[DRE-commits] [foodcritic] 01/12: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0'

Stefano Rivera stefano at rivera.za.net
Sun Jan 3 18:13:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

stefanor pushed a commit to branch master
in repository foodcritic.

commit 1c211115514bc49c07d35e3a4bd9ba41140191ac
Merge: ed9b0ea 20b5f55
Author: Stefano Rivera <stefanor at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jan 3 18:01:35 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0'
    Upstream version 5.0.0

 CHANGELOG.md                                       |    47 +
 README.md                                          |    14 +-
 bin/foodcritic                                     |     2 +-
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  |   Bin 267 -> 0 bytes
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.0.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.0.json                |   177 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.2.json                |   177 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.10.4.json                |   177 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.0.json}       |   711 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.2.json}       |   711 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.4.json}       |   650 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.12.8.json}       |   650 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.2.json}       |  1028 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.14.6.json}       |  1034 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.0.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.2.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.16.4.json}       | 21506 ++++++++++---------
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.0.json}       |  1191 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.12.json}      |  1191 +-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_11.18.6.json}       |  1191 +-
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.2.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.2.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.4.4.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.6.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.6.2.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.8.0.json                 |     4 +
 chef_dsl_metadata/chef_11.8.2.json                 |     4 +
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.0.json}        |  2483 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.1.json}        |  2477 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.0.3.json}        |  2666 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.0.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.1.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.1.2.json}        |  3224 ++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.2.1.json}        |  3595 +++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.3.0.json}        |  3797 +++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.0.json}        |  5599 ++++-
 .../{chef_11.10.0.json => chef_12.4.1.json}        |  5599 ++++-
 features/002_check_string_interpolation.feature    |     5 +
 features/041_check_raw_download.feature            |    26 +-
 features/044_check_for_bare_attribute_keys.feature |    10 +
 features/048_check_for_shellout.feature            |     7 +-
 ...eck_for_metadata_using_suggests_keyword.feature |    15 +
 ...k_for_metadata_using_recommends_keyword.feature |    15 +
 features/step_definitions/cookbook_steps.rb        |    70 +-
 features/support/command_helpers.rb                |    10 +-
 features/support/env.rb                            |    10 +-
 lib/foodcritic/api.rb                              |     9 +-
 lib/foodcritic/chef.rb                             |    10 +-
 lib/foodcritic/command_line.rb                     |    15 +
 lib/foodcritic/domain.rb                           |    14 +
 lib/foodcritic/linter.rb                           |    48 +-
 lib/foodcritic/rake_task.rb                        |    26 +-
 lib/foodcritic/rules.rb                            |    44 +-
 lib/foodcritic/version.rb                          |     2 +-
 man/foodcritic.1                                   |     9 +-
 man/foodcritic.1.ronn                              |     7 +
 metadata.yml                                       |    45 +-
 misc/lucene.treetop                                |   150 +
 spec/foodcritic/command_line_spec.rb               |    10 +
 spec/foodcritic/domain_spec.rb                     |    19 +
 spec/foodcritic/linter_spec.rb                     |    14 +-
 spec/regression/cookbooks.txt                      |    60 -
 spec/regression/expected-output.txt                |   450 +-
 spec/regression_helpers.rb                         |    10 +-
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |    10 +-
 66 files changed, 73137 insertions(+), 37376 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/foodcritic.git

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