[Pkg-silc-devel] Updating SILC Toolkit to 1.1 beta 4

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at debian.org
Sun May 27 18:58:55 UTC 2007

On Sun, May 27, 2007 at 05:56:52PM +0200, stesie at brokenpipe.de wrote:
> in debian/rules we used to configure with
> 	--with-simdir=\$${libdir}/silc/${name}
>     and
>         --includedir=\$${prefix}/include/silc/${name}
> however ${name} wasn't initialized.  You dropped the ${name} today.

In my quest for simplicity.  I have done so because libsilc was
conflicting with any other libsilc version.

The headers are only installed in the libsilc-n.n-n-dev package.  If we
choose to go the usual way (only one -dev package at a time), I would
prefer to keep the headers in /usr/include/silc.

> Therefore the crypto modules are installed to /usr/lib/silc, not
> /usr/lib/silc/libsilc-1.1-1 as it probably was (long) before.  At least
> that's the impression I get from the debian/rules file.
> I wonder whether we should reenable this behaviour again, to be able to
> install different libsilc versions (not -dev) in parallel. 

This might be a desirable goal.  I can see two cases where it's
particularily interesting:
 * SILC gets really popular and we don't have every packages under our
 * libsilc gets a drastic change in a future version, and we need to do
   a smooth transition.

> What about initializing name like this:
> ,-- 
> | name=$(shell awk '/Package/ && !/dev/ { print $2 }' control)
> `--
> and modifying the pkg-config files accordingly?

Why should pkg-config files be modified?  (I have little knowledge of
pkg-config, and from my understanding, the are currently generated from
./configure script.)

Jérémy Bobbio                        .''`. 
lunar at debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 
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