[DRE-commits] [foodcritic] branch master updated (ed9b0ea -> 07351cd)

Stefano Rivera stefano at rivera.za.net
Sun Jan 3 18:13:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

stefanor pushed a change to branch master
in repository foodcritic.

      from  ed9b0ea   avoid loading minitest autorunnner from cucumber tests
      adds  20b5f55   Imported Upstream version 5.0.0
       new  1c21111   Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0'
       new  bf2302b   New upstream release.
       new  1a689d8   Update copyright file.
       new  3515cdb   Point Vcs-Browser at https cgit.
       new  2143614   Bump debhelper compat level to 9.
       new  b57deec   Use https in the watch file.
       new  8d2f3b3   Refresh patches.
       new  ffab932   Use an absolute require in the spec file, so the autopkgtest can run against the system install.
       new  f59b62c   Avoid depending on the lib directory in tests, for autopkgtests.
       new  7a652ef   Install treetop grammar file.
       new  07cc893   Update homepage to foodcritic.io (Closes: #809653)
       new  07351cd   Upload to unstable

The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |    47 +
 README.md                                          |    14 +-
 bin/foodcritic                                     |     2 +-
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  |   Bin 267 -> 0 bytes
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.0.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.0.json                |   177 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.2.json                |   177 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.4.json                |   177 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.0.json}       |   711 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.2.json}       |   711 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.4.json}       |   650 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.8.json}       |   650 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.2.json}       |  1028 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.6.json}       |  1034 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.0.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.2.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.4.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.0.json}       |  1191 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.12.json}      |  1191 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.6.json}       |  1191 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.2.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.2.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.4.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.6.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.6.2.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.8.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.8.2.json                 |     4 +
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.0.json}        |  2483 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.1.json}        |  2477 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.3.json}        |  2666 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.0.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.1.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.2.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.2.1.json}        |  3595 +++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.3.0.json}        |  3797 +++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.0.json}        |  5599 ++++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.1.json}        |  5599 ++++-
 debian/changelog                                   |    17 +
 debian/compat                                      |     2 +-
 debian/control                                     |     6 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |    20 +
 debian/install                                     |     1 +
 debian/patches/FC010-broken                        |    43 -
 debian/patches/autopkgtests-no-lib                 |    53 +
 ...t-load-minitest-autorun-in-cucumber-tests.patch |     6 +-
 debian/patches/no-coverage                         |    27 -
 debian/patches/no-rufus-lru                        |     2 +-
 debian/patches/series                              |     3 +-
 debian/patches/system-install-layout               |    27 +-
 debian/watch                                       |     2 +-
 features/002_check_string_interpolation.feature    |     5 +
 features/041_check_raw_download.feature            |    26 +-
 features/044_check_for_bare_attribute_keys.feature |    10 +
 features/048_check_for_shellout.feature            |     7 +-
 ...eck_for_metadata_using_suggests_keyword.feature |    15 +
 ...k_for_metadata_using_recommends_keyword.feature |    15 +
 features/step_definitions/cookbook_steps.rb        |    70 +-
 features/support/command_helpers.rb                |    10 +-
 features/support/env.rb                            |    10 +-
 lib/foodcritic/api.rb                              |     9 +-
 lib/foodcritic/chef.rb                             |    10 +-
 lib/foodcritic/command_line.rb                     |    15 +
 lib/foodcritic/domain.rb                           |    14 +
 lib/foodcritic/linter.rb                           |    48 +-
 lib/foodcritic/rake_task.rb                        |    26 +-
 lib/foodcritic/rules.rb                            |    44 +-
 lib/foodcritic/version.rb                          |     2 +-
 man/foodcritic.1                                   |     9 +-
 man/foodcritic.1.ronn                              |     7 +
 metadata.yml                                       |    45 +-
 misc/lucene.treetop                                |   150 +
 spec/foodcritic/command_line_spec.rb               |    10 +
 spec/foodcritic/domain_spec.rb                     |    19 +
 spec/foodcritic/linter_spec.rb                     |    14 +-
 spec/regression/cookbooks.txt                      |    60 -
 spec/regression/expected-output.txt                |   450 +-
 spec/regression_helpers.rb                         |    10 +-
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |    10 +-
 79 files changed, 73257 insertions(+), 37465 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 checksums.yaml.gz
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.0.json} (93%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.2.json} (93%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.4.json} (94%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.8.json} (94%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.2.json} (91%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.6.json} (91%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.0.json} (85%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.2.json} (85%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.4.json} (85%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.0.json} (90%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.12.json} (90%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.6.json} (90%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.0.json} (85%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.1.json} (85%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.3.json} (84%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.0.json} (80%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.1.json} (80%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.2.json} (80%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.2.1.json} (79%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.3.0.json} (78%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.0.json} (64%)
 copy chef_dsl_metadata/{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.1.json} (64%)
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/FC010-broken
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/autopkgtests-no-lib
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/no-coverage
 create mode 100644 features/052_check_for_metadata_using_suggests_keyword.feature
 create mode 100644 features/053_check_for_metadata_using_recommends_keyword.feature
 create mode 100644 misc/lucene.treetop

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/foodcritic.git

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