Bug#356894: [Swig-devel] Swig 1.3.28 and current CVS breaks subversion bindings

Marcelo Matus mmatus at acms.arizona.edu
Thu Mar 23 00:17:10 UTC 2006

Ok,  SVN/Mirror/Ra.pm is an external subversion module:


which call the 'set_path' method passing 'lock' as an array instead of 
the expected "char *" value.

        my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
        $reporter->set_path ('', $start, @lock, 0);

why?, I don't know. But then swig detects the type issue and abort.

Maybe that was a workaround for something that was broken before and now 
is working,
I don't know, but at least now it is not subversion but the 
'/libsvn-mirror-perl' package.

I guess Jason could tell us more about what would be the expected result 
in this case,
ie, a 'char *' string is expected, but an array is passed.



Loïc Minier wrote:

>        Hi,
>On Wed, Mar 22, 2006, Marcelo Matus wrote:
>>How are you getting this file
>> SVN/Mirror/Ra.pm
> bee% dlocate SVN/Mirror/Ra.pm
> libsvn-mirror-perl: /usr/share/perl5/SVN/Mirror/Ra.pm
> I attach the file, but you might want to check the Debian source
> package (you can grab it from packages.debian.org or from
> ftp.debian.org as two files: upstream tarball and Debian patch).
>>it seems subversion generates one, but it is only 214 lines long.
> Mine is 1261 lines long, that's a big difference.
>>also, this call:
>> $reporter->set_path ('', $start, @lock, 0);
>>is no where to be found in the *.pm files generated by subversion-1.3.0.
> Perhaps this is the problem then.
>>Are you sure you don't have a PATH variable set such as is using
>>and old version of Ra.pm?
> I doubt it's related to PATH, I only have the Debian package's version
> of the file, and inserting print statements results in them being
> printed.
>>Anyway, it fails calling 'set_path'
>>  obj->set_path(report_baton, path, revision, start_empty, lock_token, 
>>  pool);
>>where the '6' one refers to 'lock_token', is @lock realy a string parameter,
>>could you print it out before the call?.
> Sure, I added a:
>    warn "foo". at lock;
> before the set_path call, and it resulted in:
> Retrieving log information from 241 to 241
> foo1 at /usr/share/perl5/SVN/Mirror/Ra.pm line 525.
>   Bye,
>package SVN::Mirror::Ra;
>@ISA = ('SVN::Mirror');
>$VERSION = '0.68';
>use strict;
>use SVN::Core;
>use SVN::Repos;
>use SVN::Fs;
>use SVN::Delta;
>use SVN::Ra;
>use SVN::Client ();
>use constant OK => $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
>sub new {
>    my $class = shift;
>    my $self = bless {}, $class;
>    %$self = @_;
>    $self->{source} =~ s{/+$}{}g;
>    @{$self}{qw/source source_root source_path/} =
>	_parse_source ($self->{source});
>    @{$self}{qw/rsource rsource_root rsource_path/} =
>	_parse_source ($self->{rsource}) if $self->{rsource};
>    return $self;
>sub _parse_source {
>    my $source = shift;
>    my ($root, $path) = split ('!', $source, 2);
>    $path ||= '';
>    return (join('', $root, $path), $root, $path)
>sub _store_source {
>    my ($root, $path) = @_;
>    return join('!', $root, $path);
>sub _get_prop {
>    my ($self, $ra, $path, $propname) = @_;
>sub _is_descendent {
>    my ($parent, $child) = @_;
>    return 1 if $parent eq $child;
>    $parent = "$parent/" unless $parent eq '/';
>    return $parent eq substr ($child, 0, length ($parent));
>sub _check_overlap {
>    my ($self) = @_;
>    my $fs = $self->{repos}->fs;
>    my $root = $fs->revision_root ($fs->youngest_rev);
>    for (map {$root->node_prop ($_, 'svm:source')} SVN::Mirror::list_mirror ($self->{repos})) {
>	my (undef, $source_root, $source_path) = _parse_source ($_);
>	next if $source_root ne $self->{source_root};
>	die "Mirroring overlapping paths not supported\n"
>	    if _is_descendent ($source_path, $self->{source_path})
>	    || _is_descendent ($self->{source_path}, $source_path);
>    }
>sub init_state {
>    my ($self, $txn) = @_;
>    my $ra = $self->_new_ra (url => $self->{source});
>    my $uuid = $self->{source_uuid} = $ra->get_uuid ();
>    my $source_root = $ra->get_repos_root ();
>    my $path = $self->{source};
>    $txn->abort, die "source url not under source root"
>	if substr($path, 0, length($source_root), '') ne $source_root;
>    $self->{source_root} = $source_root;
>    $self->{source_path} = $path;
>    $self->{fromrev} = 0;
>    # XXX: abort txn before dying
>    $self->_check_overlap;
>    # check if the url exists
>    if ($ra->check_path ('', -1) != $SVN::Node::dir) {
>	$txn->abort;
>	die "$self->{source} is not a directory.\n";
>    }
>    unless ($self->{source} eq $self->{source_root}) {
>	undef $ra; # bizzare perlgc
>	$ra = $self->_new_ra (url => $self->{source_root});
>    }
>    # check if mirror source is already a mirror
>    # older SVN::RA will return Reporter so prop would be undef
>    my (undef, undef, $prop) = $ra->get_dir ('', -1);
>    if ($prop && $prop->{'svm:mirror'}) {
>	my $rroot;
>	for ($prop->{'svm:mirror'} =~ m/^.*$/mg) {
>	    if (_is_descendent ($_, $self->{source_path})) {
>		$rroot = $_;
>		last;
>	    }
>	    elsif (_is_descendent ($self->{source_path}, $_)) {
>		$txn->abort, die "Can't relay mirror outside mirror anchor $_";
>	    }
>	}
>	if ($rroot) {
>	    $rroot =~ s|^/||;
>	    (undef, undef, $prop) = $ra->get_dir ($rroot, -1);
>	    $txn->abort, die "relayed mirror source doesn't not have svm:source"
>		unless exists $prop->{'svm:source'};
>	    @{$self}{qw/rsource rsource_root rsource_path/} =
>		@{$self}{qw/source source_root source_path/};
>	    $self->{rsource_uuid} = $uuid;
>	    $self->{source_path} =~ s|^/\Q$rroot\E||;
>	    @{$self}{qw/source source_uuid/} = @{$prop}{qw/svm:source svm:uuid/};
>	    $self->{source} .= '!' if index ($self->{source}, '!') == -1;
>	    @{$self}{qw/source source_root source_path/} =
>		_parse_source ($self->{source}.$self->{source_path});
>	    $txn->abort, die "relayed source and source have same repository uuid"
>		if $self->{source_uuid} eq $self->{rsource_uuid};
>	    my $txnroot = $txn->root;
>	    $txnroot->change_node_prop ($self->{target_path}, 'svm:rsource',
>					_store_source ($source_root, $path));
>	    $txnroot->change_node_prop ($self->{target_path}, 'svm:ruuid',
>					$uuid);
>	    $txn->change_prop ("svm:headrev", "$self->{rsource_uuid}:$self->{fromrev}\n");
>	    return _store_source ($self->{source_root}, $self->{source_path});
>	}
>    }
>    @{$self}{qw/rsource rsource_root rsource_path/} =
>	@{$self}{qw/source source_root source_path/};
>    $self->{rsource_uuid} = $self->{source_uuid};
>    $txn->change_prop ("svm:headrev", "$self->{rsource_uuid}:$self->{fromrev}\n");
>    return _store_source ($source_root, $path);
>sub load_state {
>    my ($self) = @_;
>    my $prop = $self->{root}->node_proplist ($self->{target_path});
>    @{$self}{qw/source_uuid rsource_uuid/} =
>	@{$prop}{qw/svm:uuid svm:ruuid/};
>    unless ($self->{rsource}) {
>	@{$self}{qw/rsource rsource_root rsource_path/} =
>	    @{$self}{qw/source source_root source_path/};
>	$self->{rsource_uuid} = $self->{source_uuid};
>    }
>    die "please upgrade the mirror state\n"
>	if $self->{root}->node_prop ('/', join (':', 'svm:mirror', $self->{source_uuid},
>						$self->{source_path} || '/'));
>    unless ($self->{ignore_lock}) {
>	die "no headrev"
>	    unless defined $self->load_fromrev;
>    }
>    return;
>sub _new_ra {
>    my ($self, %arg) = @_;
>    $self->{config} ||= SVN::Core::config_get_config (undef, $self->{pool});
>    $self->{auth} ||= $self->_new_auth;
>    SVN::Ra->new( url => $self->{rsource},
>		  auth => $self->{auth},
>		  config => $self->{config},
>		  %arg);
>sub _new_auth {
>    my ($self) = @_;
>    # create a subpool that is not automatically destroyed
>    my $pool = SVN::Pool::create (${$self->{pool}});
>    $pool->default;
>    my ($baton, $ref) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper([
>        SVN::Client::get_simple_provider (),
>        SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider (),
>        SVN::Client::get_username_provider (),
>        SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider( $self->can('_simple_prompt'), 2),
>        SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider( $self->can('_ssl_server_trust_prompt') ),
>        SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider( $self->can('_ssl_client_cert_prompt'), 2 ),
>        SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider( $self->can('_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt'), 2 ),
>        SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider( $self->can('_username_prompt'), 2),
>    ]);
>    $self->{auth_ref} = $ref;
>    return $baton;
>sub _simple_prompt {
>    my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
>    if (defined $default_username and length $default_username) {
>        print "Authentication realm: $realm\n" if defined $realm and length $realm;
>        $cred->username($default_username);
>    }
>    else {
>        _username_prompt($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool);
>    }
>    $cred->password(_read_password("Password for '" . $cred->username . "': "));
>    $cred->may_save($may_save);
>    return OK;
>sub _ssl_server_trust_prompt {
>    my ($cred, $realm, $failures, $cert_info, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
>    print "Error validating server certificate for '$realm':\n";
>    print " - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the\n",
>          "   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!\n"
>      if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::UNKNOWNCA);
>    print " - The certificate hostname does not match.\n"
>      if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::CNMISMATCH);
>    print " - The certificate is not yet valid.\n"
>      if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::NOTYETVALID);
>    print " - The certificate has expired.\n"
>      if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::EXPIRED);
>    print " - The certificate has an unknown error.\n"
>      if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER);
>    printf(
>        "Certificate information:\n".
>        " - Hostname: %s\n".
>        " - Valid: from %s until %s\n".
>        " - Issuer: %s\n".
>        " - Fingerprint: %s\n",
>        map $cert_info->$_, qw(hostname valid_from valid_until issuer_dname fingerprint)
>    );
>    print(
>        $may_save
>            ? "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? "
>            : "(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? "
>    );
>    my $choice = lc(substr(<STDIN> || 'R', 0, 1));
>    if ($choice eq 't') {
>        $cred->may_save(0);
>        $cred->accepted_failures($failures);
>    }
>    elsif ($may_save and $choice eq 'p') {
>        $cred->may_save(1);
>        $cred->accepted_failures($failures);
>    }
>    return OK;
>sub _ssl_client_cert_prompt {
>    my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
>    print "Client certificate filename: ";
>    chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
>    $cred->cert_file($filename);
>    return OK;
>sub _ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt {
>    my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
>    $cred->password(_read_password("Passphrase for '%s': "));
>    return OK;
>sub _username_prompt {
>    my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
>    print "Authentication realm: $realm\n" if defined $realm and length $realm;
>    print "Username: ";
>    chomp(my $username = <STDIN>);
>    $username = '' unless defined $username;
>    $cred->username($username);
>    return OK;
>sub _read_password {
>    my ($prompt) = @_;
>    print $prompt;
>    require Term::ReadKey;
>    Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho');
>    my $password = '';
>    while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) {
>        last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/;
>        $password .= $key;
>    }
>    Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('restore');
>    print "\n";
>    return $password;
>sub _revmap {
>    my ($self, $rev, $ra) = @_;
>    $ra ||= $self->{cached_ra};
>    $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.1.0' ?
>	$ra->rev_prop ($rev, 'svm:headrev') :
>	$ra->rev_proplist ($rev)->{'svm:headrev'};
>sub committed {
>    my ($self, $revmap, $date, $sourcerev, $rev) = @_;
>    $self->{fs}->change_rev_prop($rev, 'svn:date', $date);
>    # sync remote headrev too
>    $self->{fs}->change_rev_prop($rev, 'svm:headrev', $revmap."$self->{rsource_uuid}:$sourcerev\n");
>    $self->{fs}->change_rev_prop($rev, 'svm:incomplete', '*')
>	if $self->{rev_incomplete};
>    $self->{headrev} = $rev;
>    $self->unlock ('mirror');
>    print "Committed revision $rev from revision $sourcerev.\n";
>our $debug;
>sub mirror {
>    my ($self, $fromrev, $paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, $ppool) = @_;
>    my $ra;
>    if ($debug and eval { require BSD::Resource; 1 }) {
>	my ($usertime, $systemtime,
>	    $maxrss, $ixrss, $idrss, $isrss, $minflt, $majflt, $nswap,
>	    $inblock, $oublock, $msgsnd, $msgrcv,
>	    $nsignals, $nvcsw, $nivcsw) = BSD::Resource::getrusage();
>	print ">>> mirroring $rev:\n";
>	print ">>> $usertime $systemtime $maxrss $ixrss $idrss $isrss\n";
>    }
>    my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default ($ppool);
>    my ($newrev, $revmap);
>    $ra = $self->{cached_ra}
>	if exists $self->{cached_ra_url} &&
>	    $self->{cached_ra_url} eq $self->{rsource};
>    if ($ra && $self->{rsource} =~ m/^http/ && --$self->{cached_life} == 0) {
>	undef $ra;
>    }
>    $ra ||= $self->_new_ra;
>    $revmap = $self->_revmap ($rev, $ra) if $self->_relayed;
>    $revmap ||= '';
>    my $editor = SVN::Mirror::Ra::MirrorEditor->new
>	($self->{repos}->get_commit_editor
>	 ('', $self->{target_path}, $author, $msg,
>	  sub { $newrev = $_[0];
>		$self->committed ($revmap, $date, $rev, @_) }));
>    $self->{working} = $rev;
>    $editor->{mirror} = $self;
>    @{$self}{qw/cached_ra cached_ra_url/} = ($ra, $self->{rsource});
>    if ( ( $fromrev == 0
># WTF do we need to check this?
>#           || !(defined $fromrev && $self->find_local_rev($fromrev, $self->{rsource_uuid}))
>         )
>         && $self->{rsource} ne $self->{rsource_root}
>       ) {
>	(undef, $editor->{anchor}, $editor->{target})
>	    = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($editor->{anchor} || $self->{rsource});
>	chop $editor->{anchor};
>	$ra = $self->_new_ra ( url => $editor->{anchor} );
>	undef $self->{cached_ra}; # bizzare perlgc
>	@{$self}{qw/cached_ra cached_ra_url/} = ($ra, $editor->{anchor});
>    }
>    $self->{cached_life} ||= 100;
>    $editor->{target} ||= '' if $SVN::Core::VERSION gt '0.36.0';
>=begin NOTES
>The structure of mod_lists:
>* Key is the path of a changed path, a relative path to source_path.
>  This is what methods in MirrorEditor get its path, therefore easier
>  for them to look up information.
>* Value is a hash, containing the following values:
>  * action: 'A'dd, 'M'odify, 'D'elete, 'R'eplace
>  * remote_path: The path on remote depot
>  * remote_rev: The revision on remote depot
>  * local_rev:
>    * Not Add: -1
>    * Add but source is not in local depot: undef
>    * Add and source is in local depot: the source revision in local depot
>  * local_path: The mapped path of key, ie. the changed path, in local
>    depot.
>  * local_source_path:
>    * Source path is not in local depot: undef
>    * Source path is in local depot: a string
>  * source_node_kind: Only meaningful if action is 'A'.
>    $editor->{mod_lists} = {};
>    foreach ( keys %$paths ) {
>	my $spool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
>        my $item = $paths->{$_};
>	s/\n/ /g; # XXX: strange edge case
>        my $href;
>        my $svn_lpath = my $local_path = $_;
>        if ( $editor->{anchor} ) {
>            $svn_lpath = $self->{rsource_root} . $svn_lpath;
>            $svn_lpath =~ s|^\Q$editor->{anchor}\E/?||;
>            my $source_path = $self->{rsource_path} || "/";
>            $local_path =~ s|^\Q$source_path\E|$self->{target_path}|;
>        } else {
>            $svn_lpath =~ s|^\Q$self->{rsource_path}\E/?||;
>            $local_path = "$self->{target_path}/$svn_lpath";
>        }
>	my $local_rev = -1;
>	unless ($item->copyfrom_rev == -1) {
>	    $local_rev = $self->find_local_rev
>		($item->copyfrom_rev, $self->{rsource_uuid});
>	}
>	# XXX: the logic of the code here is a mess!
>        my ($action, $rpath, $rrev, $lrev) =
>            @$href{qw/action remote_path remote_rev local_rev local_path/} =
>                ( $item->action,
>                  $item->copyfrom_path,
>                  $item->copyfrom_rev,
>		  $local_rev,
>                  $local_path,
>                );
>	# workaround fsfs remoet_path inconsistencies
>	$rpath = "/$rpath" if $rpath && substr ($rpath, 0, 1) ne '/';
>        my ($src_lpath, $source_node_kind) = (undef, $SVN::Node::unknown);
>	# XXX: should check if the copy is within the anchor before resolving lrev
>        if ( defined $lrev && $lrev != -1 ) {
>	    $src_lpath = $rpath;
>	    # copy within mirror anchor
>            if ($src_lpath =~ s|^\Q$self->{rsource_path}\E/|$self->{target_path}/|) {
>		# $source_node_kind is used for deciding if we need reporter later
>		my $rev_root = $self->{fs}->revision_root ($lrev);
>		$source_node_kind = $rev_root->check_path ($src_lpath);
>	    }
>	    else {
>		($src_lpath, $href->{local_rev}) = (undef, undef);
>	    }
>	}
>	elsif ($rrev != -1) {
>	    # The source is not in local depot.  Invalidate this
>	    # copy.
>	    ($src_lpath, $href->{local_rev}) =
>		$self->{cb_copy_notify}
>		? $self->{cb_copy_notify}->($self, $local_path, $rpath, $rrev)
>		: (undef, undef)
>        }
>        @$href{qw/local_source_path source_node_kind/} =
>            ( $src_lpath, $source_node_kind );
>	# XXX: the loop should not reached here if changed path is
>	# not interesting to us, skip them at the beginning the the loop
>        if ( $_ eq $self->{rsource_path} or
>	     index ("$_/", "$self->{rsource_path}/") == 0 ) {
>            $editor->{mod_lists}{$svn_lpath} = $href;
>        } elsif ($rrev != -1 && $href->{action} eq 'A' &&
>		 index ($self->{rsource_path}, "$_/") == 0) {
>	    # special case for the parent of the anchor is copied.
>	    my $reanchor = $self->{rsource_path};
>	    $reanchor =~ s{^\Q$_\E/}{};
>	    $href->{remote_path} .= '/'.$reanchor;
>	    $href->{local_path} = $self->{target_path};
>            $editor->{mod_lists}{length $svn_lpath ? "$svn_lpath/$reanchor"
>				     : $reanchor} = $href;
>        }
>    }
>    unless (keys %{$editor->{mod_lists}}) {
>	my $root = $editor->open_root($self->{headrev});
>	$editor->change_dir_prop ($root, svm => undef);
>	$editor->close_directory($root);
>	$editor->close_edit;
>    } else {
>        my @mod_list = sort keys %{$editor->{mod_lists}};
>	# mark item as directory that we are sure about.
>	# do not use !isdir for deciding the item is _not_ a directory.
>	for my $parent (@mod_list) {
>	    for (@mod_list) {
>		next if $parent eq $_;
>		if (index ("$_/", "$parent/") == 0) {
>		    $editor->{mod_lists}{$parent}{isdir} = 1;
>		    last;
>		}
>	    }
>	}
>        if ( ($self->{skip_to} && $self->{skip_to} <= $rev) ||
>	     grep { my $href = $editor->{mod_lists}{$_};
>                    !( ( ($href->{action} eq 'A' || $href->{action} eq 'R')
>                         && ((defined $href->{local_rev}
>			      && $href->{local_rev} != -1
>			      && $href->{source_node_kind} == $SVN::Node::dir)
>			     || ($href->{isdir})
>			    ))
>                       || $href->{action} eq 'D' )
>                } @mod_list ) {
>	    my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default_sub;
>            my $start = $fromrev || ($self->{skip_to} ? $fromrev : $rev-1);
>            my $reporter =
>                $ra->do_update ($rev, $editor->{target} || '', 1, $editor);
>	    my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
>	    # XXX
>	    warn "pouet". at lock;
>            $reporter->set_path ('', $start, @lock, 0);
>            $reporter->finish_report ();
>        } else {
>            # Copies only.  Don't bother fetching full diff through network.
>            my $edit = SVN::Simple::Edit->new
>                (_editor => [$editor],
>                 missing_handler => \&SVN::Simple::Edit::open_missing
>                );
>            $edit->open_root ($self->{headrev});
>            foreach (@mod_list) {
>                my $href = $editor->{mod_lists}{$_};
>                my $action = $href->{action};
>		if ($action eq 'D' || $action eq 'R') {
>		    # XXX: bad pool usage here, but svn::simple::edit sucks
>                    $edit->delete_entry($_);
>                }
>		# can't use a new pool for these, because we need to
>		# keep the parent.  switch to svk dynamic editor when we can
>                if ($action eq 'A' || $action eq 'R') {
>		    if (defined $href->{local_rev} && $href->{local_rev} != -1) {
>			$edit->copy_directory ($_, $href->{local_source_path},
>					       $href->{local_rev});
>		    }
>		    else {
>			$edit->add_directory($_);
>		    }
>                    $edit->close_directory ($_);
>		}
>	    }
>            $edit->close_edit ();
>        }
>    }
>    return if defined $self->{mirror}{skip_to} &&
>        $self->{mirror}{skip_to} > $rev;
>    my $prop;
>    $prop = $ra->rev_proplist ($rev) if $self->{revprop};
>    for (@{$self->{revprop}}) {
>	$self->{fs}->change_rev_prop($newrev, $_, $prop->{$_})
>	    if exists $prop->{$_};
>    }
>sub _relayed { $_[0]->{rsource} ne $_[0]->{source} }
>sub get_merge_back_editor {
>    my ($self, $path, $msg, $committed) = @_;
>    die "relayed merge back not supported yet" if $self->_relayed;
>    @{$self}{qw/cached_ra cached_ra_url/} =
>	($self->_new_ra ( url => "$self->{source}$path"), "$self->{source}$path" );
>    $self->{commit_ra} = $self->{cached_ra};
>    $self->load_fromrev;
>    my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef, 0) : ();
>    return ($self->{fromrev}, SVN::Delta::Editor->new
>	    ($self->{cached_ra}->get_commit_editor ($msg, $committed, @lock)));
>sub switch {
>    my ($self, $url) = @_;
>    my $ra = $self->_new_ra (url => $url);
>    # XXX: get proper uuid like init_state
>    die "uuid is different" unless $ra->get_uuid eq $self->{source_uuid};
>    # warn "===> switching from $self->{source} to $url";
>    # get a txn, change rsource and rsource_uuidto new url
>sub get_latest_rev {
>    my ($self, $ra) = @_;
>    # don't care about real last-modified rev num unless in skip to mode.
>    return $ra->get_latest_revnum
>	unless $self->{skip_to};
>    my ($rev, $headrev);
>    my $offset = 2;
>    until (defined $rev) {
>	# there were once get_log2, but it then was refactored by the svn_ra
>	# overhaul.  We have to check the version.
>	# also, it's harmful to make use of the limited get_log for svn 1.2
>	# vs svnserve 1.1, it retrieves all logs and leave the connection
>	# in an inconsistent state.
>	if ($SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' && $self->{rsource} !~ m/^svn/) {
>	    $ra->get_log ([''], -1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
>			   sub { $rev = $_[1] });
>	}
>	else {
>	    $headrev = $ra->get_latest_revnum
>		unless defined $headrev;
>	    $headrev -= $offset;
>	    $ra->get_log ([''], -1, $headrev,
>			  ($SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0') ? (0) : (),
>			  0, 1,
>			  sub { $rev = $_[1] unless defined $rev});
>	    if ( $offset < $headrev ) {
>		$offset*=2;
>	    }
>	    else {
>		$offset = 2;
>	    }
>	}
>    }
>    die 'fatal: unable to find last-modified revision'
>	unless defined $rev;
>    return $rev;
>sub run {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $ra = $self->_new_ra;
>    my $latestrev = $self->get_latest_rev ($ra);
>    $self->lock ('sync');
>    $self->load_fromrev;
>    # there were code here to use find_local_rev, but it will get base that
>    # is too old for use, if there are relocate happening.
>    # but this might cause race condition, while we also have lock now, need
>    # to take a closer look.
>    $self->{headrev} = $self->{fs}->youngest_rev;
>    if ($self->{skip_to} && $self->{skip_to} =~ m/^HEAD(?:-(\d+))?/) {
>	$self->{skip_to} = $latestrev - ($1 || 0);
>    }
>    my $startrev = ($self->{skip_to} || 0);
>    $startrev = $self->{fromrev}+1 if $self->{fromrev}+1 > $startrev;
>    my $endrev = shift || -1;
>    if ($endrev && $endrev =~ m/^HEAD(?:-(\d+))?/) {
>        $endrev = $latestrev - ($1 || 0);
>    }
>    $endrev = $latestrev if $endrev == -1;
>    print "Syncing $self->{source}".($self->_relayed ? " via $self->{rsource}\n" : "\n");
>    $self->unlock ('sync'), return
>	unless $endrev == -1 || $startrev <= $endrev;
>    print "Retrieving log information from $startrev to $endrev\n";
>    my $firsttime = 1;
>    eval {
>    $ra->get_log ([''], $startrev, $endrev,
>		  ($SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0') ? (0) : (),
>		  1, 1,
>		  sub {
>		      my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, $pool) = @_;
>		      # for the first time, skip_to might not hit
>		      # active revision in the tree. adjust to make it so.
>		      if ($firsttime) {
>			  $self->{skip_to} = $rev if defined $self->{skip_to};
>			  $firsttime = 0;
>		      }
>		      # move the anchor detection stuff to &mirror ?
>		      if (defined $self->{skip_to} && $rev <= $self->{skip_to}) {
>			  # XXX: get the logs for skipped changes
>			  $self->{rev_incomplete} = 1;
>			  $author = 'svm';
>			  $msg = sprintf('SVM: skipping changes %d-%d for %s',
>					 $self->{fromrev}, $rev, $self->{rsource});
>		      }
>		      else {
>			  delete $self->{rev_incomplete};
>		      }
>		      $self->mirror($self->{fromrev}, $paths, $rev, $author,
>				    $date, $msg, $pool);
>		      $self->{fromrev} = $rev;
>		  });
>    };
>    delete $self->{cached_ra};
>    delete $self->{cached_ra_url};
>    $self->unlock ('sync');
>    return unless $@;
>    if ($@ =~ /no item/) {
>	print "Mirror source already removed.\n";
>	undef $@;
>    }
>    else {
>	die $@;
>    }
>sub DESTROY {
>package SVN::Mirror::Ra::MirrorEditor;
>our @ISA = ('SVN::Delta::Editor');
>use strict;
>our $debug = 0;
>=begin NOTES
>1. The path passed to methods in MirrorEditor is a relative path
>   under $self->{anchor} (if exists) or $self->{mirror}{source_root}.
>2. MirrorEditor can fetch usable information in $self->{mod_lists} if
>   exists.
>3. If we need to call other method in MirrorEditor, the path must be
>   in the style of #1 above.
>4. The diff text passed through network is patch-like.  If a directory
>   is copied, there needs to be one delete_entry() call for the original
>   directory, then a LOT of add_directory() and add_file() calls for
>   each one of directories and files underneath the new directory.
>   This behavior is easy to handle for a real file system, but hard to
>   work correct for another subversion repository.  A lot of code below,
>   especially in add_directory() and add_file(), are specialised for
>   handling different conditions.
>sub new {
>    my $class = shift;
>    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
>    return $self;
>sub set_target_revision {
>    return;
>sub open_root {
>    my ($self, $remoterev, $pool) =@_;
>    print "MirrorEditor::open_root($remoterev)\n" if $debug;
>    # {copied_paths} stores paths that are copied.  Because there
>    # might be copied paths beneath another one, we need it to be an
>    # array.
>    $self->{copied_paths} = [ ];
>    # {visited_paths} keeps track of visited paths.  Parents at the
>    # beginning of array, and children the end.  '' means '/'.  $path
>    # passed to add_directory() and other methods are in the form of
>    # 'deep/path' instead of '/deep/path'.
>    $self->{visited_paths} = [ '' ];
>    $self->{root} = $self->SUPER::open_root($self->{mirror}{headrev}, $pool);
>sub open_directory {
>    my ($self,$path,$pb,undef,$pool) = @_;
>    print "MirrorEditor::open_directory($path)\n" if $debug;
>    return undef unless $pb;
>    if ( ($self->_in_modified_list($path) || '') eq 'R' ) {
>	# if the path is replaced with history, from outside the
>	# mirror anchor... HATE
>	my $bogus_copy = $self->_is_copy($path) && !defined $self->{mod_lists}{$path}{local_source_path};
>	if ($bogus_copy ) {
>	    $self->_create_new_copied_path ($path);
>	}
>	else {
>	    return $self->add_directory($path, $pb, undef, -1, $pool);
>	}
>    }
>    my $dir_baton = $self->SUPER::open_directory ($path, $pb,
>                                                  $self->{mirror}{headrev},
>                                                  $pool);
>    push @{$self->{visited_paths}}, $path;
>    if ($self->_under_latest_copypath($path)) {
>        $self->_enter_new_copied_path();
>        $self->_remove_entries_in_path ($path, $dir_baton, $pool);
>    }
>    return $dir_baton;
>sub open_file {
>    my ($self,$path,$pb,undef,$pool) = @_;
>    print "MirrorEditor::open_file($path)\n" if $debug;
>    return undef unless $pb;
>    my $action = $self->_in_modified_list ($path);
>    if ($self->_under_latest_copypath ($path)
>	&& $self->_is_under_true_copy ($path)
>	&& !$action) {
>	return undef;
>    }
>    $self->{opening} = $path;
>    return $self->SUPER::open_file ($path, $pb,
>				    $self->{mirror}{headrev}, $pool);
>sub change_dir_prop {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $baton = shift;
>    print "MirrorEditor::change_dir_prop($_[0], $_[1])\n" if $debug;
>    # filter wc specified stuff
>    return unless $baton;
>    return if $_[0] =~ /^svm:/;
>    return $self->SUPER::change_dir_prop ($baton, @_)
>	unless $_[0] =~ /^svn:(?:entry|wc):/;
>sub change_file_prop {
>    my $self = shift;
>    print "MirrorEditor::change_file_prop($_[1], $_[2])\n" if $debug;
>    # filter wc specified stuff
>    return unless $_[0];
>    return $self->SUPER::change_file_prop (@_)
>	unless $_[1] =~ /^svn:(?:entry|wc):/;
># From source to target.  Given a path what svn lib gives, get a path
># where it should be.
>sub _translate_rel_path {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    if ( exists $self->{mod_lists}{$path} ) {
>        return $self->{mod_lists}{$path}{local_path};
>    } else {
>        if ( $self->{anchor} ) {
>            $path = "$self->{anchor}/$path";
>            $path =~ s|\Q$self->{mirror}{rsource_root}\E||;
>        } else {
>            $path = "$self->{mirror}{rsource_path}/$path";
>        }
>        $path =~ s|^\Q$self->{mirror}{rsource_path}\E|$self->{mirror}{target_path}|;
>        return $path;
>    }
>sub _remove_entries_in_path {
>    my ($self, $path, $pb, $pool) = @_;
>    foreach ( sort grep $self->{mod_lists}{$_}{action} eq 'D',
>              keys %{$self->{mod_lists}} ) {
>        next unless m{^\Q$path\E/([^/]+)$};
>        $self->delete_entry ($_, -1, $pb, $pool);
>    }
># If there's modifications under specified path, return true.
>sub _contains_mod_in_path {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    foreach ( reverse sort keys %{$self->{mod_lists}} ) {
>        return $_
>            if index ($_, $path, 0) == 0;
>    }
>    return;
># Given a path, return true if it is a copied path.
>sub _is_copy {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    return exists $self->{mod_lists}{$path} &&
>        $self->{mod_lists}{$path}{remote_path};
># Given a path, return source path and revision number in local depot.
>sub _get_copy_path_rev {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    return unless exists $self->{mod_lists}{$path};
>    my ($cp_path, $cp_rev) =
>        @{$self->{mod_lists}{$path}}{qw/local_source_path local_rev/};
>    use URI::Escape;
>    return (uri_escape($cp_path), $cp_rev);
># Given a path, return true if it's under the lastest visited copied path.
>sub _under_latest_copypath {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    return (@{$self->{copied_paths}} &&
>            index ($path, $self->{copied_paths}[-1]{path}, 0) == 0);
># Return undef if not in modified list, action otherwise.
># 'A'dd, 'D'elete, 'R'eplace, 'M'odify
>sub _in_modified_list {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    if (exists $self->{mod_lists}{$path}) {
>        return $self->{mod_lists}{$path}{action};
>    } else {
>        return;
>    }
>sub _is_under_copy { return scalar @{$_[0]->{copied_paths}} }
># Given a path, return true if the the path is under a copied path
># which has a valid source in local repo.  Otherwise return false.
>sub _is_under_true_copy {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    return unless scalar @{$self->{copied_paths}};
>    $path = $self->{copied_paths}[-1]{path};
>    return $self->{mod_lists}{$path}{local_rev};
># Given a path, return true if the the path is under a copied path
># which has no valid source in local repo.  Otherwise return false.
>sub _is_under_false_copy {
>    my ($self, $path) = @_;
>    return unless scalar @{$self->{copied_paths}};
>    $path = $self->{copied_paths}[-1]{path};
>    return !defined ($self->{mod_lists}{$path}{local_source_path});
># The following three methods are used to keep tracks of copied paths.
>#  _create_new_copied_path($path): call this when you are ready to enter
>#      a new copied path.
>#  _enter_new_copied_path(): call this when enter a directory under a
>#      copied path.  Use _is_under_true_copy() to see if it is true.
>#  _leave_new_copied_path(): call this when leave a directory under a
>#      copied path.  Use _is_under_true_copy() to see if it is true.
>sub _create_new_copied_path {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $path = shift;
>    push @{$self->{copied_paths}}, { path => $path,
>                                     child_depth => 0 };
>sub _enter_new_copied_path { $_[0]->{copied_paths}[-1]{child_depth}++ }
>sub _leave_new_copied_path {
>    my $self = shift;
>    if ($self->{copied_paths}[-1]{child_depth} == 0) {
>        pop @{$self->{copied_paths}};
>    } else {
>        $self->{copied_paths}[-1]{child_depth}--;
>    }
>sub add_directory {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $path = shift;
>    my $pb = shift;
>    my ($cp_path,$cp_rev,$pool) = @_;
>    if ($debug) {
>        my ($cp_path, $cp_rev) = $self->_get_copy_path_rev( $path );
>        $cp_path = "" unless defined $cp_path;
>        $cp_rev = "" unless defined $cp_rev;
>        print "MirrorEditor::add_directory($path, $cp_path, $cp_rev)\n";
>    }
>    return undef unless $pb;
>    # rules:
>    # in mod_lists, not under copied path:
>    #   * A: add_directory()
>    #   * M: open_directory()
>    #   * R: delete_entry($path), add_directory()
>    # under copied path, with local copy source:
>    #   * in mod_lists:
>    #     A: add_directory()
>    #     M: open_directory()
>    #     R: delete_entry($path), add_directory()
>    #   * not in mod_lists:
>    #     * Modifications in the path:
>    #       * open_directory().
>    #     * No modification in the path:
>    #       * Ignore unconditionally.
>    # under copied path, without local copy source:
>    #   ( add_directory() unconditionally )
>    #
>    # re-organize:
>    # The path is equal to $self->{target}:
>    #   * open_directory().
>    # under copied path, without local copy source:
>    #   * add_directory() unconditionally
>    # under copied path, with local copy source, and not in mod_lists:
>    #   * Modifications in the path:
>    #     * open_directory().
>    #   * No modification in the path:
>    #     * Ignore unconditionally.
>    # in mod_lists:
>    #   * A: add_directory()
>    #   * M: open_directory()
>    #   * R: delete_entry($path), add_directory()
>    # else:
>    #   raise an error, let others have a chance to give me complains.
>    #
>    # Rules for 'A', 'M', and 'R':
>    # 1. If the path is in the modified list:
>    #  action is 'A': 
>    #   1a. The source rev is undef, meaning the copy source is not in
>    #       local depo.  Pass whatever underneath the path 
>    #       unconditionally.
>    #   1b. The source rev is an positive integer.  Use add_directory
>    #       method.
>    #   1c. The source rev is -1, don't tweak @_.  Use add_directory method.
>    #  action is 'M':
>    #   1d. If the action is 'M', tweak @_ and use open_directory.
>    #  action is 'R':
>    #   1e. delete the entry first.  If the path has source rev,
>    #       supply source path and revision to add_directory.
>    my $method = 'add_directory';
>    my $is_copy = 0;
>    my $action = $self->_in_modified_list ($path);
>    if (defined $self->{mirror}{skip_to} &&
>        $self->{mirror}{skip_to} >= $self->{mirror}{working}) {
>        # no-op.
>    } elsif ($self->_under_latest_copypath ($path)
>            && $self->_is_under_false_copy ($path)) {
>        # no-op. add_directory().
>        $self->_enter_new_copied_path ();
>    } elsif ($self->_under_latest_copypath ($path)
>             && $self->_is_under_true_copy ($path)
>             && !$action) {
>        if ($self->_contains_mod_in_path ($path)) {
>            $is_copy = 1;
>            $method = 'open_directory';
>            $self->_enter_new_copied_path ();
>        } else {
>            # don't do anything.
>            return;
>        }
>    } elsif ($action) {
>        my $item = $self->{mod_lists}{$path};
>        if ($action eq 'A') {
>            my ($copypath, $copyrev) = $self->_get_copy_path_rev ($path);
>            if (!defined($copyrev)) {
>                # 1a.
>                $self->_create_new_copied_path ($path);
>            } elsif ($copyrev == -1) {
>                # 1c.
>                $self->_enter_new_copied_path ()
>                    if $self->_is_under_copy ();
>            } else {
>                # 1b.
>                $is_copy = 1;
>                splice (@_, 0, 2, $copypath, $copyrev);
>                $self->_create_new_copied_path ($path);
>            }
>        } elsif ($action eq 'M') {
>            # 1d.
>            $method = 'open_directory';
>            $self->_enter_new_copied_path ()
>                if $self->_under_latest_copypath ($path);
>        } elsif ($action eq 'R') {
>            # 1e.
>            $self->delete_entry ($path,
>                                 $self->{mirror}{headrev},
>                                 $pb, $pool);
>            my ($copypath, $copyrev) = $self->_get_copy_path_rev ($path);
>            if (defined ($copyrev) && $copyrev >= 0) {
>                $is_copy = 1;
>                splice (@_, 0, 2, @$item{qw/local_source_path local_rev/});
>                $self->_create_new_copied_path ($path);
>            } elsif ( !defined ($copyrev) ) {
>                $self->_create_new_copied_path ($path);
>            }
>	    else {
>		$self->_enter_new_copied_path ()
>		    if $self->_under_latest_copypath ($path);
>	    }
>        }
>    } else {
>        # raise error.
>        die "Oh no, no more exceptions!  add_directory() failed.";
>    }
>    $method = "open_directory" if $path eq $self->{target};
>    push @{$self->{visited_paths}}, $path;
>    my $tran_path = $self->_translate_rel_path ($path);
>    $method = 'open_directory'
>        if $tran_path eq $self->{mirror}{target_path};
>    splice @_, 0, 2, $self->{mirror}{headrev}
>	if $method eq "open_directory";
>    my $dir_baton;
>    $method = "SUPER::$method";
>    $dir_baton = $self->$method($tran_path, $pb, @_);
>    # Always 'touch' the directory, even for empty modifications.
>    $self->change_dir_prop ( $dir_baton, 'svm' => undef, $pool );
>    $self->_remove_entries_in_path ($path, $dir_baton, $pool) if $is_copy;
>    return $dir_baton;
>sub apply_textdelta {
>    my $self = shift;
>    return undef unless $_[0];
>    print "MirrorEditor::apply_textdelta($_[0])\n" if $debug;
>    $self->SUPER::apply_textdelta (@_);
>sub close_directory {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $baton = shift;
>    print "MirrorEditor::close_directory()\n" if $debug;
>    return unless $baton;
>    my $path = pop @{$self->{visited_paths}};
>    $self->_leave_new_copied_path ()
>        if $self->_under_latest_copypath ($path);
>    $self->SUPER::close_directory ($baton, @_);
>sub close_file {
>    my $self = shift;
>    print "MirrorEditor::close_file()\n" if $debug;
>    return unless $_[0];
>    $self->SUPER::close_file(@_);
>sub add_file {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my $path = shift;
>    my $pb = shift;
>    if ($debug) {
>        my ($cp_path, $cp_rev) = $self->_get_copy_path_rev( $path );
>        $cp_path = "" unless defined $cp_path;
>        $cp_rev = "" unless defined $cp_rev;
>        print "MirrorEditor::add_file($path, $cp_path, $cp_rev)\n" if $debug;
>    }
>    return undef unless $pb;
>    # rules:
>    # 1. If the path is in the modified list:
>    #  1a. If the path is a copy, source path and rev must be
>    #      specified, and use add_file method. (action could be 'A' or
>    #      'R')
>    #  1b. If the path is not a copy, don't tweak @_.  Use add_file
>    #      method. (action could be 'A' or 'R')
>    #  1c. If the action is 'M', tweak @_ and use open_file.
>    #  1d. If the action is 'R', delete the entry first.  Then do
>    #      proper method.
>    # 2. The path is not in the modified list, which means one of its
>    #    parent directory must be copied from other place:
>    #  2a: If the path is not copied from a directory which exists in
>    #      local depot, pass it unconditionally.
>    #  2b: If the path is under the latest visited copied path, reject
>    #      the file.
>    #  2c: Reject the file
>    my $method = 'add_file';
>    my $action = $self->_in_modified_list ($path);
>    if ((defined $self->{mirror}{skip_to}
>         && $self->{mirror}{skip_to} >= $self->{mirror}{working})
>        || ($self->_under_latest_copypath ($path)
>            && $self->_is_under_false_copy ($path)) ) {
>        # no-op. add_file().
>    } elsif ($self->_under_latest_copypath ($path)
>             && $self->_is_under_true_copy ($path)
>             && !$action) {
>        # ignore the path.
>        return;
>    } elsif ($action) {
>        my ($copypath, $copyrev) = $self->_get_copy_path_rev ($path);
>        if ( !defined($copyrev) || $copyrev == -1) {
>            # 1b. no-op
>        } else {
>            # 1a.
>            splice (@_, 0, 2, $copypath, $copyrev);
>        }
>        if ($action eq 'M') {
>            # 1c.
>            splice @_, 0, 2, $self->{mirror}{headrev};
>            $method = 'open_file';
>        } elsif ($action eq 'R') {
>            # 1d.
>	    $self->delete_entry ($path, $self->{mirror}{headrev}, $pb, $_[-1]);
>	    # XXX: why should this fail and ignore the following applytext?
>#            return undef;
>        }
>    } else {
>        # raise error.
>        die "Oh no, no more exceptions!  add_file() failed.";
>    }
>    my $tran_path = $self->_translate_rel_path ($path);
>    if ($method eq 'add_file') {
>        $self->SUPER::add_file ($tran_path, $pb, @_);
>    } else {
>        $self->SUPER::open_file ($tran_path, $pb, @_);
>    }
>sub delete_entry {
>    my ($self, $path, $rev, $pb, $pool) = @_;
>    print "MirrorEditor::delete_entry($path, $rev)\n" if $debug;
>    return unless $pb;
>    if ($self->_under_latest_copypath($path)) {
>	my $action = $self->_in_modified_list($path) || '';
>	return unless $action eq 'D' || $action eq 'R';
>    }
>    $self->SUPER::delete_entry ($path, $self->{mirror}{headrev},
>				$pb, $pool);
>sub close_edit {
>    my ($self, $pool) = @_;
>    print "MirrorEditor::close_edit()\n" if $debug;
>    unless ($self->{root}) {
>        # If we goes here, this must be an empty revision.  We must
>        # replicate an empty revision as well.
>        $self->open_root ($self->{mirror}{headrev}, $pool);
>	$self->SUPER::close_directory ($self->{root}, $pool);
>    }
>    delete $self->{root};
>    local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
>    local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
>    $self->{mirror}->lock ('mirror');
>    $self->SUPER::close_edit ($pool);

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