[Pkg-shadow-commits] r347 - in trunk/debian: . patches

Alexander Gattin pkg-shadow-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 06 Jul 2005 02:09:58 +0000

Author: xrgtn-guest
Date: 2005-07-06 02:09:58 +0000 (Wed, 06 Jul 2005)
New Revision: 347

added description of "-O" option in useradd

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2005-07-05 21:47:33 UTC (rev 346)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2005-07-06 02:09:58 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+shadow (1:4.0.3-37) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upstream bugs not fixed in upstream releases or CVS:
+    - 442_useradd.8-O
+      Document useradd's "-O" option
+      Closes: #304934
+ -- Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>  Wed,  6 Jul 2005 03:13:37 +0300
 shadow (1:4.0.3-36) unstable; urgency=low
   * Debian specific programs fixes:
@@ -43,7 +52,7 @@
         for rationale see:
       - replaced all unneeded "egrep"s with basic "grep"s
-        Closes: #256732
+      Closes: #256732
     - debian/rules:
       Remove the setuid bit on login
       Closes: #298060

Added: trunk/debian/patches/442_useradd.8-O
--- trunk/debian/patches/442_useradd.8-O	2005-07-05 21:47:33 UTC (rev 346)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/442_useradd.8-O	2005-07-06 02:09:58 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Goal: document "-O" option in useradd
+Fixes: 304934
+Status wrt upstream: not applied. Documented in TFS only.
+	Also, Tomasz tends to adopt Solaris' "-K" option instead.
+Index: shadow-4.0.3/man/useradd.8
+--- shadow-4.0.3.orig/man/useradd.8	2005-07-06 04:11:10.000000000 +0300
++++ shadow-4.0.3/man/useradd.8	2005-07-06 04:22:30.000000000 +0300
+@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
+ .br
+ [\fB-g\fR \fIinitial_group\fR] [\fB-G\fR \fIgroup\fR[,...]]
+ .br
+-[\fB-m\fR [\fB-k\fR \fIskeleton_dir\fR]] [\fB-o\fR] [\fB-p\fR \fIpasswd\fR]
++[\fB-m\fR [\fB-k\fR \fIskeleton_dir\fR]] [\fB-o\fR] [\fB-O \fIPARAMETER\fR=\fIvalue\fR]
+ .br
+-[\fB-s\fR \fIshell\fR] [\fB-u\fR \fIuid\fR] \fIlogin\fR
++[\fB-p\fR \fIpasswd\fR] [\fB-s\fR \fIshell\fR] [\fB-u\fR \fIuid\fR] \fIlogin\fR
+ .TP 8
+ \fBuseradd\fR \fB-D\fR [\fB-g\fI default_group\fR] [\fB-b\fI default_home\fR]
+ .br
+@@ -98,6 +98,15 @@
+ This option may not function correctly if the username has a / in it.
+ .IP "\fB-o\fR"
+ Allow create user with duplicate (non-unique) UID.
++.IP "\fB-O \fIPARAMETER\fR=\fIvalue\fR"
++Overrides /etc/login.defs defaults (UID_MIN, UID_MAX, UMASK, PASS_MAX_DAYS and
++others). For example, \fB-O PASS_MAX_DAYS=-1\fR can be used when creating
++system account to turn off password ageing, even though
++system account has no password at all.
++Multiple \fB-O\fR options can be specified, e.g.:
++\fB-O UID_MIN=100 -O UID_MAX=499\fR. Note: \fB-O UID_MIN=10,UID_MAX=499\fR
++doesn't work yet.
+ .IP "\fB-p \fIpasswd\fR"
+ The encrypted password, as returned by \fBcrypt\fR(3).
+ The default is to disable the account.

Modified: trunk/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/debian/patches/series	2005-07-05 21:47:33 UTC (rev 346)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/series	2005-07-06 02:09:58 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -127,3 +127,4 @@