[Pkg-sql-ledger-discussion] About SQL-Ledger packaging

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Tue Jan 3 18:42:29 UTC 2006


On Tue, 03 Jan 2006, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> > looks like the packaging effort needs some help, I decided to join
> > (BTW, I already added myself to the alioth project but I won't
> > commit anything before having your approval).
> I'm fine with having you on the team, though I am very surprised that
> you added yourself to the project without asking any of the existing
> project administrators to do it.  Please do not ever do that again on
> any of the alioth projects where I am involved.  I prefer to trust
> that the project administration is done by the project administrators,
> and not the alioth administrators. :)

OK, I wanted to ask you on IRC but you were not connected (or at least not in
#d-d) but there's no good reason for my behaviour. I wanted to add myself
immediately so that I can eventualy commit tomorrow, but since you
responded quite quickly to the mail... you could have done it in time too

> > 2/ I don't like dpatch. What about using something else so that we
> > can have an .orig.tar.gz which matches the upstream tarball ?
> Do you have a concrete suggestion?  sql-ledger is the only package
> where I tried the current approach, and that approach is unrelated to
> the use of dpatch.  I maintain several projects using dpatch where the
> orig.tar.gz tarball is the upstream tarball, so it is perfectly
> possible to do that.

Using dpatch only to apply patches at build-time is fine for me. However I
dislike the .tar.gz inside the .orig.tar.gz.

> > I'm waiting on your feedback.
> I am all for the rest of the suggestions. :)

I'd like to hear the opinion of Gerardo Reynoso since he started
his own branch for 2.6.3 in

I'd like to move this one in /trunk/ and start working there.

Raphaël Hertzog

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