[Pkg-sql-ledger-discussion] [dsimader@sql-ledger.com: Re: SQL-Ledger 2.6.4]

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Mon Jan 9 07:43:59 UTC 2006

[Raphael Hertzog]
> Dieter contacted me following the upload of 2.6.4 and I took the
> opportunity to ask him to review our patches and here are his answers.

I'm not surprised with his dismissal of the debian patches, as I
concluded when I submitted patches and suggestions for sql-ledger to
him earlier that him and I had completely different views on how a
good software system should behave.

Personally I do not see his point of keeping the admin login page
secret from the users of the system.  If they do not have the admin
password, they can not use the page, but there is not much point in
trying to keep the URL secret from them, as some of the users will
also be administrators, and providing easy access to the admin login
page will ease the situation for them.

> I'll respond to him CCing the mailing list.

Good.  Good luck.

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