[subversion-commit] SVN tetex commit + diffs: r307 - pkg-tetex-web/trunk

Frank Küster frank at costa.debian.org
Fri Oct 28 09:16:10 UTC 2005

Author: frank
Date: 2005-10-28 09:16:09 +0000 (Fri, 28 Oct 2005)
New Revision: 307

now the tetex-base part contains some usable information, and some of the current unresolved discussion topics are covered. 

Modified: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/splitting.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/splitting.html	2005-10-27 16:46:26 UTC (rev 306)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/splitting.html	2005-10-28 09:16:09 UTC (rev 307)
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@
   languages.  Documentation in other scripts will need <kbd>tetex-extra</kbd>
   and/or other packages.
+  <li>
+  A currently unresolved question is whether we see
+  <kbd>tetex-base</kbd> and <kbd>tetex-bin-core</kbd> only as a
+  build-dependency, or also as the standard package for people that
+  use LaTeX (but not ConTeXt, Omega, etc.) for their daily
+  work.
+  </li>
 <h1><a  name="schemes">Proposed splitting schemes</a></h1>
@@ -258,7 +265,50 @@
 <h3>Scheme 2:  tetex-base with TeX and LaTeX, tetex-extra with the rest</h3>
+tetex-base would contain all input files required to run TeX and
+LaTeX, and most of the LaTeX-add-on packages in tex/latex/ (see
+below).  This includes the PSNFSS system and Type1 fonts, the CM and
+EC fonts in Metafont format and, as far as available in teTeX, in
+Type1 format.  It does in principle not include other fonts, but
+exceptions may be made (see below).
+<h4>Details for the <kbd>tex/latex</kbd> directory</h4>
+In order to minimize the size of tetex-base, Ralf has suggested to
+check whether any of the large subdirectories in <kbd>tex/latex</kbd>
+can be excluded, because they are rarely used to build documentation.
+This is a list of subdirectories and their sizes in KBytes:
+<table <!-- border="" width="" -->>
+  <TR><TD align="" >custom-bib</TD><TD align="" >508 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >koma-script</TD><TD align="" >484 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >minitoc</TD><TD align="" >452 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >memoir</TD><TD align="" >300 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >jurabib</TD><TD align="" >300 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >ntgclass</TD><TD align="" >296 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >revtex4</TD><TD align="" >212 </TD></TR>
+  <TR><TD align="" >seminar</TD><TD align="" >184 </TD></TR>
+On the other hand, this would mean that <kbd>tetex-base</kbd> would
+really only be useful as a build-dependency.  On the other hand,
+<kbd>tetex-base</kbd> with the complete LaTeX directory, excluding
+font support for <kbd>tetex-extra</kbd> fonts, could be the standard
+installation for most people that use LaTeX for their daily work.
+Furthermore, all files in <kbd>tex/latex</kbd> that are needed to use
+fonts that are not included will be moved to <kbd>tetex-extra</kbd>.
+  <li>What about ams*?
 <table border="0" width="100%">
 <tbody><tr><td><p style="font-size: smaller; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Last update: <em>

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