git

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