[Pkg-silc-devel] Bug#433538: irssi SILC commands are undocumented

Thomas Jollans thomas at jollans.com
Tue Jul 17 19:44:36 UTC 2007

Package: irssi-plugin-silc
Version: 1.1.2-2

The SILC plugin for irssi introduces a number of SILC-specific commands
that are undocumented and thus not usefull especially to a new user.
Integrating the documentation alreade included in the standalone 'silc'
client would greatly help.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: amd64
Kernel:       Linux 2.6.21-2-amd64

Debian Release: lenny/sid
  500 unstable        www.debian-multimedia.org 
  500 unstable        ftp.se.debian.org 

--- Package information. ---
Depends              (Version) | Installed
irssi                          | 0.8.10-2
libc6               (>= 2.6-1) | 2.6-2
perlapi-5.8.8                  | 
perl              (>= 5.8.8-7) | 5.8.8-7

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